How do YOU achieve SUCCESS...Decision!
Welcome to OBSESSUCCESS and thank YOU!
YOU. This is all about YOU!
No one else.
Just YOU and what YOU want to accomplish!
So, what is this success that YOU want?
If 100 people were surveyed and asked what the definition of success is, there would be 100 different responses.
Many would use the same old verbiage and terminology they have heard all their lives concerning success. But this isn't about anyone else or what they think or what they want.
This is all about YOU and what YOU want.
What is the success that YOU want to achieve?
Introducing OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement that when followed, will allow YOU to achieve what YOU want from this life.
So again, what success do YOU want?
Really truly want?
This is the first step in the OBSESSUCCESS philosophy.
YOU have been filled with indecision YOUR entire life.
YOU have doubted.
YOU have allowed negative thoughts and feelings to sabotage YOUR plans.
YOU have listened to the haters seeking to destroy YOUR success.
But no longer.
Today, YOU have discovered OBSESSUCCESS and YOU have made the decision.
YOUR greatest power is the freedom to decide exactly what YOU want.
Take the first step right now, make YOUR decision and let YOUR journey begin.
Remember, it doesn't matter what YOUR situation in life is.
It doesn't matter if YOU are dead broke or have millions or billions of dollars.
It doesn’t matter if YOU are unseen, famous or infamous.
It doesn't matter where YOU have been or what YOU have done.
Right now, all that matters is that YOU make YOUR decision.
This is the starting point of the OBSESSUCCESS philosophy.
If YOU want to achieve YOUR success, YOU must decide exactly what YOU want to achieve.
So be honest with YOURSELF.
Did you make YOUR decision?
If YOU did, then YOU have begun YOUR OBSESSUCCESS journey to achievement.
If YOU did not make YOUR decision, it's not too late.
Stop everything YOU are doing and take a few minutes and decide what YOUR success is.
Exactly what YOU want to accomplish with YOUR life.
No more putting it off.
No more negative thoughts or feelings.
YOU can do it!
It can happen.
It will happen.
Just make YOUR decision.
Decisions matter.
Once YOU make YOUR decision, something begins to happen in YOUR life.
Some positive things and some negative things, but the fact is, the wheels of achievement begin to turn once YOUR success decision is made.
In truth, YOU are faced with minor decisions all day, every day.
Some matter more than others, but all have some level of importance in YOUR life.
Again, The first step of OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement is decision.
Not just a minor decision.
Not even a major decision.
The decision.
The decision that will give YOU exactly what YOU want from life.
The decision that will accomplish YOUR success.
For YOUR consideration, Bill Clinton's decision:
January 20,1993 was the day that William Jefferson Clinton’s OBSESSUCCESS was accomplished.
Ever since he was a little boy his mother had told him that he was going to become President of the United States.
He never forgot his mother’s words.
In July of 1963, the future president met his political idol, President John F. Kennedy. In a historic video. Clinton shook Kennedy’s hand and that handshake led Bill to turn around and announce to his fellow attendees “that someday, he was going to President of the United States.”
From that day, Clinton’s decision was made.
Every action he took.
Every word he said.
Nothing or no one were going to stop him from accomplishing his OBSESSUCCESS.
Almost 30 years after shaking President Kennedy’s hand and making his decision known to those around him, Bill Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States.
Another decision for your consideration, Oprah Winfrey.
Known as the “Queen of all Media” Oprah Winfrey has accomplished her decision by overcoming tremendous adversity and negativity.
Born into poverty, abused and assaulted as a young child, pregnant at 14 years of age, nothing was ever given to Oprah.
She started working as a part-time news anchor when she was just a teenager.
Her television career started to gain momentum and she started to envision herself as a media mogul.
As she has said, “I created the highest, grandest vision possible for myself because you become what you believe.”
Oprah Winfrey made her decision and regardless of all of the obstacles she encountered, nothing, or no one was going to stop her from achieving it.
Through it all, she became the first African American woman to own her own production company and was the first self-made Black female billionaire in the United States.
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There are countless other examples of decision.
As a matter of fact, no one has ever achieved success without first making their success decision.
OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement looks back on the annals of history to provide YOU examples of people from all eras, races, religions, genders and backgrounds who made their success decision.
These examples provide YOU a blueprint for success.
Remember that any success anyone has ever accomplished began with their decision.
YOUR decision is the beginning of YOUR OBSESSUCCESS!
The decision is not only the starting point of OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement, but it could be considered the most important.
Why is YOUR decision so critical??
