How Google incentived an industry of spam and made Quora its crown jewel

How Google incentived an industry of spam and made Quora its crown jewel

Google made updates to their algorithm, which intended to surface personal experiences and opinions on various terms, this was a change that started back in September of 23 and through November's core update of "Hidden Gems".

It isn't new that bad actors try and successfully exploit Google's algorithms. But post ChatGPT and AI content combined with the specific updates mentioned above. A new epidemic of spam is plaguing the top results in the form of

Essentially Quora has a low threshold to entry and little protection from spam, making it Google's weak link in the search results. It is the chink in Google's quality armor.

No incentive to spam Quora on an industrial grade before the Google updates

You see, before these updates there was no strong financial incentive to appear in Quora, the traffic wasn't there and even if you made it, visibiity was low. This changed since December when Google surfaced all these questions to the top results.

Quora's visibility graph on Ahrefs

Google introducing Discussions and Forums feature making it even more valuable to appear in Quora

Fake AI answers appearing in the discussion and forums answers for medical terms

What is the problem?

Unlike Reddit that has communities with moderators Quora has little guardrails to protect from spam content, fake profiles or even upvoting manipulations. So if someone creates a network of profiles and gets the answers the needed upvotes, they can appear first for many valuable questions. And now these questions rank prominently on Google's first page and top results.

Google essentially offloaded their "quality" control on these queries to "How spam free is Quora?" or Reddit.

This was also echoed in a Business insider article from April, Quoting Lily Ray who dug deep into the subject over many months, and exposed a lot of the main issues with surfacing these low quality posts.

Quotes made from the artice as appearing in Lily's presentation on the subject.

Recipe for disaster.

The rise of fake AI profiles ranking first in Google

Fake AI profile spamming Quora for affilliate products

This just one example out of a network of profiles created with the sole purpose of getting traffic to sell their affiliate product. This came up for me when searching for back pain related questions. Yes I am training a lot, Yes I am experiencing back pain (Welcome to your 40's,).

Link to the profile:

This profile was opened on June 1st 2024 (17 days to the writing of this article) and answered 159 questions. Majority of these questions were answered on the 1st of June and the 4th of June.

Profile answer visibility in 17 days is over 26,000 views monthly. This is likely driven by Google ranking the questions in first page

26.2K views foor answers in 17 days

Most answers produced by this profile are short form articles written by ChatGPT in the length of 240-300 words.

If you wondered about the profile image, it was made using this

Simply refresh the website to generate fake faces that look real. (each refresh a new face comes up, none of these people are real).

This person does not exist website first introduced by Nvidia back in early 2019

How do they do it?

  1. Open a fake profile with a picture that "specializes in a topic" in this case back pain (easy as registering into Quora)
  2. Find all the quora threads with visibility in Google for a topic (Post November update Quora appears in many places first) Easy to do with or other tools
  3. Write ChatGPT answers in the length of 240-350 words to answer these questions (take 1-2 minutes for each)
  4. Post all the answers in the threads you found
  5. Create a fake network of profiles that behaves naturally to upvote the answers where needed or simply buy upvotes or do it smart to not burn the network.

*Worthy note sometimes no upvotes needed to appear among the top 3 answers.

The many queries and answers appearing in Google's top results

A great post made by Glen Allsopp after analyzing the top 1,000 symptom keywords and the top websites in them, Quora is now second in visibility. (This was published two months ago so might have changed).

Glen Allsopp analysis of the top 1,000 symptom KW and visibility trend

To be fair with Google, they did a correction to the Quora visibility aimed to tame the amount of times this appears but it seemed to not take into consideration the incentive people now have to game Quora's system as a way to appear in the first page of Google.

Here are some of the 159 questions this profile attempted and in some cases successfully appear as the authority answer for when you Google things.

Wondered how blood pressure (the silent killer responsible for 7.6 Million deaths world wide annually) is related to your back pain?

Fake AI profile appears first as the authoritative answer.
Google boosting the page and it's answers to appear first

Wondered why your upper back is in pain while turning your head?

