How to create a digital marketing strategy?
EPAMST – Digital Marketing Strategy Framework - A new way to build digital marketing strategy for your brand(s)
Each company faces a different marketing challenge at every stage of its existence. Changing market dynamics, emergence of disruptive forces, emergence of new age digital technologies, incorporation of new startups everyday working on specific micro-segments, pose a separate set of business challenges to existing and traditional organizations. Digital Media spends have grown exponentially world-over and other media types are having stagnant or negative growths. In this background, this research paper presents a framework of how to create digital marketing strategy for your brand. This framework works like a survival playbook for MNCs, traditional brick-and-mortar organizations as well as unicorns, startups, tech platforms and even mid-sized-companies equally well. This paper explains a new method to classify strategic digital marketing ideas into six strategic elements. These elements are good enough to solve their brand marketing challenges. EPAMST elements are as follows: Enhancing customer experience and expanding the reach, Publishing like a thought leader, aggressively acquiring new customers, minimizing clicks, and building a robust digital platform, providing omni-channel support for social advocacy and assessing and adopting new and emerging technologies. These elements cumulatively further narrow down to 50+ digital marketing strategic ideas which the author has identified by reading and studying the case studies as secondary market research data deployed in this research paper from the most prominent and successful brands. As practiotner you can solve your brand's challenges by considering these boarder elements and narrowing down to ideas which you need at the moment. Not all elements and not all ideas are required to be used in practical sense and that's where the judgments and experience of the perpsm making digital marketing strategy will come into picture as well. This framework can be applied anytime as a workshop-based exercise wherein digital marketing strategists, digital marketing agency people, brand team and director marketing can participate. This is a novel work which came out of the need of digital marketing practitioners & students of digital marketing and took around one year of refinement before presenting. The paper also outlines the process of implementation and even a novel matrix to screen the strategic digital marketing ideas.
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Introduction and need for Digital Marketing Strategy Framework
In an era of rapidly evolving technological advancements, how can businesses ensure that they do not get left behind in the digital race? Marketers have many options for their limited marketing budgets and there is a need to have a great strategy which will help them generate better ROI. Since digital marketing budgets are growing exponentially and other media types are having stagnant or negative growth, hence building a great digital marketing strategy becomes an extremely critical and important activity for brand marketers. Until now digital marketing agencies and brand marketing professionals use their own experience or judgment to work on digital marketing strategy, which is usually centered around a specific channel, media type, a disruptive idea, digital tool, or an innovative technology.
Having worked with global brands and agencies for over two decades, I always felt a need for a digital marketing strategy framework that serves diverse businesses, be it a start-up, national or even a global company.
Introducing EPAMST, a comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy Framework, is conceptualized and designed to cater to the needs of a wide range of companies. This digital marketing strategy framework identifies, ideates, and aligns the strategic digital marketing ideas that drive the selected objectives, optimizes resources allocation, and helps businesses thrive in the current digital age. The EPAMST has six main elements. Each of these six elements brings together factors and strategic ideas that are vital for building the strategy for your brand’s success.
What is Digital Marketing Strategy?
A digital marketing strategy is deliberate selection of a few Ideas / path / activities, from many available options, which helps in attracting, acquiring, and engaging with customers of specific persona and segment using new age digital media tools, technologies, and channels.
As part of building their digital marketing strategy, organizations may choose from owned, paid and earned media alternatives. Digital marketing strategy may also include a disruptive idea or two which helps the brand in differentiating themselves in the cut-throat competition market and it should be able to assess and adopt emerging digital technologies which helps in creating new digital products/services and digital business models as your strategy. So, this research paper brings a new framework for its readers from academia and practice point of view.
A digital marketing strategy is deliberate selection of a few Ideas / path / activities, from many available options, which helps in attracting, acquiring, and engaging with customers of specific persona and segment using new age digital media tools, technologies, and channels. - Ajay Chhabra
Research methodology:
I started researching various brands, their digital marketing strategies, exploring existing success stories from secondary sources. I explored existing research papers, read articles in leading business magazines, applied existing frameworks, explored business journals and blogs to understand how brands build digital marketing strategies. So, secondary research is the main methodology used for authoring this research paper. My experience of working with GE, Ogilvy, MRM Worldwide and Bruce Clay and helping hundreds of brands with their digital strategies inspired me to conceptualize this new framework which adds a lot of value to practicing digital marketers and future academic researchers.