It might seem obvious to YOU, but once YOU take a deeper dive into this concept, YOU will discover that the word decision is from the Latin word desiderare .
Its meaning is to cut off.
Take a moment and consider what this means when YOU make YOUR decision to achieve YOUR success.
Whether YOU realize it or not, YOU cut off anything except what YOU want.
Nothing can stop YOU or stand in the way of YOUR decision.
YOU have made the decision to cut away the negative thoughts, negative feelings and negative people that have kept YOU from achieving YOUR success.
It doesn't mean that once YOU have made YOUR decision that adversity and negativity won't continue to come against YOU. They are still and always will be YOUR enemies.
But regardless, YOUR decision will not be denied.
True success decisions can be difficult and as the word says, a cutting off can sometimes be painful. But recognize that if YOU stay committed to YOUR decision, YOU will not be denied!
Those who have ears to hear, let them hear,
If YOU remain committed to YOUR decision, YOU will not be denied!
Those who have ears to hear, let them hear,
If YOU remain committed to YOUR decision, YOU will not be denied!
Once YOU have made YOUR decision and have taken the first step of OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement, then, YOU must cut off anything and everything that interferes with YOUR decision.
This concept is important to understand.
It is one of the many things that make OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement different from other self-help philosophies.
YOU must decide exactly what YOU want, and that success decision YOU have made becomes YOUR obsession.
YOU cut off anything and everything that interferes with YOU achieving YOUR success decision.
This is something serious.
This is not a wish or a dream.
This is YOUR decision.
This is YOUR obsession.
This is YOU.
YOUR life.
There are countless examples of people who exhibit OBSESSUCCESS and the book discusses many of them, but here are two recent examples from the 21st century whose decisions became their obsessions and their recent achievements have become legendary.
For YOUR consideration, Taylor Swift’s decision.
At what age can you make your decision?
For Taylor Swift, she made her decision when she was 10 years old.
At 11 years old she was knocking on doors determined to get a record deal.
At 12 years old she taught herself to play guitar, even though she was told her fingers were too small.
At 14 years old she became the youngest person ever signed to the major songwriting company in Nashville, Sony/ATV Publishing.
At 17 years old she charted her first number 1 song making her the youngest artist in history to achieve the top spot on the country charts.
At 19 years old she became the youngest person to win entertainer of the year at the Country Music Association Awards.
Since then, Taylor Swift has received so many awards and accolades for her work and ultimately has become the highest-earning female musician in the industry with a net worth over $1 billion.
At the Grammy Awards in 2016, she said. “…there are going to be people along the way who are, going to try to undercut your success…but if you just focus on the work and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday, when you get where you’re going you’ll look around and you’ll know it was you and the people who love you who put you there and that will be the greatest feeling in the world.”
She is arguably the most popular artist in the world today.
She achieved her decision.
She is 34 years of age.
Also for YOUR consideration, Jennifer Hudson.
There have only been 19 people who have won the EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award) and there have only been 6 women who have won the four.
Jennifer Hudson is one of those 6 women.
She started singing in her South Side Chicago Baptist church choir as a child and at the age of 13 she realized that she had a special gift, her voice.
She made the decision to use that gift to achieve her success.
As a teenager, she would sing at different venues and then go home and make music videos in her mirror. She would even practice her acceptance speeches.
At 22 she auditioned for American Idol and got her ticket to be on the show.
It was a shock when she was voted off the show and didn’t even make the top five finalists.
Did this discourage her from her decision.
Absolutely not.
It actually energized her and as she has said, “It was better to lose in some ways, as I was in a I am not going to let anything stop me kind of mood.”
Nothing has stopped her from accomplishing her decision.
She has not only won the EGOT, but she now has her own daily talk show and always remembers what her mother instilled in her, “Whatever you put your mind to, you can do it.”
The previous two examples are of two women of the 21st century who overcame every type of adversity.
Once they made their respective decisions, negativity and adversity came against them from everywhere.
Society told them they had no chance to achieve their success decisions.
But they made their decision and they were obsessed.
Nothing and no one was going to stop them from achieving their decision.
They would not be denied.
They didn't realize it at the time, but they were following the OBSESSUCCESS Philosophy of Achievement.
YOU can do it too!
Follow the OBSESSUCCESS examples from history and follow the steps in the book and YOU can achieve YOUR decision!
YOU can and YOU will!
The new book OBSESSUCCESS: The Philosophy of Achievement is now available on Amazon or at all your favorite online bookstores. Or go to to get your copy today.