How is it that people think you are greedy if you want to be wealthy?

How is it that people think you are greedy if you want to be wealthy?

Becoming Wealthy is our Duty, it's NOT about being greedy!

I had a chat with another agent in Dubai this morning saying he is not really bothered about working too hard as he is happy where he is at in life and we shouldn't be so greedy about wanting to earn more money!

I completely disagreed with his opinion! You know me !!!! :)

It is our God Given right to have money if we are capable! I felt very strongly..think he was quite surprised but then began to see what I meant and why.

We were not born to be average, ABUNDANCE is absolutely our right!

For those of us able to help and impact others, I feel it's absolutely KEY to be wealthy so that we can then help a LOT of other people with the resources. And lets face it unless you're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or of inherited family wealth a bog standard 9-5 job is not going to cut it in amassing such wealth! Real estate will if you're serious and committed and learn in the process the best deals & ways to invest.

My passion for all I do is because I travelled so much in my teens, 20s as a backpacker to some of the most remote locations on the planet and I saw REAL HARDSHIP! I saw kids that have no toys ( On the Ghana/ Burkina Faso Borders in one village, I remember they were excited to play with our empty water bottles) , hardly any food, education, some with no parents, in Indonesia, Laos & Honduras some have to climb trees to escape criminals abducting them to Child Trafficking chains its sickening ...all this and much much more, it made me cry and physically sick that I couldn't do anything!

I made a pact that I would in my lifetime leave a legacy as best as I can and I can't do it with no resources nor network.

I work as hard as I do in real estate so that I have the ability to impact and help these little kids in our world one day very soon. To live a life for myself is just not enough for me, its not fulfilling nor my life purpose not that which God has chosen for me. I feel it deep inside every day I wake up.

Wealthy means Greedy !!!- NO WAY!

If you're someone who has only seen those the rich using it for designer sports cars, VIP tables at bars, having the latest watches and bags, whilst Im not saying that is bad, that is that persons choice ....but it does not mean that every wealthy person works in the same way.

Look at Bill & Melinda Gates and other such billionaires, they pledge over 50% of their earnings to good causes and world development and acceleration to eradicate disease, discomfort and help us into the 21st Century.

There is a lot of goodness in wealth but most of us are not around it enough and we don't have those network circles to really understand the mindset of the very wealthy.

Why did I write this post - because not everyone is here to earn money and spend it on themselves only.

Always Seek to understand! We have a duty to everyone on this planet not just ourselves.

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