How to create your Masterpiece and live your dream life... before it's too late
Gib Bulloch creating a Masterpiece within his own Masterpiece, Scotland's first Business Decelerator on the Isle of Bute.

How to create your Masterpiece and live your dream life... before it's too late

If the temperature keeps rising, your lifestyle will change. My 6 year old daughter, Sasha, told me recently her favourite season is winter, because she loves skiing. If we continue on the same trajectory, by 2050, she won't be able to ski in Europe. There won't be any snow left at skiing altitudes. And she'll only be 35 - the prime age for skiing.

What will you miss most as the climate changes? Air travel, eating meat, driving, skiing, your freedom... If you're anything like me, this can feel overwhelming. It's easier to deny it than accept it. It's easier to feel helpless than take action.

But I realized there is something I can do for myself and my children. I can create the life I dreamed of... before it's too late. And that starts with me helping people just like you to create your own Masterpiece - a breakthrough initiative, business, book or relationship that changes your world for good.

What stops most of us from doing this is deciding what it is and having the self-belief to do it. In today's fast moving world, we have too many opportunities... and then we doubt whether we've chosen the right one.

Changemakers focus on one Masterpiece at a time. It took Michelangelo four years to create his first Masterpiece, David, and another four years to paint the Sistine Chapel. In those four years, that was all he focused on. One project. At. A. Time. When was the last time you spent four hours on one project let alone four years?

I have spent the last forty five years exploring how to do just this. When I was two, all I wanted to do was be an artist. Fourteen years later, my father told me I wouldn't make enough money as a professional artist. And I didn't have the self-belief to stand up to him and be one anyway.

It took me another fourteen years to pick up a paint brush again. In that time, I faced depression, eating problems, drinking problems and was terrified of going on a date, let alone being in a relationship.

At some point, one of your parents, siblings, friends or teachers may have said something similar to you. Or maybe you said it to yourself. And in that moment, you suppressed your own creativity. The good news is you can't kill creativity. Creativity is an abundant resource that you can access at any moment. What stops us from doing this is our own self-limiting beliefs.

And it took me another fourteen years to learn how to unleash the artist inside me again. In that time, I changed my relationship to money and love. But most of all, I changed my relationship to myself. Eight years ago, on a course in South Africa, finally I accepted who I am; three weeks later, I met Anna; 16 months after that we were married; the next day we conceived our daughter, Sasha; nine months later she was born: the following year Daniel, our son was born; the year after that I started helping individuals articulate their Purpose.

Since then, I have helped hundreds of Changemakers all over the world to unleash the artist inside them and create the Masterpiece they were born to create. The experience has been deeply humbling. People have freed themselves to change their lives in front of my eyes:

  • a CMO of a leading fashion brand became a CEO of an exclusive fashion brand;
  • a Global Account Director of one ad agency became Managing Director of another ad agency;
  • a Chief Sustainability Officer put Purpose at the heart of his company’s business model.

But the real transformation was in their personal lives. They are healthier and wealthier and experience more love.

But this isn't enough. My vision is to help thousands more do the same in the next ten years, because your Masterpiece is the greatest contribution you can make to your family, your business and society. And that's why I am sharing the six steps to create your own Masterpiece with you.

STEP ONE: Articulate your Purpose

Your Purpose is your essence, your spirit, your soul. It is the fil rouge (or red thread) that connects the highs and lows of your life. It is the spirit that animates everything you do. Knowing it provides direction.

But Purpose without action leads to frustration. And your Purpose isn't your Masterpiece. Your Purpose describes the world inside you. Your Masterpiece is how to bring your Purpose to life in the world outside you.

True art, true creation is the ability to bring what you were born to create from the world inside you into the world outside you.

Different wisdom cultures describe these two worlds differently. Whether you call them intellect and intuition, head and heart, personality and essence, ego and soul, masculine and feminine, energy and matter doesn't matter. What matters is we balance these opposing forces by creating what we were born to create.

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I call these worlds the Inner Game and Outer Game. Your Purpose is an articulation of your Inner Game. It is the key to open the door to the world inside you. When you open it, you unlock creativity, compassion, collaboration and courage. You unleash the artist inside you.

STEP TWO: Discover your Masterpiece

Your Masterpiece might be a piece of art. It is more likely to be a breakthrough initiative, business, book or relationship.

Creating a Masterpiece at 3,200m on Mont Blanc in 60km/h winds at -10°C

You bring it life using your Outer Game, your personality or ego. It is the key to create breakthroughs in the world outside you. When you bring a Masterpiece to life, you create impact, generate wealth and gain recognition. You free yourself to be who you truly are.

However, if you attempt to do this without aligning it with your Purpose, life will feel meaningless. And that's because you will find the source of your Masterpiece in the world inside you.

Listen to your intuition (the doorway to the Inner Game) to discover your Masterpiece. Use your intellect (the doorway to the Outer Game) to bring it to life. There are many techniques to listen to your intuition: meditation, hypnosis, dreams... anything in fact that enables you to shift from producing primarily beta brainwaves to alpha, theta or delta brainwaves. The more your brain quietens down, the more you can hear the wisdom of your body.

I paint with my heart and soul and in the process I lost my mind. Vincent van Gogh

STEP THREE: Remove the self-limiting beliefs that stop you

Your beliefs or mindset sit between your brain (Outer Game) and your body (Inner Game).

A creative mindset acts as a bridge between your heart and your head. A reactive mindset destroys the bridge and stops your head from hearing your heart.

