How do you refresh your life once
First rule don't compare your life with others. Thinking other peoples are happy and you don't have money like them neither you are handsome to date girls they date will make you upset. No human being is perfect. Try to find which things will help you to be the best version of yourself. Learn things , get out of your comfort zone and you will see the change in yourself that will automatically bring smile on your face. Ok, I've done this way too many times and I don't know if I actually would recommend it to just anyone.
Burn it down to the ground and start a new somewhere you couldn't possibly imagine enjoying your time in. No joke, this is the best way to come out with a completely new outlook on life. Granted, you're going to look like a total fool most of your life, until one day you open your eyes and realize that you are now a bloody genius above all others of your time. It's fact that if you are going through hard times and strive to get through it no matter the pain, and you actually do it, you will have gained a new something out of every little situation you get yourself into.
Personally I do this about once a year for the duration of the year. I start out with money, cars, trucks and SUV'S, a house or an apartment, friends, girlfriends, and nice stuff doing fabulous and kicking up dust for everyone to see and marvel at. Then one day, I don't set a specific time for this, I just destroy it all and loose everything in the process. It takes imagination and skills to do this so smoothly and once you get good at it you rarely have to try to remember to take your old life and put it in the garbage can.
Once total disaster is achieved start by looking at the most ridiculous place you can go to look for all the answers you need as to why the Hell you constantly do this to yourself, was it something to do with your mother? Once you've found a good couch to sleep on and a squeaky bicycle to ride around you may begin the game. There's no rules to the game besides survive and live, survive and thrive, or most people's favourite, die trying to survive. Yes I know, crazy right. Yes and no. '
I find myself in situations now where I look around and think to myself “aww shit, this is going to suck!” and most of the time I am lowballing that statement, because most of the time I go in cocky like, yeah I got this, then one thing after the other happens knocking you down and laughing at you waiting to see how you'll get up. My latest disaster had a lot of study time and crying, thinking my dog was going to die due to a foxtail in his back haunch. So I used the time wisely between surgery and medicine, cleaning the wound, opening it back up and doing the vets job for him since I was homeless with a sick Ankita who is my best friend and still alive and doing fantastic. I studied every subject I could.
For example: How does an ABS system work on my truck. I would read and practice. In this case my truck caught on fire right under the fuel tank while driving my buddy who had just had major surgery in order to remove the little asshole weed that went up in his skin, then decided to split three ways and mess him up even more. At this point you have two options, either put your dog down or learn exactly how to be a veterinarian, get your tools, masks, surgical gloves and get ready to take notes, because if you forget a step you could be the one killing your animal. Since you can't work during this time you better learn some survival techniques and master them.
I think the biggest problem is finding a vet who will trust you enough to actually tell you what you need to do in order to to preform an at home surgery on a real animal. Since I've done some pretty insane things to myself I didn't have any trouble getting the rundown on “how to save your super expensive best friend ass hole for getting you into this mess in the first place” guide. Then comes the actual performance and brother, take a look at yourself before you start, wow, what an idiot! But you keep going trying not to get bit. Now once you've sedated your dog make sure he doesn't see who's actually doing the little surgery because if he does see you with a razor sharp blade in your hand, then you might as well give up now, because your dog isn't stupid and he won't agree with some chop shop surgery from his owner.
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Luckily for me, I chickened out at the last second because I felt bad for him having to be so scared while dealing with the pain of the whole thing. So I used my silver tongue instead to make payments and to save my dogs life, which gave me a chance to sharpen my manipulation tactics and come away from it shiny like a freshly minted silver dollar. This little extravaganza only lasted a few months so I still had plenty of time to continue making huge mistakes and constantly putting myself in danger, just so I could figure new ways to get away from giant problems without being totally screwed in the process.
I like to create problems as often as I can, they have become part of the life I live wither I like it or not, something major always seems to find me. I believe that this new adventure will make me even more impressive. Needless to say I don't always enjoy the stupid situations I find myself in, but the fact still stands, the harder life becomes and the harder you fight for an acceptable outcome the stronger and more resilient you will be no matter what. Until next time, take it easy and remember no screw up is that bad once you figure out what steps to take to get out of it.
Everything in life needs refreshment, renovation and resetting mostly. Here are a few ideas that you can explore. Of course, it'll depend on your comfort level, family situation, job/money situation. But...there is always a way if you're determined and patient. Extended travel helps rather than living in the same town in the same culture for many years can feel a bit stagnating. Nothing puts you more into the moment than travelling around for a few months.
Getting into adventurous exercise once in a while makes life exciting. Loke rock climbing, skiing, scuba diving, surfing, mountain climbing. If you've got any injuries or physical issues, then just do what you can. In between taking refresher course classes on your hobbies like learning new language, photography, music, dance lessons. What have you been wanting to learn that you've never gotten around to? Get inspired with personal development books/videos and audio books and keep your knowledge updated always.
Refresh your life by refreshing your mind. There are so many mentors out there to learn how to "do life better". Prepare a Bucket list now!! Write down all the things you want to do in this life.. And execute them at appropriate times....and keep adding and expanding your list This bucket list will soon be the best thing you ever did. I would recommend starting with reflection to identify the things that you enjoy most in life. What one person enjoys may look 100% different from the next person, so it is essential to find out what works well for you. There is a great article about completing a life audit here : How and Why to do a Life Audit which may be a great place to start.
But I think you've already taken the first step by asking the question. Most people move through life in a zombie state of going through the motions without stopping to feel anything or to question the norm. By stopping and asking yourself the question, posing the challenge, you are already poised for what's next. So, take some time to reflect, and then, get out there are start acting on your insights. Have fun! Cheers!
Great share Kishore Shintré.