The Hoover Dam is sick, very sick
I visited the Hoover Dam at the Colorado River in the USA 50 years ago…and then again, last week.
The dam water levels have now come down a staggering 50 meters, just over 10 meters away -by some accounts- from full operational collapse. That is scary.
Water levels are expected to decrease further by the end of this year, courtesy of climate variability and the increase in demand for water and energy from an ever-increasing population estimated at 20 million, adding the agriculture industry and the Las Vegas tourist-entertaining industry with an extra 'floating' 40 million visitors.
Back at the dam, a couple of gigantic, crucial structures, towers and tunnels in the dam are already above the surface, thus rendering them useless already. Most of the water and the energy produced here is vital for the survival of the nearby City of Las Vegas, or Sin City as prudes call it.
Mitigating measures are under discussion, including sacrificing another lake, diverting rivers, asking the state of Utah upstream to reduce their water consumption, and of course, restricting water use for agricultural or human uses in the state of Nevada.
That is the narrative. Perception in Las Vegas City is, however, different.
The new Sphere attraction, for instance, offers a mind-boggling show about conservation and peace with Nature that wows the public, but to do so and at its peak, the venue consumes a staggering amount of energy equal to lighting 21.000 homes!
I also stayed at one of the iconic hotels in Las Vegas, and the room showers had an off and an on position but nothing in between, so the water volume released was impressive! Imagine 40 million extra showers like mine...
Shiny objects:
If the Sphere, the shiny casinos, and hotel attractions keep paying their energy and water bills nothing will change, and that is not necessarily their fault; patrons come to Las Vegas to get mesmerized by overwhelming sensorial experiences, not to worry about the future of the Planet.
The audience at the Sphere for example was elated with the green message but never stopped to think about the true cost of such a visually extravagant show, both on the inside and the outside of that incredible building.
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Meanwhile, visitors to the Hoover Dam were unpleasantly surprised at the low levels of the dam but forgot about it as soon as they jumped in their cars and left the site.
This phenomenon is called cognitive dissonance, the same approach we use to feel sorry for farm animals destined for the slaughterhouse, to then turn around and enjoy a juicy steak. The term explains the apparent contradiction between attitudes and behaviours, but that is as far as it goes.
Don’t get me wrong, Las Vegas is just a giant show that caters to human needs, just like moths flock towards incandescent light bulbs. Energy-wise, the state is trying other alternatives, but water-wise the story is a lot more dire.
Upon my return from Sin City, I observed how younger couples coming back too are painfully aware of this and other cognitive dissonances. They fear global remedies may not come in time and that makes for a bleak future, which in turn makes them less interested in having offspring, with an increasing number of them focusing on their careers instead, planning more short-term lives and having pets to complete their families.
The myth that responsible consumer power would turn the tide worldwide is not happening yet, so a different theory and approach may be needed. A few uncoordinated efforts are seen here and there, but the worry is if this is too little and too scarce to make a dent… - CNE Costa Rica
The cascades of ripple and domino effects of water scarcity, population dynamics and the way we humans react to these challenges will be legion, with quantum computers the only ones able to describe all and most likely scenarios, including how human ingenuity may try to beat the odds and perpetuate our current ways.
But as we don’t seem capable of making a concerted effort to reach sustainable population and development levels, plus some kind of peace with Nature, scientists may need to coin another cool concept to help explain our inexplicable ways…and hopefully avoid documenting our epitaph as a species.
I sure hope I am wrong.