How Do Trade Secret Laws Work in Florida?
Many people tend to confuse trade secrets with other types of intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Do you know how do trade secret laws work in Florida? Keep reading to find out.
Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act – An Introduction
The Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) was first proposed in 1979 by the Uniform Law Commission. Originally conceived to codify and propose a standard set of basic common law principles of trade secret protections, it was amended in 1985.
Florida adopted UTSA’s provisions in 1988, adopting its own particular version with slight modifications to Florida Statutes Chapter 688.
Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act – As Provided by Law
Florida Statutes §688.002 (4) defines a trade secret as “information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that:
In Florida, the statutory definition of the term “misappropriation” refers to the:
Misappropriation may also happen if that person “knew or had reason to know that her or his knowledge of the trade secret was:
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How Do Trade Secret Laws Work in Florida? – A Realistic Overview
In most cases, misappropriation claims are dismissed out early on due to the plaintiff’s failure to establish the necessary elements for an appropriate trade secret litigation.
Considering the statutory definition is complex, it is crucial to consult with an experienced trade secret attorney to identify whether your case has the necessary elements for a litigation. With the guidance of an expert attorney, the plaintiff must:
Florida Trade Secrets Law – Contact Attorney Romy B. Jurado Today
Waste no time with uncertainty – get in touch with Attorney Romy B. Jurado by calling (305) 921-0976 or emailing for expert legal guidance.
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