Initial results from this Digital Marketing Strategy Framework:
EPAMST digital marketing strategy framework has been applied by me in a few client business projects and the clients have benefited from this framework. As more digital marketing professionals and digital agency people become aware of this framework, this framework will generate more success stories. Being a transformational framework, this can further be enhanced based on feedback from practitioners and academicians.
Existing Digital Marketing Strategy Frameworks and their analysis:
Some of the existing marketing frameworks are as follows:
Mr. PR Smith conceptualized and created the SOSTAC® Planning Model as a strategic marketing planning framework. SOSTAC® acronym stands for (Situation Analysis, Objectives setting, Strategy building, Tactics, Action, and Control) that is intended to give an extensive structure for formulating and implementing marketing plans and strategies. This has been an extremely useful practical planning framework which has been utilized in digital marketing strategy building and implementing processes as well...
The Marketing Funnel is a vital component of the marketing process. It outlines the most basic path customers may take on their way to making a purchase. Finally, the marketing funnel is a useful structure for interacting and engaging with clients as they travel through their purchase journey. It has four stages: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion and Loyalty. The AIDA Principle stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. The AIDA model was developed in 1898 by E. St. Elmo Lewis. This is one of the class hierarchical models used to explain personal selling, however its practical use is applicable to other types of media and sales type as well, which makes this a still relevant framework to model while mapping customers purchase process.
RACE Framework by Dave Chaffey consists of an acronym formed of the four stages of a marketing framework. These stages are Reach, Act, Convert and Engage. The way this model is conceptualized, it seems to have taken inspiration from the earliest existing marketing funnel-based frameworks & AIDA principle. This framework needs to be enhanced now to take care of contemporary tech developments, platforms economy and emerging technologies.
EPAMST - A New Framework for creating Digital Marketing Strategy for any organization:
Introduction and Overview of EPAMST Digital Marketing Strategy Framework
Each company faces a different challenge at every stage of its existence. Changing market dynamics, emergence of disruptive forces, emergence of new age digital technologies, incorporation of new startups everyday working on specific micro-segments, pose a separate set of business challenges to existing and traditional organizations and business processes. This new framework of digital marketing strategy works like a survival playbook for MNCs, traditional brick-and-mortar organizations as well as unicorns, startups, tech platforms and even mid-sized-companies equally well.
This framework acts as a guide to select and focus upon appropriate strategic elements and strategic ideas within these elements for achieving its current business objectives or solving the current brand challenges.
This framework can be applied anytime as a workshop-based exercise wherein digital marketing strategists, digital marketing agency people, brand team and director marketing can participate. This framework can be applied at various levels starting from Brand, SBU, Division or even at Enterprise as well.
This framework consists of six main elements. These are EPAMST. The acronyms for various elements is as follows: “E” Stands for Enhancing customer experience and expanding the reach, “P” stands for Publishing like a thought leader, “A” stands for Aggressively acquiring new customers, “M” stands for Minimizing clicks and building a robust digital platform, “S” stands for Providing omni-channel support for social advocacy and “T” stands for Assessing and adopting new and emerging technologies. Let us understand all elements in detail.
Picture 1: EPAMST Digital Marketing Strategy Framework
Advantages of EPAMST Digital Marketing Strategy Framework
These are the advantages of this new digital marketing strategy framework:
This new framework of digital marketing strategy works like a survival playbook for MNCs, traditional brick-and-mortar organizations as well as unicorns, startups, tech platforms and even mid-sized-companies equally well.
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Six Elements of EPAMST Digital Marketing Strategy Framework
1. Enhancing Customer Experience and Expanding the Reach:
Empowered customers deserve better experience in each & every interaction with the brand. Customers interact with a brand via multiple channels and touchpoints. The objective for a brand should be to delight the customers starting from the first click to repeat purchase. Connected consumers have more choices and can shift to competition who can offer differentiated value proposition or better experience. So, Enhancing Customer Experience and Expanding the Reach is one of the most important digital marketing strategy. The activities and ideas for enhancing customer experience and expanding reach:
Empowered customers deserve better experience in each & every interaction with the brand. Customers interact with a brand via multiple channels and touchpoints. The objective for a brand should be to delight the customers starting from the first click to repeat purchase. Connected consumers have more choices and can shift to competition who can offer differentiated value proposition or better experience.
