3/4 - How will Digital Twins accelerate the transformation of industrial processes and beyond?
From Physical Products to digitally-engineered Meta-Products
Smart factories – Once again, a booming prospect
The digital twin concept is not new, especially in the manufacturing space, but its intrinsic value is expected to take a leap in the coming years. Forecasts of the global digital twin market hint at massive growth for the next decade, approaching $110bn in 2028, up from $3bn in 2020 – which is a 36x increase in 8 years!
This is driven by the multiplicity of use cases derived from digital twins, from automobiles to smart cities, to basically any industry and geography. Energy, mining, manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace… every key player is entering the race to leveraging digital twins. Robot manufacturers such as Siemens, Schneider Electric, or ABB, are even further committed to that shift, having a dedicated Digital Twin strategy.
Digital twin of a plant
Consumer-goods giant Unilever announced in 2019 it was building virtual versions of its factories, using data streaming from its sensor-equipped machines. The goal? Create digital models of plants that can track physical health of assets and enable testing of operational changes.
How does it help the business?
Digital models let the company make real-time changes to optimize output, use materials more precisely, and help limit waste of products that don’t meet quality standards – ultimately saving costs (Unilever’s project saved $2.8m at their Brazilian plant, cutting down on energy use and driving 1-3% increase in productivity).
Business value – Primarily, cost savings
Digital twins of plants gather data from multiple sources (physics-based and model data, analytical models, logs, transactional data), and make the information available to various areas of the business. This vastly improves decision-making through a shared understanding of operational status and reduces the overall lifecycle cost of operating and maintaining a plant. Typical use cases of a plant digital twin are as follows:
The value created for the business lies therefore in the long-term reduction of operational expenditures, especially on maintenance and R&D even considering a one-off cost of larger CAPEX during development & deployment of the digital twin. To minimize Digital Twin Capex spend, clear specifications need to be defined, focusing on the primary value generating assets needing to be digitally twinned. To avoid overengineering and over-analysis, requirements need to determine the accuracy and robustness of the digital twin as well as potential relationships with other twins.
Large scale implementation challenges will revolve around accurately assessing physical assets and value chains current state and opportunities, evaluating data management practices (determining the volume, variety, velocity, value, veracity and variability of data), and establishing a company-wide architecture spanning both IT and OT. A clear emphasis should also be put on the team driving the project. One dedicated team should own the digitalization initiative, hopefully sponsored by C-level executives, but all functional groups concerned must be heard, and their requirements collected.
Using the metaverse to go further
By replicating a complete factory as-is in the metaverse, from the earliest stage of the production chain to the end-product (with current 3D, photorealistic rendering design), a transformational shift occurs. Indeed, in traditional industrial processes, the value lies in the physical end-product. On the other hand, in digitally twinned factories, the physical product becomes a mere manifestation of a single version of the virtual meta-product, designed specifically for a targeted customer. The underlying value lies in the fact that the meta-product is accessible and viewable remotely from everywhere, as well as infinitely customizable. Therefore, selling the meta-product allows for an increased engagement of the customer in the production phase, since the customer is able to discover their future product early on directly in the virtual shop floor and ask for the enhancements they want.
Such product design and new sales processes provide reduced inventories due to delayed differentiation, reduced development times and simplified industrial processes. The overarching target is the end-to-end product creation and design directly in the metaverse, and a “simple” 3D printing of the product in the real world, that could even be done directly in retail spaces to minimize sales disruption.
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Business value – the monetization potential unlocked
Apart from reducing the cost baseline, digital twins can also be used to generate new business models, such as:
Future of the digital twin
If digital twins are already a reality, their usage is only expected to grow further, driven by the manufacturing industries aiming to reduce costs and improve operations.
Immersive features of digital twins are forecasted to improve, as is already showcased by the partnership between Siemens Xcelerator (the partner ecosystem of the automation conglomerate) and Nvidia Omniverse (the platform for 3D design of the chip manufacturer). Siemens and Nvidia believe that connecting those two platforms will facilitate industrial automation, using photorealistic real-time 3D graphics and real-time AI-driven physics to simulate manufacturing applications more accurately. Augmented reality smart glasses will also be used in conjunction with digital twins to facilitate the interface between man and machine. By doing so, the real features of any operator (height, stress, movements, etc.) will be accounted for, hence increasing the workstation’s ergonomics and reducing the risk of work-related accidents. Metaverse is actually a real opportunity to put the human back in the center of industrial processes.
Digital twins will also form an interconnected and interoperable ecosystem. Right now, digital twins are specifically linked to one asset, product, or system and there is no prevalent standardization protocol to ensure interoperability across vendors. One key challenge to unlock maximum value potential of the digital twin ecosystem will be to enable a vendor-agnostic and open information exchange along product lifecycle and across organizational boundaries.
They will be used across an increasing number of industries. Use cases can be found in:
Though investments are heavy, and technical challenges can be encountered, digital twins appear not to be a trendy technical fad but rather a key stepping stone to enable a successful digital transformation model.
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Sales Director | Lead Retail, France @BlueYonder
2yMerci ☁️Jean-Christophe, une excellente synthèse - tu permets le partage? C'est au coeur de nos implémentations et discussions avec nos clients et prospects. On t'accueillerait d'ailleurs avec plaisir chez Palantir France pour échanger, je t'appellerai avec Ludovic Theretz
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2yMerci ☁️Jean-Christophe pour le partage ! D'autant plus d'actualité en cette période où les systèmes industriels semblent vouloir être pris pour cible par les pirates, militant pour une déconnexion du réseau et la mise en place de ces jumeaux.
Managing Director and Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
2yMerci Jean-Christophe pour ta contribution à ce sujet qui sera au coeur des évolutions industrielles de la décennie Olivier Scalabre Guillaume Charlin Vladimir Lukic