How do you use the information about ‘Who has viewed your profile’?
One of the features of the LinkedIn Premium upgrade I enjoy the most is the ability to see all of the people who have viewed my profile over the course of the last 90 days. (On a free account you only get to see the last 5 people who have viewed your profile. I’ll come back to this point later.)
When I pointed this out recently, I was asked the question:
“How do you use this information
once you have it?”
A great question I don’t recall writing about before, so here are my thoughts.
Assuming that you are using LinkedIn on a regular basis and that you have taken the trouble to maximise your LinkedIn profile, then the purpose of your engagement is to attract the audience you might wish to engage with.
When someone takes an interest in something you have written or commented on, be it as a result of sharing a post, an article, or any form of engagement in which you are adding value, then the outcome may be that that person visits your LinkedIn profile.
I use the ongoing metric of visitors to my profile as a tool to measure my own engagement performance. When the figure is rising, I know I am achieving good things on LinkedIn. When the figure is in decline, I know I need to up my game!
(example image above of early adoption taking off...)
On a daily basis I take a look at the people who are viewing my profile for a number of reasons:
The first is to establish if the person viewing my profile is either:
- An existing connection whom I might choose to reconnect with by sending a personal message to enquire, politely, how they are and wonder why they have recently visited my profile. This can often ignite a ‘stagnant’ relationship. It is surprising to me how often this opens up a positive new dialogue between us. I figure there HAS to be a reason they visited my profile. How can I tease that out of them?
- A second (or third) degree connection that I may not know whom I might reach out to, to establish what interest they had in my profile and have they found what they are looking for?
The person visiting my profile for the first time gives me the moment in time to offer a hand of friendship and to establish if there is any further value in the possibility of being a connection with each other. When offered in the right way, a connection request to a person who has viewed your profile is more likely to be accepted when respondents are approached in a friendly and professional manner than starting off with a sales pitch.
A typical message might go something like this:
“Hi Rachel, I noticed you taking a look at my profile recently and would like to thank you for taking an interest. I wonder if you found what you’re looking for and whether I might be of any further assistance?
I regularly share valuable insights into how to maximise your use of LinkedIn and would be delighted to become a connection if you think I might be of value to you.
Best wishes,
The message outlined above is deliberately crafted in such a way as to offer help and value and not be a sales pitch. Any attempts to turn that message into “Let me tell you about my services…” will utterly fail. This is not the time to make your sales pitch!
Another reason why I might be interested in my profile view visitors is to see if it corresponds with those people who wish to connect with me. I receive a lot of connection requests and it is a signal to me of genuine interest on the part of the person wishing to connect that they have also taken the trouble to view my profile. The lack of such a signal tells me that they may be only gathering an ever-increasing list of connections for no real purpose in mind other than to add me to it to grow their numbers. Frankly, I don’t need more connections, but I do love relationships.
If I am embarking on a sales initiative and trying to build relationships with new customers, if that person, or a person from the company I am wishing to engage with views my profile, this is surely a signal of interest. It helps me join the dots on other intelligence I might be gathering that informs my engagement process.
A quick and easy tip to improve a likely connection is, of course, to view, in turn, that person’s profile. This demonstrates that you are really interested in them too. I have a suspicion the LinkedIn algorithm ‘spots’ this activity too and might be the trigger for you to see each other’s content. At least for a very short while after the data is recorded.
In truth, there may be only a small proportion of people I might follow-up in this way. The person I am viewing will be selected in the first instance by the fact that they represent my ‘target customer’.
Just getting back to the point briefly about this feature from a free LinkedIn account. All of the above can be made available to you too, but you just have to check this data more frequently to make sure you don’t miss an important visitor to your profile. I often talk about your LinkedIn account being your ‘shop window’ and your profile view option representing those passing by that are looking in. A shopkeeper would be wise to encourage a person to visit the store and not simply ignore potential customers as they pass by!
I am sure there are other reasons that I find useful in terms of the value my profile viewers provide, but I’ll leave it there for now.
Please do share any that you think I may have missed!
About me.
Do you want to experience the power and success of Social Selling on LinkedIn? Do you recognise the growing potential of LinkedIn for you and your business but not sure what to do next?
Please feel free to contact me at or +44 7976 894353
I’m happy to have a call so just reach out to book me in.
Nigel Cliffe is the founder of Value Exchange Ltd, a company dedicated solely to LinkedIn training and consultancy mainly in the UK but with many international appointments.
Nigel is an experienced multi-channel marketer with over thirty years’ experience in combining the best of marketing with the best of technology to drive improved business performance. He has established over 30 businesses in his career so know what it takes to grow a business.
As a result of using LinkedIn successfully since 2007 to drive engagement and new business for many clients, Nigel formed Value Exchange Ltd in 2013 specifically to train others on how to repeat the success.
As founder and principal consultant, he is a full-time trainer, entertaining speaker and engaging presenter on the subject of LinkedIn. Nigel provides a strategy and practical advice to enable individuals and businesses the ability to improve their personal brand and their lead generation process.
Nigel has worked with a wide variety of clients, from one-man businesses through to FTSE 100 companies. He has worked in every sector of commerce and education and believes that there is no organisation that cannot benefit from a better understanding of the potential for improving the use of LinkedIn
You can get to know a lot more about Nigel from his current activity on LinkedIn (of course!) and at his website:
Sales Training and Customer Experience Training that is fun, memorable (for all the right reasons), and delivers sales growth!
4y100% spot on Nigel Cliffe thank you sharing super LinkedIn insight - wondering - why no share option on this as happy to, can only benefit all that read?
Helping you think out of the box and act in the box. Experienced facilitator and trainer in problem solving & innovation
4yThanks for this, Nigel. as always very interesting and thought provoking.
I work with interior designers, fit-out companies and business owners to create branded abstract art, bringing boring walls to life.
4yGreat post Nigel, really useful insight,
Finance Expert & Trainer @ Mellor Financial Management | Facilitating Finance Conversations with impact I Driving Business Growth I Make Finance Your Superpower
4yAm I also right in thinking Nigel, that on the free account people can look at your profile anonymously in a way that's not possible on the paid accounts?