Quora's spam AI profile appears first for back pain and neck pain

This is a clear case where you'll need some expert or physician answer, obviously other people's experience with this pain is useful to see as well. Not sure ChatGPT is a person, nor fake profiles made with AI selling affiliate products.

There are more serious cases below.

Your wife is pregnant or you are the pregnant person and you wonder about how normal is a certain back pain? Google got you covered with this AI fake profile writing ChatGPT articles.

Fake AI Quora profile answering pregnant and back pain questions
Visibility graph foor the pregnant related questions

Losing 20% of your bodyweight doing nothing, is tale sign for possible cancer (Unless intentional)

Losing 20% of your body weight (unless intentional) without doing anything is a clear sign of possible cancer, any medical physician hearing this will advise you urgently to perform further testing. Even if this case might be intentional weight loss, hard to tell. AI profiles selling magic creams is not a good answer.

Third answer after the ad.

Visbility graph for the possible cancer case and the fake AI profile answer

There are many cases from this profile where they appear in the first answer or the top 3 for medical terms, under no circumstances you should consult chatGPT on these terms if you value your health.

On the contrary Google claimed the changes they made cleaned 45% of the spam results,

"You’ll now see 45% less low-quality, unoriginal content in search results versus the 40% improvement we expected across this work."

I believe them. They simply didn't consider that those will come back through the back door (Quora and Reddit). Now there is strong financial incentive to do so and it is easy, cheap and fast.

An entire Black Hat SEO industry sprung up from it

SEO full video guides on how to spam Quora and Reddit h/t Lily Ray

Google Decimated the travel industry for "low quality & not helpful content"

One note worth mentioning, there was a big trend, a correct one in my opinion, that for some queries people just need valuable experiences and opinions which are original and authentic and not a 3,000 word articles by some "expert" who "reviewed" all the products to make a comparison for profit. I believe Google tried to surface these.

But instead they now got ChatGPT 3,000 words long form articles or short form articles appearing as an answer. Which is a downgrade. Instead of at least knowing a human tried these things and gives you some prespective, you get fake profiles with AI shilling their products.

More on this trend can be read here:

How can Google solve it?

Google is in a pickle. They need Reddit and Quora's policies to be so strict that they keep the high quality standard needed for search results. But these are different companies and Google cannot enforce their policies on other platforms.

What is being done? Well, Google strike a 60 Million dollar deal with Reddit to train their AI, possibly too be able to also detect spam profiles or good quality stuff to then surface it in SERPS. And most likely train the AIO module to return relevant answers (AIO is another topic for another article but it is as well a disaster).

Will a Quora deal solve it? Maybe, if Quora will be willing to collaborate with Google. A one sided solution from Google's side will likely result in an endless cat and mouse game. ChatGPT driven tools allowed spam to be taken from moderately hard to create entire networks and thousnds of posts, to pretty much the easiest thing to do.

If you needed a lot of money and months to write 159 posts of 400 words using writers and research, you can now do in under 60 minutes in the low cost of ChatGPT premium or a similar tool.

The incentive to spam is too strong as it is easy and profitable and worse thing is, as it seems now. Google has no solution for AI spam and it is becoming mainstream.

Graeme Whiles

Content Marketing Consultant & Copywriter


As someone who advocates for legitimate, high-quality content and a long-term approach to SEO, this is very disheartening! Their efforts with Quora have always felt like a panic move IMO and this helps prove that theory.

Veith Schörgenhummer

More signal, less noise. Meet me


Excellent article, thank you!

Lauren Holliday

Jill of all trades. Master of more than one. | Journalist with a marketing mindset | Full-stack marketer


Have you seen The Penny Hoarder "CEO's" Quora profile? LOL I told them this was bad behavior. They didn't care, but why would the CEO of Clearlink care when he praises people who give up their dogs for work.

Matt Davison

Travel & Tourism Marketing Specialist with a passion for growing digital revenue and teams


We living in a dangerous time where Google and other companies are training their AI on fake, sometimes sarcastic (Reddit) and definately not expert content. Great article!

Glen Allsopp

Founder, &


Bookmarked this to read properly but just wanted to thank you for the mention, Ori Zilbershtein 🙏🏻

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