How to make the switch to conversational sales and increase your conversion rate
How traditional digital sales are failing your best leads
The traditional, or in many cases current, method of generating online
sales is the following:
This system leaves customers with burning questions waiting. Many of
these customers are ready to buy, but cannot find the right bundle offer to
suit their specific needs or situation. The company also misses out on an
upsell opportunity and increasing the average basket value! Implementing
patchwork solutions or basic technology is unlikely to meet the needs of
the modern telecoms-customer.
Current click-to-call services leave customers having to explain their
needs to perhaps two or more sales representatives, creating fiction for the
customer and increased call volume for the call center staff.
Basic chatbots often fail to satisfy customers, as responses are either too
generic or the customer is redirected to a form or generic FAQ page.
A recent chatbot consumer research study revealed that consumers want
chatbots to provide simple answers to quick questions or for a chatbot to
forward them to the correct individual, not to be the main point of
Online forms block leads at their point of peak interest and as a result
perform poorly. Even short forms will only convert about 10-13% of all
visits. Simply put, users don’t want to wait for a CRM to qualify them then
to schedule a call; modern consumers expect live interactions and quick
High spend but low return
As marketing budgets will testify, spend on getting a consumer to the site
has been high, but little is done to engage them with sales on the site - a
recent study suggests that the amount of money telecom companies
spend on average on marketing and advertising to acquire just one new
customer is $315, not to mention the time and resources that have been
committed to convincing the customer to purchase via online channels.
However, on many websites there is little to no choice for the consumer
and no way for sales staff to be proactive and engage them. In short, the
sales process is making customer jump between disconnected channels (in
many cases not the ones they would prefer) and eventually driving them to
the store or a competitor. These are barriers to purchase that leave
customers unimpressed and frustrated and leaves business with high cost
per lead and low conversion rate.
The Solution: Conversational Sales
Conversational sales is a more one-to-one, dialogue-driven approach to
online sales. Companies who use this increase their conversion rates,
shorten their sales cycle, actually learn about their customers, and create a
more human, similar to the in-store buying experience online.
Conversational sales combines all of the frequently used online sales
channels to engage with leads in real-time (when they actually want
answers). This solution makes it easier for people to trust your brand as
they are dealing with people - same as they would in a store, but online, at
a time that suits them. Conversational sales has all the benefits of
harnessing your staff’s insights and presenting it in a way that not only
satisfies customers but even delights them.
Conversational selling removes ‘friction points’ like asking a consumer to
wait or forcing them to use just one channel. The removal of these barriers
gives your best leads a direct and real-time line to your sales team, letting
those who want to purchase do so how and when they want.
Louise Hemming, Industry Manager at Google, stated that modern online
sales should be focusing on “removing the friction” and creating a more
harmonious experience for the consumer, as user journey can be
increasingly complex.
Creating this holistic approach lets the sales staff reach out and engage
qualified customers and guide them through the site, driving up conversion
rates and online sales.
Giosg is the leading mobile-first provider of conversational sales
technology. Its platform provides live video, chat, voice and chatbot tools;
these are proven to increase engagement and so increase sales conversion
and boost efficiency. The conversational sales platform connects online
customers with chatbots and omnichannel agents.
What to look for in a conversational sales solution
When looking to implement a conversational sales model, there are several
methods and tools available to do so. If you are evaluating other solutions,
here is a list of questions you might want to ask about the platforms:
Recommended by LinkedIn
for all users will be an added
How we do conversational sales
Conversational sales is more than a chat option or a click-to-call, it’s about
providing the user with a truly harmonious experience through whatever
method they need, improving their experience getting them primed to
By blending your digital and physical assets, we let your sales staff play to
their strengths and engage with consumers online. Giosg combines online
sales channels like video-call, chat, chatbot, click-to-call, web-sharing or a
traditional phone call into one centralized data-driven UI for your
customers. This approach creates personal, instant and quality interactions.
The concept is that the customer can move seamlessly through different
channels, depending on their needs, all the while your staff maintain data
and avoid messy handovers.
We generate and funnel your leads
Giosg’s conversational sales platform is designed for telecoms to increase
online conversion rates and sell more online. We achieve this through
three key tools:
One-to-Many live video chat. Reach web visitors at scale,
generate interests and convert them into leads.
Lead acquisition with Conversational Chatbot. Filter, qualify
& route online leads to the right team in real-time.
Assisted selling with One-to-One video chat. Increase your
sales conversion by providing human service, bringing the
in-store experience online.
Giosg One-to-Many explained
Harness your staff’s knowledge and turn them into presenters. Using
Giosg´s live video chat, you can engage the audience by doing live
product presentations with Q&A sessions, increasing engagement and
converting visitors into interested leads.
Sales agents can share files and see all questions sent through the chat
function. Helpful display options, like how long it will take to have a
question answered, make One-to-Many an easy first step in online
conversational sales for both the customer and user.
Client results
The proof is alway in real-world case studies and results. Some of the
world’s leading telecoms are implementing conversational sales and seeing
the power effects.
Vodafone chose to implement conversational sales to create a better
user experience and drive more leads to convert online. The brand
recognised the potential of conversational sales and adapted their
call-centre to harness the power of conversation and the Giosg
platform and have built a digital store inside one of their call centres.
Across the entire business the results were:
25% increase in online sales conversion
30% of online conversations came through Giosg
400,000 leads generated per month
3% increased online ad conversion
What resources will I need?
For most of our clients, the resources they need are already in place. We
want to harness the power of your existing teams and integrate our
technology with the resources you already use in your day-to-day.
The likely cost of additional resources is low, perhaps a couple of tablets or
webcams. However, in the following section, you will find all you need to
know about our technical requirements.
But what about...
There are no doubt questions you have that have not been addressed in
this document or some parts you want to know more about. Now we have
loaded you with evidence for Giosg, why not schedule a call with one of
our account executives and find out what Giosg can do for your online