There is Hope on the Other Side of Fury
Masks from Egonetix_xyz via pixabay (royalty free)

There is Hope on the Other Side of Fury

When I sit down to write ... I simply start writing. It's always been this way for me.

At seventeen checked into San Francisco State mid 60s, I wrote mostly poetry. I decided to write, picked up a pen and pad, and wrote.

I may think about the idea a bit and jot down ideas for articles, yet rarely do I invest a lot of time thinking about how best to say 'what is so' and 'how I see it.'

Ideas seem to simply flow. From where? Maybe from the universe, the ether, to and through me for manifestation of ideas in written form. This is what I believe.

If furious feelings had a match, for me it would be peacefulness and calm.

On the few occasions when I physically fought with my siblings, it really took something to get me to that point of 'being that furious.' My anger built into a crescendo ... I was so furious the only thing left to do was to strike out.

Have you been there?

Where I started this article ...

I thought about the fury and anger mindset held by those who used the technique of 'brainwashing' to break a person's moral fiber and literally wipe out their current belief system.

I know the process used as I use it myself and have since 2008.

Not for brainwashing ... well maybe yes, in a way. I will set a goal for what I want and it's always something good, and think about it, write about it, talk about it ... at least every other day for several months.

I am programming my subconscious mind.

It's the same powerful process used for good rather than evil.

There are rare times when shock can cause a tabula rasa* of our own longstanding beliefs. A near fatal accident ... or being brainwashed.

Some will remember when Patty Hurst, granddaughter of William Randolph Hurst was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) in 1973.*

Within a few weeks as captive, blasted through speakers within close earshot were the mantras, vision, mission and how great the SLA was, all day every day, Hearst brandished a rifle along with the other members and went on a 'mission.' . She was broken.

How and why did this happen you may be wondering? In a few short weeks the repetitive loud process crushed her values and beliefs ... that she held most of her life. A new set of values took it's place. It was the mission of the SLA.

In the movie The Manchurian Candidate,* brainwashing was the feature; the repetitive and incessant, intentional forcing into our mind via sight sound, an idea, repetitively, in spaced intervals over time, broke a belief system and built a new one.

"Nature abhors a vacuum ..." Our mind isn't 'open,' waiting for something good to pop in. It is mostly seized by negative beliefs.

The history is clear that our moral spirit can be broken by bombarding another or ourselves, with one message, repeatedly over time.*

Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and forced re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.*

About the Upside ... THERE IS HOPE!

By universal law and all that science has taught us, there 'has to be' an opposite for Fury.

The Good News

  • Fury causes a low cellular vibration which is the opposite of our nature and can cause dis-ease.
  • The intensity of fury always has it's exact opposite match as possibility.
  • The opposite of Fury, Love, causes a high cellular vibration which is in perfect harmony with how we best function as humans.
  • The opposite reaction doesn't necessarily occur directly before or following the fury we feel.
  • We can repeat it's opposite over time, as in brainwashing, with a proven process, to create a new, strong belief; in our ability and deserve-ability.
  • We can visualize an image of peace and love in our mind's eye every day, resurrecting the vibration of love.
  • We can create a new belief with the same power as fury, yet this one will soon 'outweigh' the old.
  • The process of creating a new belief is called auto-suggestion, one of the thirteen principles of success in Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich!*

Each Friday I teach the principles of success, live at 10 am est on LinkedIn.

This week is AUTO SUGGESTION! That's what got me thinking about reversing the power of Fury ... into love and hope.


Julie Donnelly, Founder of Julstro Method

I deliver pain free living – "giving hope that there is a solution to chronic pain!" I am the developer, provider & teacher of Julstro Muscular Therapy - Revolutionizing the way people eliminate physical pain.


This article was wonderful Leslie! It shows why so many people around the USA, and the world, are living angry lives. They are listening to people who are shouting angry statements over and over. If you repeat a lie often enough people will start to believe it, and eventually they will be so invested in the lie that they can't even see a crack in the liar's logic. We see brainwashing every day, and I don't see how it can be stopped or reversed. It takes true determination to not listen to the negativity that is blasted out every day. Thank heaven there are people and stations that serve positive messages so if someone realizes how they are being affected by the trash being thrown out at us, they can start to make the change.

Rached ALIMI

Featured Contributor,  BIZCATALYST 360°  chez BIZCATALYST 360°


Incessant iteration is the anvil upon which science is forged, transforming knowledge into understanding and theory into truth... Sublime message Leslie Flowers 🌷

Dr. Betty Hubschman

I am retiring! I will be leaving Carolina University the end of April 2024, in order to enjoy retirement by traveling and visiting friends and family!


Yes, Repetition is the first step of learning - whether it is learning more about yourself, learning basic facts in school so your brain can work on more complex functions — it all ties together!

Ali Anani, PhD

Columnist & Featured Contributor at BIZCATALYST 360


Leslie Flowers- I do not have to think of what I want to say being n love with your post. "About the Upside ... THERE IS HOPE!" The law of Polarity in action! I could not agree more. Like in every interovert there is an extrovert inside behind each fury ther is the opposite sitting somewhere. I finished today an article for BIZCATALYST on regret and the titile is Regret as Stimulant. Behind the fury of regert there is hope as you said. But the biggest hope is having people who think this way around

Rita Wirtz, MA

Let's #read4fun! | Mini-Lessons: Hacks, Shortcuts, Frames, Games! | Hands-on Learning! | Make & Take Origami Parties: Phonics FUNdamentals, Spelling, Vocabulary, Fluency! | Demos, 500+ classrooms, US, Int. Seminars!


I think is just superb. Leslie Flowers 🌺

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