2. Publish like a Thought Leader:
Publishing Like a Thought Leader is the second element of EPAMST framework. It is about adopting a position of authority and influence, becoming the go-to resource, and developing deep connections with your target audiences. This element is about becoming a thought leader in your industry. Thought leaders are known for creating value-centric content that tackles the pain areas and problems areas of their industry. So, becoming a thought leader is one of the most important digital marketing strategy.
The following activities and ideas help you publish like a thought leader:
Publishing Like a Thought Leader is the second element of EPAMST digital marketing strategy framework. It is about adopting a position of authority and influence, becoming the go-to resource, and developing deep connections with your target audiences. This element is about becoming a thought leader in your industry. Thought leaders are known for creating value-centric content that tackles the pain areas and problems areas of their industry.
3. Aggressively Acquiring New Customers:
Aggressively Acquiring New Customers is the third component of the EPAMST framework, important for every business's growth and success. The ability to efficiently recruit and convert new prospects is a strategic requirement in a world driven by innovation and constantly changing consumer preferences. This element includes a set of ideas for rapidly increasing your consumer base and generating growth. So, aggressively acquiring customers is one of the most important digital marketing strategy.
The following is a list of ideas helping brands in aggressively acquiring customers:
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Aggressively Acquiring New Customers is the third component of the EPAMST Digital Marketing strategy framework, important for every business's growth and success. The ability to efficiently recruit and convert new prospects is a strategic requirement in a world driven by innovation and constantly changing consumer preferences. This element includes a set of ideas for rapidly increasing your consumer base and generating growth.
4. Minimize Clicks & Build a Robust Digital Platform
Technology platforms have taken over the top 10 slots in the world. To survive and thrive in this era, it requires organizations to start focusing upon building self-serve digital platforms which helps in revenue generation. Minimizing clicks means savings in time and better experience for customers. So, minimizing the clicks & building a robust platform are other important digital marketing strategies.
The following is a list of ideas on minimizing the clicks and building robust digital platform:
Technology platforms have taken over the top 10 slots in the world. To survive and thrive in this era, it requires organizations to start focusing upon building self-serve digital platforms which helps in revenue generation. Minimizing clicks means savings in time and better experience for customers. This is the fourth element of the EPAMST Digital Marketing strategy framework.
5. Provide Omni-Channel Support for social advocacy:
Beyond acquiring customers, the real test of a company's success lies in retaining them for the long term. This is where Omnichannel support, fifth element of EPAMST digital marketing strategy framework, comes into play. There are several technological solutions which provide one single platform for managing omni channel support. These platforms act like a unified interface for your support professionals. So, providing omnichannel support is one of the most important digital marketing strategy.
These are some of the ideas for Omnichannel customer support:
Beyond acquiring customers, the real test of a company's success lies in retaining them for the long term. This is where Omnichannel support, fifth element of EPAMST digital marketing strategy framework, comes into play. There are several technological solutions which provide one single platform for managing omni channel support. These platforms act like a unified interface for your support professionals.
6. Assess and Adopt New and Emerging Technologies
Continuously monitoring the emerging technology tools, trends and innovations brands can identify technologies that have the potential to disrupt or enhance your business. Assess how each emerging technology could align with your business goals and assess the skillsets required within your organization to effectively leverage these technologies. After the execution, regularly review and assess the performance of the newly adopted technologies. Some of these technologies also bring the wow factor to your marketing. So, adopting new emerging technologies is one of the most important digital marketing strategy.
These are some of the ideas for emerging technologies in marketing:
Continuously monitoring the emerging technology tools, trends and innovations brands can identify technologies that have the potential to disrupt or enhance your business. Assess how each emerging technology could align with your business goals and assess the skillsets required within your organization to effectively leverage these technologies. After the execution, regularly review and assess the performance of the newly adopted technologies. This is the sixth and the last element of EPAST Digital Marketing strategy framework.
Process of Implementation of Digital Marketing Strategy in any Organization
Based on the above framework marketers can find out relevant elements and ideas for their business. The following process flow diagram helps in implementing the digital marketing strategy in any organization and screening these ideas. It has five major steps which are aligning, assessing, creating, running and optimization. Each of these steps may be performed in a logical sequence.
