How to Design for an Aging Population ?
The world is aging. By 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be aged 60 years or over. And this number is only going to grow.
As designers and developers, we have a responsibility to design for an aging population. If we don't, we'll be leaving millions of people behind, who will continue to struggle with technology that was never designed with them in mind.
But we don't have to wait until 2030 to start designing for older users! There are plenty of things you can do today that will make your current product more accessible and inclusive for older people.
While designing for a specific age group isn’t easy and requires a lot of research, there are still some general things to keep in mind when you’re designing for older users:
-Make sure all content is easy to read by using large font sizes, spacing between lines and paragraphs, and contrast between text and background colors.
-Ensure that navigation is clear and intuitive. Provide clear signposts at important points such as visitor registration pages and checkout forms so that users can find their way around your site easily.
-Use icons instead of text where possible because they are more universally understood across different cultures.