How I Beat My Addiction to Religion By Contributing Author - Michael Maher

How I Beat My Addiction to Religion By Contributing Author - Michael Maher

Hi. My name is Michael Maher and I’m an addict.
 Not like that though.

Addiction is a common problem in humanity. It’s not merely drugs and alcohol addiction humans struggle with. Exercising constantly, gorging on food, repeatedly hurting yourself, needing sex to feel loved, staring at naked people on a screen to satisfy yourself; addiction is powerful.

I’ve struggled with something called religious addiction for a long time, approx. the past 30 years or so, as I grew up going to church.

Confused? I’ll explain.

It’s a performance mindset where your spiritual relationship with Jesus is based on that the fact that your formula, your method of practicing, or your acts will bring you salvation. It’s thinking that doing certain things will earn God’s love or more of it.

God is very clear, however, that your salvation is not earned. It’s a gift that was given to all of us. “For God so loved the world, that He…” No contingencies there.

So how do you get caught up in this way of thinking?

Humans have become very performance based. Our society is focused on #hustle culture, no days off, and has made an idol out of work. It’s natural that it would carry over into other things such as family time, hobbies, and even personal development.

Growing up there was a constant attitude of getting our church clothes on, having regular attendance, showing up to all of the events the church put on, and always being as involved at church as we could be.

I found great community in the churches I grew up in as a child. There was a real sense of purpose and belonging felt. I went to Sunday school. I volunteered at VBCs (Vacation Bible Club). I played in the church bands. My family was 100% bought in and our attendance proved that. There were no days off church unless you were physically ill and could prove it.


It wasn’t until the past 6 months that I actually realized religious addiction was a problem. In fact, I had never even heard the term before November of 2020.

I often feel as if I don’t have “a story.” Maybe it’s because I was always clothed, fed, and had a roof over my head. Only when I shared my life story recently, did a close friend encourage me to tell it more. Scripture backs that up too. “They overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.”

In the telling of my story, that term religious addiction was brought to my attention and immediately I identified with it.

Upon greater reflection, I realized that even as an adult I dealt with conflicting feelings about church, even though I have a very close personal relationship with JC. At times, I didn’t want to go through “the burden” of getting to a building. Once I’d left service, however, I was so thankful I went, so thankful I experienced God’s presence in my life.

Upon Waking

I did spend time releasing that religious stronghold, because I knew God didn’t want me thinking I could get close to Him through works or any other means, save His son. As Oswald Chambers puts it, “Very few of us have any understanding of the reason why Jesus Christ died. If sympathy is all that human beings need, then the Cross of Christ is an absurdity and there is absolutely no need for it.”

But it wasn’t until two weekends ago that I realized I was still struggling with that stronghold in my life.

God woke me up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep, and led me to dive deeper into the current book I’ve been reading, entitled Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby.

It was then, as I came across the passage that said “God has called us into a love relationship with Him.” The next passage made it clear to me by explaining, when you’re engaged to someone you love, you don’t spend time with them to get to know their family history or likes/dislikes, although that would inevitably occur.

You spend time with them because YOU LOVE THEM.

All God is asking is that I spend time with Him because He loves me. Not because I’ve done something to deserve His love. Simply because, He made me and wants fellowship with me.


As soon as I realized that, I was instantly set free.

I no longer needed to read this certain passage, pray for these 12 people, and say these specific things about the people I was praying about, including myself. I just needed to read God’s word, spend time talking to Him, however it happened that day, and listen for His voice.

I called a friend from my small group and repented for holding onto this religious addiction. I was delivered from the bondage of religious addiction. My eyes are now on high alert for any signs of this, to be put away at once.

This skill of fellowship is continually being developed but sitting at the table with God, knowing there is nothing I need to do to earn my seat or stay at the table, is a necessary and humbling position in which to be.

 It’s one I’m learning to be comfortable with.

Thank you, Michael Maher for being a Contributing Author to the Relationships Matter Monday posts for Men. We greatly appreciate you sharing your own #crisistocourage4men story regarding the divine journey which finally delivered you from being a religious addict. 

Contact him at, and

LinkedIn Profile:

Thank you for reading.

Your thoughts are very appreciated.

