How do you get back to “business as usual,” when business is anything but usual? For many of us, it is week four since social distancing orders came into effect. We are seeing our businesses taking on new, completely unforeseen challenges. While it is our knee jerk reaction to pause and hold our breaths. The fact of the matter is, COVID-19 provides a unique opportunity to market and sell to your customers in a way that could create a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your community.
Selling while the sky is falling
How can you sell your product in today’s climate without sounding completely tone-deaf to what is going on around us? The bills need to be paid and you certainly don’t want to let anyone go. You can’t survive without revenue. Which is why NOW is the time to get creative.
For many ambitious founders, this fact has been met with both fear and excitement. Every day we are reading inspiring stories about companies who are pivoting to meet the unique demands of this pandemic. This is exactly what makes entrepreneurship so exciting. But for those of you who are feeling completely turned off by marketing right now, don’t fret. There are some simple actions you can take to assure that your brand comes off as empathetic while still generating revenue.
Don’t shy away from sending email communication, speaking up on social media, or giving a “behind the scenes” look to your customers. Now is the time to increase communication and be a supportive voice filling their inboxes with hopeful, encouraging messages. We are all in the same boat. Everyone on the planet is filled with some level of anxiety and fear right now. The brands that speak up instead of shying away are the ones that will be remembered. It is incredibly comforting to hear from brands and the real people behind them. Regardless of your audience size, you have a platform and a voice. You can use it for good.
Give, Give, Give and then Give Some More
Find something to give away for free. It can be anything. Useful links, inspiring quotes, mindfulness practices, recipes. Anything. If you are increasing communication with your audience, you mustn’t push sales at this time.
Headspace is a great example of giving. They added a tactful promotional bar at the top of the homepage offering free, useful content they already had but repurposed in a meaningful way.
Yes, offering a discount for your product or service is appropriate. However, giving people the “hard sell” right now comes off as being completely inconsiderate. In this moment of uncertainty, you must give to your audience with no expectation of return. This is how you will blossom during the dark times by gaining loyal, raving fans for the future.
You need to maintain the big picture vision for your company. This moment will pass, but you can create damage if money takes precedent over people. People must always come first. For example, reexamine your return policies. Loosen up any penalties or barriers for making a sale or turning people off. Always err on the side of the customer. Speak kindly and give generously.
Streamline Processes to Increase Efficiency
Now is the time to do the housekeeping. Look at your business under a microscope. Implement all the organizational projects you’ve been meaning to get to, scrutinize the numbers, and make sure that you are getting maximum productivity from your team.
You now have all the time you never had before to clean up and shape up your business operations. Focus on a few key processes that drive your customer experience and your employee experience. Think about how you could make any aspect of these processes more time and/or cost-efficient. By being diligent in this endeavor, you’d be surprised how much money you could save per year by simply developing better systems and strategies.
Lastly, lead with love and kindness. It is easy to get swept away by the headlines and scary statistics. The best advice is to keep your head down. Keep working hard and remember that this too shall pass.
When the fog begins to lift, you need to be ready, willing and able to seize whatever opportunity comes your way. Don’t take your eyes off the prize. The world needs your product, service, or innovative ideas now more than ever.
This blog was written as a guest post for The Underdog, a management consulting firm in Gainesville, FL working with emerging startups and midsize businesses to facilitate innovation and growth.
Founder and CEO at EarlyGroove 🌎 Focused on #digitalwellbeing #ethicalAI #publicbenefit #socialimpact #community 🧡
4yGreat article Victoria - you saved the best part for last: “Lastly, lead with love and kindness.” 💛