How Kingdom Multimillionaires Keep Their Employees Informed and Up-to-Date
You must have many committed employees to grow your organization to the Multimillion Dollar status. There is no other way. Recruiting and keeping committed employees is a science and an art. It is a combination of the science of hiring and maintaining committed employees and the art you apply from your personality and life experiences. You combine these to create “the best place to work on earth” as described by Goffee and Jones. One of the things you will do is to ensure that all of your employees receive all of the relevant information they need. They must clearly understand what is essential for their success and the overall productivity of your enterprise. There must be several efficient and effective channels of communications. A few are explored here.
In-Person Communications
The first thing Kingdom Multimillionaire managers do is to set up clear channels of communication. Channels of communication may include verbal, nonverbal, and written documents. A surprisingly large portion of communication is nonverbal. For example, proper eye contact, personal appearance, facial expressions, and hand gestures make impressions. Your intentions can become clear through nonverbal expressions. Therefore, an important channel of communication is in-person communication. It is great for sharing sensitive information and helping your employees realize their value to your enterprise.
Centralized Data Bank
Next, a centralized place is maintained that is easily accessible where employees can find important documents, policies and procedures. Cloud based storage can allow easy access. suggests several benefits of a digital workplace. One, a central platform is used that is familiar to everyone. This makes it easy for members to collaborate and get clarifications. Second, you can develop Systems of operation that are described in a step-by-step manner making sure all details are covered and they are available to all involved. Third, various departments can see how a project is progressing and how it is influencing their own processes and responsibilities.
Team Meetings
The third thing that Kingdom Multimillionaire managers do is to conduct regular team meetings. Effective and efficient meetings are possible. You just need to know how to do this. See for superior training on conducting meetings that your employees won’t dread coming to. You will be able to conduct regular team meetings to discuss ongoing projects, updates, and key company information. You will be able to choose different types of team meetings dictated by your goals. This is one of the best ways to allow employees to stay informed about current issues and initiatives.
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Open Door Policy
A fourth action for Kingdom Multimillionaires is to maintain an open door policy. Your employees will feel free to approach their managers and leaders with any question or concern they might have. It is amazing how many people don’t feel comfortable admitting they don’t know something that is important for their job performance. An open door policy supports an environment of open and honest communications. It helps the managers understand the attitudes, behaviors and feelings of their employees. Of course this must be done with the ability to keep employees from becoming too dependent on the managers. A strong training and coaching process will help in this area. offers excellent training in these areas.
Training and Coaching
This brings us to the fifth action critical for growing many committed employees. Enlightened manages provide thorough on boarding, training, and coaching programs for new employees. Once accepted Systems for these tasks are established, it will be easy for managers at all levels to replicate the training and coaching process. This will make sure that all new employees are well-informed about the expected responsibilities, attitudes, roles, and behaviors. Your organization Culture will be clear to all new employees.
Provide Clear Expectations
Superior managers know the importance of clearly defining the roles, responsibilities, behaviors, attitudes, and roles for each employee. This isn’t something you leave to chance. Your organization must grow intact. It is also important to clarify expectations concerning information and communication in general. Sharing what the new employee can expect from you as a leader is also important. Plus letting them know what is expected of them as a team member facilitates teamwork. Doing these things will help create and maintain a healthy work environment that your employees actually love.
According to Goffie and Jones “The organization of your dreams does not stonewall, distort, or spin. It recognizes that in the age of Facebook, WikiLeaks, and Twitter, you’re better off telling your people the truth before someone else does. It respects its employees’ need to know what’s really going on so they can do their jobs, particularly in a volatile environment where it’s already difficult to keep everyone aligned and where workers at all levels are being asked to think more strategically.” The conclusion is that managers must be “entirely candid, complete, clear, and timely” when communicating with their employees and affiliates.
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