Author’s Bio

Karen Bontrager helps 16-24-year-old men, and fellas, 25+ stuck there due to complex trauma, make permanent shifts in their behavior from merely surviving in life to thriving through transparent coaching/counseling in one-on-one conversations and in group work, and through topic sensitive trauma-informed workshops in a program called, “From Crisis to Courage.” With this ontological approach, I partner with my clients to discover their essence, (aka highest and best self) by powerfully reflecting and listening to them. My clients quickly learn how to generate self-awareness and to voice their own relationship needs in a clear, constructive way by learning key coaching techniques/evidenced based counseling approaches/tools to work past their traumatic events and addictions to move forward. The clients are then equipped to develop healthy relationships with key relationships: parents/siblings/friends, and with intimate dating partners because they have learned how to proactively use their voice.

She does a weekly Relationships Matter Monday LI article/poem/commentary for 16-24-year-old men and fellas, 25+, stuck there due to trauma, is a frequent contributor here, and has a bi-monthly podcast called Crisis to Courage to give gentlemen an honorable platform for learning how to use their voices in a way which gets respected, instead of turning to the old standbys: anger, isolation, and numbing behavior, so they can be the men they were made, formed, and created to be.

Crisis to Courage Podcast for Men Links below:

Are you a man, 16-24, or more mature, 25+ which feels stuck mentally, and is not able to move forward due to a traumatic past, which shows up as anger, isolation, or various numbing behaviors, and needs support? Or, do you feel something gets in the way emotionally from you loving self, others, or having the life of your dreams, but are not sure what? Please DM me on Linked In for an opportunity to talk.  




Bill Dolan (Spirit Media)

Emmy-Nominated TV, Video & Event Director | Messaging Strategist | Author, “The 7 Disciplines of Relationship Marketing” | Leadership and Near Death Experience (NDE) Keynote Speaker 🎬 ❤️ 🎬


What a beautiful story and probably one that exists at different levels all around North America Karen Bontrager ! The good intentions of creating healthy culture has mutated into a set of chains and handcuffs that consume people with the constant compulsion for conformity and group approval. That is a heavy yoke!

Mike Darling

Helping people by finding overlooked details.


Michael, thank you for sharing your story and, Karen, thank you for having Michael as a guest. You share about a prevalent issue. Religious addiction is nothing new. 2000 years ago, the Jewish Pharisees were a prime example of religious addiction. They felt that if they could make a very stringent set of rules, then they would be wonderful people and they would be accepted by God. As you pointed out, it is a heart issue not a performance issue. We as humans like rules. We all have them - even the rebellious rule breakers have a code they live by. They don't realize it but they live by a set of rules. Rules give us something to measure ourselves by, and to measure ourselves against others. It makes us feel good that we follow "the rules" and someone else we see doesn't do as good of a job of doing it, and maybe not at all. Instead of being concerned about rules (or being concerned about other's performance) - we should be concerned about our personal relationship with God. It is just like a relationship with a spouse, we might keep all of the rules at home but that doesn't mean that we love our spouse. Again - it is a heart issue.

Kishore Shintre

#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"


Dear Sis Karen, Always admire your untiring efforts to put back smiles on the faces of those unfortunate 16-24 guys, Hats off to you sister, you keep rocking as always showing path to those needy souls, Amen!

Joseph DiRoma, NCC

Operations Leadership | Internet Marketing | Ontological Coach


I love this article. Grace is defined as the unmerited divine intervention given to humans for their regeneration and sanctification. Unmerited is defined as inadequately gained or deserved. Knowing He loves me no matter what, in spite of being perfectly imperfect, brings solace to someone like myself who has been a perpetrator of injustice and led to salvation, yet for me get closer with Him, I had to amend all those things I did blocking myself from Him. There is no "scorekeeper" on faith, yet faith without works is dead. From my experience, the more I love His other children as He loves them, the better I feel. I believe the confusion is often in the manner in which we love others as most make it conditional which is self-centered, not God-centered.

Brad Hargis

Chiropractor | Online Movement Coach | Helping Active Adults Get Pain-Free and Perform Their Best


Love this. I can definitely identify with this "addiction"


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