How To Have A Strong Spiritual Life
Here’s how to build a stronger spiritual life:
Join a spiritual community.
Spend more time with loving, encouraging family/friends
Get into nature as much as possible.
Observe your thoughts about the persons and things around you.
Step boldly out in faith.
Strive to be of service to others
Make affirmative prayer/and mindful meditation and creative visualization become daily habits.
Begin each day with them.
Have a daily gratitude practice.
Perform random acts of kindness.
Remind yourself daily that nothing is impossible with the Divine!
Meditate on the Word of God until your heart is established on God’s promises. This will produce faith in your spirit. Then, when you speak the Word of God, power is released that causes things to change in your life. The ability to rearrange situations and circumstances is in your mouth.
Recognize that every affirmative prayer of yours increases your capacity to realize and express your Divine nature and share the blessing you are.
Consider how awesome the Divine is, so that your faith is greatly strengthened to face the world and its problems.
Be confident that the Divine is able to deliver you from your troubles. It can bring salvation, deliverance, protection, healing, provision, comfort, and guidance.
Go to a bookstore or library.
Read a spiritual book.
Pray affirmatively.
Meditate mindfully.
Creatively visualize.
Take a walk around an art gallery or museum
Go to a concert.
Visit an art gallery.
Go to a museum.
Write something spiritual.
Sharpen your thinking skills.
Do something new spontaneously.
Follow your intuition.
Pass on your spiritual wisdom and knowledge to others.
Always eat a good, healthy organic breakfast.
Make new friends.
Listen to classical music or spiritual audio books instead of radio.
Study spiritual psychology.
Drink coffee or tea.
Take up superbrain yoga.
Practice deep breathing
Get plenty of oxygen to your brain.
Break your patterns & routines.
Join a spiritual group.
Join an internet discussion group focused upon spirituality.
Stay open minded and examine divergent, spiritual thinking.
Read the scriptures.
Learn a new spiritual concept every day.
Improve your memory.
Study storytelliing.
Learn something new each day.
Take a brain-training program or invest in a brain-training game.
Eat healthy, organic foods.
Include problem-solving in your day.
Limit the television that you watch. And keep inspirational.
Feed yourself a positive mental diet.
Go to operas and concerts.
Write something daily.
Meditate daily.
Develop your skills.
Read stimulating spiritual blog posts.
Exercise daily.
Strive to make new friends.
Listen to Mozart music.
Study philosophy.
Keep up to date with new spiritual discoveries, trends & theories.
Practice deep breathing
Get plenty of oxygen to your brain
Join the right Facebook spiritual groups.
Learn new spiritual concepts. Every day.
Hire a spiritual life coach to advise, guide & inspire you!
P.S. Anything else YOU would add?
The author, Dr. John B. Charnay, CEO of Charnay and Associates in greater Los Angeles, is a leading spiritual life coach. He has extensive experience teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels at leading universities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, including USC, UCLA, CSUN, FIDM, Woodbury and Pepperdine and others. Additionally, he is a top fundraising, public relations and social media advisor. To reach, teach and coach individuals on the benefits of practicing the qualities of spirituality such as kindness, generosity, compassion and humility has been part of his biggest work in society. To meet him and ask for his support, invite him to be LinkedIn (email in profile) and contact him today!