How to Pass's Scrum Master Certifications
TL; DR: How to Pass the Scrum Master Certification
The first article of this mini-series established that you do not need a certificate to become good at what you do, for example, working as a Scrum Master. However, getting certified may be a piece of sound investment advice, as documented by the Scrum Master Salary Report 2022: There is a statistical correlation between your remuneration and the certificates you hold. If you want to take advantage of this signaling power that Scrum certificates seem to have, the question is how to pass the Scrum Master certification?
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🇩🇪 Zur deutschsprachigen Version: Scrum Master Gehalt 2022 — die Umfrageergebnisse.
How to Pass’s PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III Certificates
Given my professional background as a PST with, I spend a significant amount of time with my students on how to best prepare to pass Scrum Master certificates issued by
Generally, there are three different Scrum Master certificates from available, independent of whether the candidate attended a Professional Scrum Master class or not: PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III. While the PSM I is an entry-level Scrum certificate, heavily focused on the theory of the Scrum Guide, the PSM II certificate addresses the advanced practitioner’s knowledge on how to deal with different scenarios. Both of these Scrum Master certificates are entirely based on multiple-choice assessments. This is only partly true for the PSM III certificate. The majority of the PSM III questions require a written answer in English. Also, the PSM III assessment is mainly graded by a human.
How to Pass’s PSM I Scrum Master Certification
The PSM I Scrum Master certificate requires a solid knowledge of the theory of agile product development in general and the Scrum framework in particular. While I would not suggest it, you can pass this Scrum Master certificate without any practical knowledge of Scrum if you are willing the put in the time to get familiar with the fundamentals. To pass the PSM I Scrum Master assessment, I recommend the following preparation:
📈 The PSM I Certification Results from my Professional Scrum Master classes in 2021 are as follows:
How to Pass’s PSM II Scrum Master Certification
Compared to the PSM I Scrum Master certificate, the PSM II assessment provides a lot of time for completion: 90 minutes for 30 questions. The challenge is that all questions address real-life scenarios, and many suggested choices will sound familiar to you. But, unfortunately, sounding familiar to you won’t necessarily make them acceptable from Scrum’s perspective:
📈 The PSM II Certification Results from my Advanced Professional Scrum Master classes in 2021 are as follows:
How to Pass’s PSM III Scrum Master Certification
Passing the PSM III Scrum Master certification is tricky and requires probably a months-long preparation. (I spent more than four months preparing myself.) Many candidates face two significant challenges: Firstly, you need to be able to type fast, and secondly, you need to do this in English. And at the same time, you need to provide precise and concise answers. While you may consider using a translation plug-in for the PSM I and PSM II, this won’t help with the PSM III. Also, writing answers in your native language and then translating them won’t work, as pasting any text into the answer boxes is impossible. So instead, you will have to type manually:
There is a reason why there are only 1,035 certificate holders worldwide as of today: The PSM III assessment is a difficult and expensive Scrum Master certification. You need to prepare yourself properly. Just showing up and hoping for the best is a futile approach. (By the way, attending an Advanced Scrum Master class will reduce the $500 price tag of the PSM III by $200.)
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Conclusion: How to Pass the Scrum Master Certification by
If passing a Scrum Master certificate is a good career choice and sound signaling for prospective employers, customers, or peers, which PSM certificate shall you consider?
Personally, in most cases, I would consider a PSM I to be the minimum and a PSM II to be the standard. However, on the other side, someone holding a PSM III certainly has my full attention as they accomplished quite a feat.
Of course, there are exceptions to the rule that proves it. For example, some excellent agile practitioners do not believe in any form of Scrum certificates, and it works fine for them. However, they also put in a lot of work for the agile community and have corresponding visibility. Just ask yourself: Do you belong to this group?
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How to Pass the Scrum Master Certification — PSM I, PSM II, and PSM III was first published on
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