How To Create a Website That Gets You Clients
1-2 enquiries a month is not good enough.
And those enquiries are often from tire-kickers wanting the lowest possible price.
This is the problem that most accounting firms have with their website.
Accounting Firm Websites do not attract clients, not the good clients anyway…
On Wednesday I held a Marketing Roundtable and we spoke about having a client-attractive website that gets the cash tills ringing and gets calls booked in the diary.
Here are some of the things we covered:
1. To attract ideal clients, you have to understand who your ideal clients are, what their pain is, and how you help them overcome this pain. You then need to articulate this knowledge and understanding on your website. The PAIN to SOLUTION wording news to be the first thing visitors see.
2. We looked at the difference between a brochure website and a funnel website. A brochure website is a website that talks to visitors no matter where they are in their client's buying cycle, whereas a funnel website is for those who are looking to get help and know they need it now. Most accounting firms need both kinds of websites.
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3. Niching. You do not need to niche your brochure website (you must niche your funnel website) but niching will give you a huge advantage over your competitors.
4. Lead Generation. Both a brochure website and a funnel website need to have a way to capture email addresses. Most visitors to your website do not hang around long on your website pages so you have to use an “ethical bribe” to keep them in your world. Swapping an email address for a decent ebook, webinar, cheatsheet, training video, is a great way to get peoples’ contact details. Capturing these details means you can follow up with these website visitors via email, sharing more content and also giving yourself more opportunities to get these new leads onto a sales call.
5. Multiple Calls To Action. As you want to help more websites visitors to the next step in the buyer's journey you have to “invite them to take the next step”. You get to decide the next steps you want them to take by using a “call to action”. These CTA’s can include: Download my ebook, come to a webinar and/or book a call. You must have a call to action on EVERY page on your website to maximize your opportunities.
6. Powerful Positioning. By now most accounting and bookkeeping firms know they have to do content marketing, but few do it well. Writing articles and recording videos is key if you want to differentiate yourself from other firms. A few years ago I said to accountants and bookkeepers that video was not essential and they could get away with just writing articles. My thinking on this has shifted somewhat as my clients who are recording 2 or more videos a week are getting a flood of leads in their firm.
Videos position you in the marketplace as they are heavily reliant on your personality. Your personality will attract your ideal clients, which is one of the reasons why videos are so powerful.
These are just a few things we covered in the Websites That Get You Clients Roundtable. If you would like to watch the recording of this event then comment #leads below and we will make that happen.
If you would like to go deeper on this and get more help, plus want to get better clients every month… then join Get Clients Now: here is the link
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