How AI-Produced Content Could Change the Complex B2B Sales Game
It's time for another edition of the Art & Science of Complex Sales! If you're new, this is where we talk about all things related to putting HOW you sell at the core of your business -- from sales process execution to best practices in sales coaching to driving winning behaviors to enabling growth in your sales organization.
Every week, I share ONE idea or strategy that sales leaders and teams can use to enable consistent growth for their organization. Whether you're a sales leader, sales consultant, sales manager, sales enablement expert or sales team member ready to accelerate your performance -- you'll find one action item that you can implement each week to get you one step closer to your goals.
My mission is to elevate the sales profession with technology and partnerships so that we can all improve our sales effectiveness and raise the bar in sales.
Now, onto this week's topic! 👇🏽
How AI-Produced Content Could Change the Complex B2B Sales Game
Technology has been changing the sales game at a rapidly increasing pace for decades. And now, new Artificial Intelligence (AI) content tools are threatening to upend it entirely.
The concept of AI is not new to the sales industry, but next generation tools like ChatGPT and its siblings and children are. These tools are capable of spitting out content that is often quite difficult to distinguish from human-generated content, and can do so almost instantaneously.
New AI content tools seem to emerge daily, filling new niches and improving the quality and precision of results. But how much will all of this actually change the complex B2B sales game? Here’s my take.
Four Ways AI Content Production Will Change the Complex B2B Game
Complex B2B sales requires a greater level of professionalism and human touch than high volume sales. The speed and efficiency of AI generated content can be useful in some applications, but the results are often generic and bland, making it a poor choice for many uses in complex B2B sales. However, that doesn’t mean the industry won’t be impacted.
As more and more sales teams adopt rapid-production content tools enabled by AI, buyers will experience more and more spam. Inboxes will fill up, messaging apps will fill up, phone voice mails will fill up. This is already a problem for salespeople, who struggle to reach a human who isn’t already over-saturated with sales messages, but the rate of saturation is going to increase exponentially.
2. Factual errors will proliferate
I tried how ChatGPT would perform in researching my own company, Membrain. The result highlighted a major (unsurprising) problem: it can only deliver information based on the information and methods it has been trained on. The results of my AI-driven “research” were factually incorrect on several major points and contained otherwise bland information. As AI-generated content becomes more common in sales and marketing, any errors that already exist will be amplified by their repetition via bots. This is going to make it even harder for customers to find useful information to solve their problems.
3. Expertise will become more valuable
As a corollary to points #1 and #2, buyers will value expertise more highly and seek it out. They will gather around communities of trusted experts to help them discern what matters. For complex B2B sales, this means that it will be more important than ever that your salespeople be capable of valuable conversations, bringing genuine expertise and care for the customer’s needs. It also matters that your brand and leaders develop communities of trust around the problems you solve.
4. Differentiation will matter more than ever
Differentiation has always been a critical key to excelling in sales. With so much AI-generated content and sales messages, and buyers becoming even more weary of generic sales messages, it’s going to be even more important that your sales messaging focuses tightly on the things that matter to your buyers and that they can’t find anywhere else.
Three Ways that Complex B2B Sales Will Remain the Same
Change is coming, but some things will never change, not even with AI.
01. Mindset matters
If your salespeople are focused on the sale rather than on the customer, they will never break through the AI-generated static. This mindset has always been key to success in sales, and that will never change.
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02. Community matters
The most successful brands have always been those that can build an enthusiastic community around their message and offerings. With AI taking over so much, buyers in complex B2B sales will rely on these communities more, not less. And this is unlikely to ever change.
Your sales process has always been a key tool in ensuring that you can execute on strategy. From the buyer’s perspective, a well-executed “how you sell” makes the difference between you and dozens of competitors. With AI in the picture, the number of competitors - real and fake - will proliferate, making how you sell more important, not less.
How to Use AI-Generated Content in Complex B2B Sales
Many major sales technologies are already incorporating AI content tools into their packages. Some of these tools may be useful, if they’re aligned with your strategy and process. But they also have the potential to lead you down a path to multiply your problems instead of solving them.