Figure 2: Process of Implementation of Digital Marketing Strategy
Prior to the implementation of the digital marketing strategy process, we should always have alignment with the overall marketing goals and should translate these goals into digital marketing objectives. Let us understand each of these five stages in detail:
Aligning: The first and the foremost step in implementing digital marketing strategy is to align your top leadership teams and taking their in-principal approval, it also acquires you to align and secure budgets, starting when does an agency on boarding and aligning the resources who will work on the strategic ideas. It also involves aligning the skill sets of these resources and putting together a skill development plan for upgradation of their skill sets. It might also require sometimes getting help from external consultants in specific areas where you do not have in-house talent.
Assessing: The next step in implementing digital marketing strategy involves assessing existing capabilities. This may include assessing the current digital marketing, maturity levels of the organization and making recommendations for upgradation of the same to the next levels. It also includes assessing target audience segments and generating market insights. It also includes assessing existing technology, stack tools, and capabilities, and at time might require upgradation of the same based on the strategic ideas chosen. In the state, we also assess the need and relevance of emerging technology tools which are important for implementing digital marketing strategy ideas.
Creating: The next stage in the implementation of digital marketing strategy is creating. This includes building customer personas, mapping customers' journey and finding consumers insights. This also includes getting the reporting requirements from the top marketing leadership and setting up data analytics dashboards for real-time reporting. This also includes setting up key performance indicators (KPIs), compliance and governance rules for implementing the digital marketing strategy. This process includes creating content calendar, setting up channel strategy and working on the e-marketing mix.
Running: The next step in the process of implementation of digital marketing strategy is going live with these ideas. This includes executing strategic ideas and going live with the digital marketing campaigns. This stage also includes tracking the progress and changing the ideas, creatives, and channels if the performance is not as per expectation. This also includes setting up an automated reporting mechanism for budget spending, progress of various ideas and linking KPIs achievement.
Optimizing: The next step in implementing digital marketing strategy is optimizing. This includes testing and running various strategies, ideas and optimizing the channels for achieving a better return on investment and achieving overall marketing objectives. This stage also includes scaling up the ideas which are performing better and dropping a few which are not performing as per the expectation. Sometimes when things are not going as per the marketer's expectation. We also need to have a contingency and crisis management plan to take care of any negative sentiment or PR around your idea. This also includes keeping an eye on newer growth initiatives and watching contemporary trends so that marketing is always at the top of consumers' mind.
Overall, in these steps we analyze KPIs, get feedback from various stakeholders and improve the performance.
How to Screen which Digital Marketing Strategic Idea will work wonders for you?
After you have successfully used this EPAMST framework and identified the key elements and ideas which are important for your business as per your current marketing challenges, the Nex step is to screen all these ideas before investing in these. You can plot these strategic digital marketing ideas on the dimensions of quality of strategic idea, time to implement, disruption caused by the idea and execution of this digital marketing strategic idea.
Figure 3: Digital Marketing Strategic ideas screening matrix
The metrics below provide a logical framework to assess if your strategic idea selected via EPMAST framework would work for you or not. All the shortlisted ideas can be classified into four different quadrants.
Conclusion on How to create a digital marketing strategy:
Technology is making marketing more responsible, innovative, and risk-taking. It is a technology war going on and whichever brand has trained soldiers, in our case marketing operations team members, equipped with the world’s best arsenal, in the form of technology tools, are bound to do better. This digital marketing strategy framework, EPAMST, is an attempt to outline strategic ideas which help brands to achieve overall marketing goals. I believe that readers would make judicious use of these new framework elements & components to solve marketing challenges for their brand(s). In nutshell EPAMST helps brands and marketing professionals in building a robust digital marketing strategy. These elements and ideas are not an exhaustive list, and we will add more in future as modern technologies take shape in future. Depending upon the stage and the business challenges the strategist can use this framework in a workshop-based exercise by serving a questionnaire to their clients and would be able to build a great digital marketing strategy document.
References & Further Readings:
Primary Author: Prof. Ajay Chhabra
Ajay Chhabra, Professor of practice, Wosxen School of Business
D. Pharma, B.A, Masters of International Business, Professor of Practice, School of Business, Woxsen University, Hyderabad, India Mobile: 7428723334
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-1096-5478
Contributors: Manasvi G and Khushi Desai (students)
Reviewer: Dr. Arvind Gupta
Co-Author: Dr. Satyanarayana Rentala
Keywords: Digital Marketing Strategy Framework, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Strategy, How to create a digital marketing strategy, Marketing strategy, Customer Experience, Acquiring Customers, Publishing like a thought leader, Minimizing Clicks, Building robust platform, Omnichannel support, New emerging technologies
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