How An Optimized Customer Journey Drives Business Growth
It All Begins With a Journey
The customer journey has been the framework of choice for CX strategists, but it may no longer be able to keep up with today’s changing business landscape. In this article, I’ll explore how customer journey optimization can drive business growth and provide a better understanding of what an optimized customer journey is and how it works.
What Is a Customer Journey?
A customer journey is a path that customers take to complete a goal or solve a problem. This can be as simple as buying your favorite brand of toothpaste, or it could be finding out which college you’re accepted into.
The concept of mapping out your customer journey was pioneered by MarketingSherpa in 1998 and popularized by HubSpot in 2011 with their “Inbound” strategy. The concept is pretty simple: instead of trying to sell products and services in one big batch, marketers should focus on building relationships with customers through helpful content—and then wait for opportunities to present themselves.
This approach is effective because people don’t want to feel like they’re being marketed; they want to feel like they’re being helped. And if you give them value without expecting anything in return, you’ll make yourself more appealing than any competitor who’s just trying to sell things right away (which would come across as spammy).
There is a lot of value in a well-designed customer journey, but the traditional model may not be optimized for today’s businesses.
The traditional customer journey model is not optimized for today’s businesses, customers, or marketing.
In the past, the main goal of a business was to find its ideal customer and then serve them with a great experience. Today, however, businesses must do this in an extremely competitive environment where customers are more informed than ever before and have access to information about your brand at all times. Because of this shift in dynamics and expectations, you need a customer journey that positions your company as relevant across multiple touchpoints throughout their experience with you—not just at purchase time.
The question is how? The first step is to understand your customers and their journey with your brand. This begins by identifying the different points in the customer journey where they interact with you, and then mapping out how each of these interactions contributes to their overall perception of your company. Once this map is complete, you can focus on optimizing each touchpoint so that it supports your business goals more effectively than before.
The Traditional Customer Journey Mapping Tools
As a customer, you want to know what you’re getting into. If you’re starting a new business, it’s critical to figure out exactly how your customers will feel about the product or service that you offer.
In order to create an optimized customer journey map, we need to know who our target audience is and where they are in their purchase journey.
The traditional customer journey mapping tools have been designed with certain limitations:
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What’s Missing from Traditional Customer Journeys?
Your traditional customer journey map is static and leaves no room for optimization. It doesn’t provide any insights into your company or its offering. It focuses on the customer only and doesn’t allow you to see how they interact with your business. It is difficult to identify the gaps in their journey and understand why they are leaving certain steps out of the process.
A typical customer journey map doesn’t show the complete picture of your customer’s experience. Many of your users are probably not even using a website or app to interact with you—they’re using email, chatbot messaging apps like Messenger and WhatsApp, or social media channels like Twitter and Facebook.
Your digital properties may be helping them make decisions about whether or not to buy from you—or they could be just one part of their overall journey with your business (and other brands) that starts long before someone lands on one of your webpages.
Traditional customer journey mapping tools don’t work well in today’s businesses because they’re expensive and time-consuming to create (not to mention they require expensive software subscriptions).
A customer journey is a map of the experience your customers have when interacting with your brand. It’s a valuable tool for businesses to better understand how they can optimize their marketing efforts and improve the user experience across all touchpoints. However, there are some limitations in traditional customer journey mapping tools that make it difficult for companies to create an optimal journey for their users. These tools lack features like integrated analytics and real-time data visualization which would allow marketers to quickly measure success or failure at each stage of the process without having to wait weeks before finding out their results.
Now that you understand how critical it is for the success of your business growth strategy to elaborate and execute an optimized Customer Journey Map, you may be wondering how to do it and where to start but fear not! Here at Moreketing we’ve got you covered.
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