Here’s how to use AI-generated content effectively on your sales team.
For inspiration–checked by legitimate experts
I saw a tool advertised for attorneys that claims it can draft legal documents. My first thought was that it was a terrible idea, given the number of errors I’d seen in my “research.”. But then I saw an attorney talking about how they used it to generate outlines and bulk content, which they then reviewed with their own expert eye to edit into a useful condition.
Using AI - be careful so you don’t end up sounding like everyone else.
We do something similar in our marketing department at Membrain, where we use AI to generate summaries of podcasts and other content, and then our internal experts review the summary to ensure it’s accurate and reflects our voice and messaging. Likewise, salespeople can use AI-generated content to help them craft communications, as long as they are also bringing the expertise to ensure the resulting content is accurate and aligned with our messaging.
For citing sources
It’s easy to remember data and not remember where you found it. Or to want research to back up a point. Finding these sources can be laborious and time-consuming for a human. But AI doesn’t mind, and can do it almost instantaneously.
We’ve used AI generation tools to perform research on companies we want to pursue, as well as important topics we want to write about. We then review the sources cited to ensure they’re valid and reflect the type of data and information we can trust and want to expand on.
Once again, in order to be effective, this use must be backed up by human expertise, to avoid proliferating bad information and poor resources.
Train it on a relevant data set
Finally, it’s important to ensure that the AI you’re using has been trained on a relevant data set. The quality of AI content will always depend on the quality of the data and content it has trained on.
If your AI was trained on a mass of random information, such as the entire Internet, it will bring all of the biases, misinformation, and other issues it finds into the content it produces for you. Developing AI tools that are trained specifically on relevant data sets is going to substantially improve its ability to assist, and I expect to see more niche AI offerings emerge along these lines.
In the meantime, be aware and wary of the data that your AI is mining from, and ensure that you are always double-checking its work with an expert eye.
I’m curious whether your teams are using any AI tools for content generation. How are you using them and how is it going?
This article was first published on the Membrain blog here:
Visionary AI-First Executive Driving Business Innovation | Expert in SaaS, Media, and Digital Strategy | Leader in Growth and Operational Excellence | Artificial Intelligence Certifications
1yThe first two opportunities I see are with summarizing and wordsmithing. On the summary front, B2B salespeople would be wise to leverage services like ChatGPT to help them with content overload. Asking for a summary of the prospect's latest annual/quarterly report is just one example. Fairly soon I'm sure these services will offer the ability to track keywords and send automated hourly/daily/weekly summaries (vs. the manual prompt process we have today). The wordsmithing idea is all about letting ChatGPT edit and tighten up your writing. Every day I end up feeding emails, articles, and longer-form content into ChatGPT and asking it to tighten things up for me. The output always requires a bit of cleanup or curation, but it saves a ton of time and the end result is far better than I could have done on my own.
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom from Nizam College at Hyderabad Public School
1yInteresting. 👍👍
Thank you for the article, George. Most useful. AI. As with anything; garbage in, garbage out. Know what you are looking for and check.
Challenging traditional CRMs - on a mission to elevate the sales profession with technology and partnerships!
1yOpen to sharing your thoughts Mike Kunkle David Brock Jonathan Lucas Robert H Peterson Tim Ohai
Founder | Driving Revenue Growth with AI, XR and Digital Tools | Key Account Management
1yTwo (at least) things you discuss in this article will always be true about technology and sales enablement: 1) Your intent must always be some form of understanding how another human being (at least for now :-) defines success and helping them to get it; and, 2) Sellers that leverage technology will - on average - outperform those that don't. And with the rapid evolution of generative AI, those that don't embrace technology will surely be left in the dust. The desired outcomes haven't changed; however, the ability to listen and create compelling content is being replaced by the ability to integrate analytics and ask the right questions as the most critical seller attribute. Thanks for sharing your insights George Brontén and helping us stay ahead in arms race that is sales tech!