How to Create a Poll on LinkedIn
Screen captures by Lex

How to Create a Poll on LinkedIn

I wanted to create a simple three option poll for some free training. I like to use the desktop version of LinkedIn and the help suggested I click on the 'Poll' option. This I couldn't see. Here is what I discovered.

Step One - click within the field that says, "Start a post"

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You need to click in the rounded box that says, "Start a post" - the bit that confused me since there was no immediate option to create a Poll.

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Step Two - click on the Barchart icon

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The icon that looks like a barchart is the 'Poll' option

Step Three - Fill out the fields including the "Add option" function if you need to offer more than the default two options.

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Step Four - Decide on the Poll's duration - how long you're going to run it for

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Step Five - when you click on [Done] you'll see something like this:

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Step Six - Add hashtags (purple arrow) and a description (green arrow)

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Step Seven - click [Post] and wait for your followers to share their minds with you!

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All very straightforward except the very first step of finding the options to create your poll!

Hope that's helpful.


Vanda North

I provide companies & teams suffering from stress & burnout, solutions to build resilience for permanent positive change


You could poll - do you know how to poll???!!

Astrid Davies

Executive & Leadership Development (team & individual coaching, training & mentoring) | Facilitator and Moderator | Speaker on Sustainability Leadership | UK Participant @ UN Women UK #CSW68 #CSW69


Now there'll be even MORE of the things Lex McKee レックス 😬

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