How Cellular Nutrition Protects your First Line of Defense … Natural Immunity
Good News: We are all worthy of good health. Our bodies are programmed to be healthy…sickness is an unnatural state
I am not a nutritionist but value their profession to improve physical and mental wellness, to make informed food choices and counsel for a more holistic lifestyle.
My venue as a teacher is to break a complex subject into smaller parts and use simple visuals that can relate to complicated meanings. Definitely, these notes from my Cellular Nutrition course even in their brevity have made breakthroughs in my understanding about nutritional wellness and educated a far healthier fork and spoon.
Fortunately, this informed venue has also opened wide doors to welcome a new nutraceutical company with clinically tested, patented liquid drops made bioavailable to every cell through their MyCell technology. See link at the end.
First, start treating your cells with respect as the living functioning molecules they are….
Stop hurting your cells with harmful or empty nutrients.
There are three reasons your cells break down:
What is a free radical?
You may have heard of a free radical, a common buzzword. Draw a large letter O for oxygen and inside it write a minus sign with the letter e. This quickly shows an unstable oxygen molecule minus an electron which attacks other stable molecules to gain an electron thus creating a chain reaction of free radicals.
An overload of these molecules is implicated in the aging and disease process when anti-oxidants are deficient. Several lifestyle stresses and environmental factors are known to produce radical formation and oxidative stress.
What is an antioxidant?
Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals by giving them extra electrons. Therefore, they can protect your atoms, cell tissues and genetic codes from inflammation and damage. Perhaps this picture can better explain what is meant by the statement that “antioxidants are potent free radical scavengers.”
Visualize a typical antioxidant molecule.
Write these letters and circle them to make molecules. Link together with short lines:
C C C (representing 3 carbon molecules)
H H (for 2 hydrogen molecules)
O O O (for 3 oxygen molecules)
OH … OH … OH … OH
What is oxidative stress?
Oxidative stress happens when there are too many free radicals outnumbering the protective antioxidants. If you wish, you can also visualize how too many free radicals overwhelm an anti-oxidant molecule.
Free radicals can win the “war” in attacking cell structures without proper nutrient support or defenses from your food. Proper nutrition becomes the basis by which to fortify the cells to function and heal properly by ingesting a full spectrum of nutrient-dense foods with a sufficient intake of antioxidants to strengthen their ability to cope with free radical damage.
Best source of antioxidants are fruits, vegetables and whole food supplements.
Interesting note: you have not changed biologically in the past twenty thousand or so years, but the changes in your environment are dramatic.
Your early biology was based on diets of early farmers, hunters and gatherers of all natural foods, whole grains, and seeds, low in fat and rich in vegetables and fruits. We are now “hunters” in the supermarkets, loading our buggies with bottles, boxes, cans full of refined, reconstituted, and fortified “non-nutrients”.
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In fact, the less bar codes on food you “hunt” for in a store, the better is your source for natural biochemical nutrition.
A closer look at the Natural Immune System
We agree that our cells must deal with an increasingly toxic world. There are harmful chemicals in the soil, water and air as well as preservatives and chemicals in processed food. In the last 50 years, more than 75000 chemicals have been introduced into our environment.
The immune system is programmed to protect your cells.
This complex system of organs has highly specialized cells within an entire circulatory lymphatic system which carries lymph fluid throughout the length of your body to protect it from infection and other irregularities. In fact, 60 to 80% of the lymphatic system is located in your small intestine in order to signal and respond to substances or organisms that could threaten your health.
It has been that both life and death begin in the colon and its assimilation of proper or improper nutrients
State of Immune System and Disease
More scientists note that the state of the immune system in the development of diseases is more important than exposure to toxins, viruses or bacteria. “Bad” cells can only take root when some factor, genetic or environment, has suppressed the function of the immune system as to no longer police the cells to remove the invaders.
Certainly, any cellular degenerative disease does not result from lack of drugs or to be viewed as pharmacological problems best dealt with by synthetic chemistry or drugs. It’s important to look at your innate biology, and choose the biological fuel or food to help restructure healthy cells. Question any matter that is an inorganic version of nutrients.
For example, some of the most feared cellular diseases are cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes 2 and dementia. Yet it is estimated that more than 2/3 of cancer may be prevented through lifestyle modification and diet. Fruit and vegetable consumption has consistently shown to reduce the risk of cancer. It is estimated that 80% of heart disease is reversible.
Why Shout Cellular Nutrition from the Rooftops
Nutrition from a cellular perspective must be shouted from the rooftops to understand why good food choices are necessary for right biochemical connections to preserve health and avoid disease. The individual cell must be respected with the right nutrients to avoid oxidative stress and protect natural immunity.
Given total nutrients and a strong immune system, your body has amazing healing properties of its own. You have an inborn potential for abundance and regeneration.
Does good health matter to you?
To learn more and hear amazing testimonials watch webinar daily at 6 PM PST
Questions and comments are always welcome,
Annemarie Berukoff
250 304 9710 (PST)
NOTE: Sharing New Discovery for Cellular Health
A 25 year old Swiss Pharmaceutical Company has patented their MyCell™ Technology with a full range of unique nutraceuticals by pairing science and nature for 100% bioavaliabilty to individual cells.
EXAMPLE: See how Peak Immunity Electi Drops are Made Better:
This only formula delivers pure Curcuma in a mix with Olibanum (Frankincense), and Vitamin C encapsulated in MyCell for high absorption and potency in small doses. Programmed to act at the cellular level to maximize the absorption and effectiveness of ingredients.