You might like to think of your mindset like an external computer hard drive. Imagine someone filmed you from the moment you were born until now and then put all of that data on the hard drive. And imagine they recorded information from all of your senses: everything you saw, heard, felt, tasted and smelt.

That would be a lot of data! And you would need a very large hard drive.

Now, imagine your intellect (Outer Game) is the fastest laptop in the world, because it is agile and makes decisions quickly. That would make your intuition (Inner Game) the internet, because it connects all laptops to each other.

If the 'internet' connection (your mindset) is really fast, then information flows easily between your heart and your head (and other hearts) and you can create your Masterpiece. However, in most cases the data has not been filed correctly or has glitches in it. As a result, when some information arrives (from the world outside via your senses), it hits these glitches, and rather than listening to your heart, you react with your head. In other words, you slow the connection to your creativity down unintentionally.

In your body, the hard-drive isn't external. It is the cellular memory stored in every cell of your body. And the glitches are experiences, such as someone saying you're not creative. And it's not just your memories that are stored. You inherited DNA from your parents. And they inherited it from your grandparents.

The good news is you can remove these glitches in the present. Most of them relate to money or love. For instance, you may have associated money with freedom or security. Over time, this association becomes so deeply embedded in your mind that it starts to influence your thoughts and eventually your behavior. To remove the glitch simply disassociate whatever feeling you associated with money or love.

Love is love. Money is money. You aren't free because you have money or love. You are free, because you are free. And then, paradoxically the love and money are more likely to appear.

STEP FOUR: Define Your Legacy

Your Legacy is what you leave for your partner, family, friends and society. It consists of four components.

Define what your life looks like in each of these four dimensions and you will know where your life is heading.

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Part of you wants to go out into the world and create impact by putting a dent in the universe. And another part of you wants to come back home and experience unconditional love. You have a masculine part (Outer Game) and a feminine part (Inner Game). Peace comes from balancing these two forces. If you create a Masterpiece, but don't experience love, you will feel unfulfilled. And if you experience unconditional love and don't share it with the world, you will feel frustrated.

Two other dimensions enable these first two dimensions - your health and your wealth. The longer you live and the wealthier you are the greater the potential to create impact and experience unconditional love.

STEP FIVE: Partner with others who complement you

Your personality or Outer Game creates in one of four different ways. I call this The Artist Profile. Each of these profiles map onto the Legacy Pyramid above.

The Four Artist Profiles mapped onto the Four Dimensions of Your Legacy

Your personality may be more of a Creator who create ideas, a Collaborator who create connections and communities, a Calculator who creates wealth and business models, or a Choreographer who creates systems and processes.

Creators connect more to the heart, Calculators more to the head. Collaborators focus more on the world outside organizations and Choreographers focus more on the world inside organizations.

To bring your Masterpiece to life requires a balance of all four Artist Profiles.

Over time, you can master all of these Profiles. However, to bring your first Masterpiece to life you're better off partnering with others who master the profiles you don't master and learning from them.

For instance, if you're constantly coming up with ideas for Masterpieces (the Creator), you may want to partner with a Collaborator who has created the community that needs that Masterpiece, a Calculator who ensures you generate money while you bring it to life, and a Choreographer to ensure you can scale the Masterpiece without burning out.

STEP SIX: Develop a 100-Day Plan

A 100-Day Plan brings the future into the present by defining what you need to do by when in each of these four dimensions to bring both your Legacy and Masterpiece to life.

Start from the future looking at all four dimensions of Your Legacy and work backwards in meaningful increments of time until you work out what you need to do in the next 100 Days.

For instance, what Impact (Creator), Relationships (Collaborator), Wealth (Calculator), Health (Choreographer) will you have created by the end of your life? And then repeat that exercise ten years in the future, three years in the future, 18 months in the future, 100 days in the future and tomorrow.

Your Masterpiece is one milestone along the journey to bringing your Legacy to life. Michelangelo produced many Masterpieces. And so can you.

The artist inside you knows no limits.

If we continue on the same trajectory for the next decade, AI, Big Data and personalized medicine will extend your quality of life. At the same time, social, financial and ecological inequality will reduce your quality of life. Live longer, feel poorer. I have chosen a different future. What will you choose?

You can change the trajectory of your life today... before it's too late. Book a call with me if you'd like to explore how to bring your own Masterpiece to life:

Kristel Piibur

🌐International Startup Mentor & Coach 🚀Agile Business Transformation Strategist 🎯Sustainability Projects 🔮AI Supported E-Learning Solutions


Thanks for sharing, Alexander :)

Bobbi Young

Military Veteran - Tailored Marketing, Websites, and Business Strategy


Thank you for sharing this very interesting article. What struck me the most was that your advice is not limited to art - it can be applied to any "masterpiece" that a person spends time and effort on. A job, business, family relations, goal, and of course, art :)

Maria Race

Sustainability Director, NRG Energy


This is pretty fascinating.

Amanda Brock

🇺🇦CEO OpenUK/ SOOCon26; Computer Weekly 20th Most Influential Women Tech 23 & 24; Computing IT Leaders 100 23 &24; Board Member; Advisor; Writer; International Keynote; Editor: Open Source Law, Policy & Practice; AuDHD


I am still wearing the paint of that particular piece of art on my coat Alexander Inchbald and Gib Bulloch. Looming forward to explring the Masterpiece next year

Gib Bulloch

Founder at Craigberoch Business Decelerator


Wise advice Alexander Inchbald keep up the great work using art to unleash purpose.

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