How to Find an Extra Million Dollars in Your Business
I know, exciting topic right?
Find an extra million? How could that be so?
And how could it be that this extra million may be staring you in the face right now?
How could it be that just a bit of a shift in your thinking could be the thing to make it appear!
And nope, this is not another new shiny object strategy
Just a continuation of something you're already doing..
But first lemme lead with an awful "poor me" story that just happened
A story of horrorific proportions..
So just a couple hours ago, I picked up the hard drive on my desk and discovered a swarming swath full of…
Not just ants ON the hard drive, but INSIDE IT!!
Not just a few ants inside, but THOUSANDS OF THEM!!
As soon as I picked up the hard drive, they started pouring out!
Pouring out like any one of these buggy massacre scenes from movies like the Mummy
It was insane!
I kept wiping and swiping them away!
For almost 10 minutes they kept coming out
It could have been…a million ants… that I found inside my hard drive
To be honest I wasn't sure how I wasn't gonna connect that story either
But here we are!
A million of something just hiding in plain sight, waiting to be discovered…
But that's not all!
Lemme now tell you a more accurate story of a mindset shift I discovered today that will for sure lead me (and now you) to find a million plus dollars in business over the years..
So, there's a very high value referral that I got from a client maybe a month ago..
But he hasn't been responding
We had a three way email intro
And I sent a separate email just to them, but have received crickets
"Jeez", I'm thinking. "I thought referral prospects were supposed to drop everything and take time out of their day for a random stranger like me, and say yes to getting on a potential sales call without hesitation!"
Apparently not..
I was about to give up on him today, until I read an extremely insightful point in the book NO BS Direct Marketing by the legendy marketer, Dan Kennedy..
The title of the chapter, (where I also found the title of this post ;) is, "How to Find an Extra Million Dollars in Your Business"
Here's the mindset shift about it that stuck out to me that I gotta stick out to you:
"No follow-up on referrals. When Betty says, "I told Billy about you. I hope he gives you a call," the correct response is not: "Thanks, Betty. I hope he does, too." That's the common response, but it most certainly is not the correct response. You ask for and get Billy's address, so you can send him a copy of your book or information package, with a note mentioning Betty's recommendation or a note from Betty, and an offer of offers (Rule #1) If Billy fails to respond, you send him a second letter. And a third, fourth, fifth. With offers. And you put him on your newsletter list and send him your monthly newsletter. With offers. You enroll him in your six-week email "course" tied to your product or service. That's follow-up."
Recommended by LinkedIn
Whoo wee!
Here are my million-dollar-finding takeaways from that pack-a-punch paragraph:
1. Not enough follow up!
I assumed that because this person was a referral, they would simply be begging to get onto a call with me…
But of course not.
I don't actually know the details of the relationship between my client and this referral. I assumed they were good friends, but maybe not! Maybe they just crossed paths at a conference one day, and don't ever talk…
So yes, this is person is a referral, but it's not a very warm one
Meaning I'm going to do some of the extra work and persistence I do in my normal cold outreaches
Which means more follow ups!
Oftentimes we are afraid to follow up. We don't want to "bother" the other person. I know I feel this way, and I'm a "sales" guy!
But the reality is that it's ok to follow up… It's necessary to follow up
And if a grand daddy of marketing like Dan Kennedy says you should be following up five times or more, and putting them on your newsletter, and sending them things, well hot damn, it would be just fine and dandy for me to try at least a couple more times with the resources I've got…
Right? ;)
Point #2: I didn't send an offer!
Again I assumed getting on a call would be an easy sale, so I didn't send "an offer" like I normally do
Big mistake
Yes I offered to "get on a call", but that's not enough!
Why should I assume that they want to take time out of their busy day for someone they don't know?
Why should they have to educate themselves about me, what I do, what I offer, what I'm like?
That's my job!
What I should have done, is given a solid offer that made me him go, "Oo, now that's something I can't refuse. Plus he knows XYZ, so I think I'll get on a call
NOT the other way around.
The referral aspects just ads some grease to the appeal to the offer, but it doesn't replace the offer itself!
So with these lessons learned, I went back to the email thread with the referral, hit the Reply button, and sent another message..
This time with more info about how I specifically think I can help his business, my background, and an offer…
The offer, being my Hidden Profit Intensive…
And just like how having a solid follow up strategy can find you an extra million dollars in your business,
My Hidden Profit Intensive is designed to discover 3-4 Shifts in your business that will double or triple your income all the same!
All ten spots for it got nabbed up last month at our intro price of $400.. so now it's $600
But! For the next 10 Enrollees, for that same 600, I'll also give you my Content in an Afternoon Session, on the house
Meaning that not only will you have 3-5 Hidden Profit Shifts with a complete customized Gameplan to implement them, but I'll also give you two extra sessions to create an entire months of content that makes sales, complete with how to structure your posts, how to write killer headlines, how to find endless content ideas, and how to write natural sounding calls to action that get your audience happily buying from you
Very excited for us this month
Femtech Copywriter on a mission to improve health literacy & inclusivity for all genders in Women's Health. I help founders attract clients & investors by crafting accurate, ethical, & trustworthy consumer education 🧠✨
8moGreat points!! it can be hard to see the solutions are in plain sight
Build a LinkedIn™ community and a growth mindset as a thought leader that will grow your business in 5 weeks. People connector. TEDx Speaker.
8moRyan, inspiring thoughts. The right mindset and attitude are the key to success!