How to prepare Employees Data and Inputs for
Actuarial Valuations in compliance of IndAS 19 & AS
15R for Employee Benefit Plans ?

How to prepare Employees Data and Inputs for Actuarial Valuations in compliance of IndAS 19 & AS 15R for Employee Benefit Plans ?

This article is prepared to help the company officials (I.E. HR, Accountant, Finance Managers, & Company Secretary) involved in preparation of Actuarial Inputs for Actuarial Valuations in compliance of AS 15 (Revised 2005) & IndAS 19 to understand various technical points while preparing the Inputs.


As per Section 128, 129 & 133 of Companies Act 2013- All Indian Public Sector, Private Sector and Multinational Companies needs to prepare the Financial Statement such as Balance Sheet & Profit/Loss Accounts at the closure of each financial year as per provisions of Section 129 of the Companies Act 2013. Also as per provisions of Section 133 of the Companies Act 2013, Financial Statements should be prepared in compliance with Accounting Standards as stipulated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs so that they can give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company. I produce here-in-below the main portion of the above 3 Sections for quick reference -

Section 128 - Every company shall prepare and keep at its registered office books of account and other relevant books and papers and financial statements for every financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the company.

Section 129 - The financial statements shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company or companies, comply with the accounting standards notified under section 133 and shall be in the form or forms as may be provided for different class or classes of companies in Schedule III, Provided that the items contained in such financial statements shall be in accordance with the accounting standards.

Section 133 - The Central Government may prescribe the standards of accounting or any addendum thereto, as recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, constituted under section 3 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (38 of 1949), in consultation with and after examination of the recommendations made by the National Financial Reporting Authority. It is understood from the above Sections of the Companies Act 2013 that all Indian Public Sector, Private Sector, and Multinational Companies follow the Accounting Standards. Most crucial and complex accounting is related to the following Employee Benefits: -

1. Gratuity - Regulated by the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 (a)

2. Earned Leave Benefit - Regulated by various Labor Laws

3. Sick Leave Benefit - Regulated by various Labor Laws

4. Long Term Service Awards - Regulated by company for Retention of Employees

5. Pensionary Benefits - Regulated by CCS Pension Rules 1972 (a)

6. Post Retirement Medical Benefits

7. Long Term Allowances

The above employee benefits Falls in the category of Defined Benefit and further categorized as Post Employment Benefit Obligation & other Long-Term Benefits. Accounting and Disclosure requirements for the above Defined Benefit Plans is laid down in the following 2 Accounting Standards as issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI):-

1. Accounting Standard 15 (Revised 2005) - AS 15 (Revised 2005)

2. Indian Accounting Standard 19 - Ind AS 19

The main objectives of the above Standards are to prescribe the guidelines and disclosures for Accounting for Defined Benefit Plans (i.e. Gratuity, Leave Encashment, Pension etc.). In order to comply with above standards a company is required to recognize: -

(a) a liability when an employee has provided service to company in exchange for defined benefits to be paid in the future; and

(b) an expense when the company consumes the economic benefit arising from service provided by an employee in exchange for defined benefits.

Inputs in Actuarial Valuations

The preparation of inputs for Actuarial Valuations plays an important roll in the Actuarial Results, so it is really important for the preparer to understand the implication of inputs on the Actuarial results. In this section we will give a list of important Actuarial Inputs to be prepared by the company officials for Actuarial Valuations in compliance of IndAS 19 & AS 15 (Revised 2005). The list of inputs required for Gratuity and Leave Encashment Plan are as under: -

1. Inputs for Actuarial Valuation under Gratuity Plan

All companies with 10 or more employees are required to comply with the Section 7 of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and required to make the payment of gratuity within 30 days from the date of exit from the company and as Gratuity falls in the category of long term employee benefit and hence companies are required to comply with Accounting Standard 15 (Revised 2005) for making the provision in the balance sheet as per the Actuarial Report issued by the Actuary. The following details are required to be prepared by the company for getting the Actuarial Valuation Certification from Actuary under Gratuity Plan:

a. Employee Data

The components of employees data on the date of valuation are as under: Employee Code Name of the Employee Date of Birth Date of Joining Qualifying Wages for Gratuity Computations (i.e. Basic plus DA or as per company policy)

b. Assumptions

The following Assumptions are required to be submitted by the company for valuation after analysis of past 5 years:

i. Financial Assumptions: -

. Rate of Salary Increase

. Mortality Rate (Currently IALM 2012-14 is used as per guidelines of IRDA)

. Retirement Age

c. Gratuity Policy of Company for making the payment of Gratuity

The following details about the Gratuity Policy are required to be submitted by the company for valuation:

. Details about the Formulae for Payment of Gratuity

. Details about Ceiling Limit on the Gratuity Amount

. Details about the waiting condition for eligibility of Gratuity

. Details about any special feature about Gratuity Policy, if applicable.

d. Details about the benefit paid during the Financial Year or the period for which actuarial valuation is required

Detail about any Gratuity Paid to the employees is a part of disclosure of the actuarial report under Gratuity Plan.

e. Details about the Fund held in the Gratuity Trust

If company as created a Income Tax Approved Gratuity Trust in terms of Part C of Schedule IV Of Income Tax Act, 1961 then following details are required to be submitted :-

. Value of Assets at the Start of the Accounting Period

. Interest

. Contribution made the company during the Accounting Period

. Claim received by the company during the accounting Period

. Closing Value of Plan Assets at the End of Accounting Period

I hope the above details may help CA, CS, Directors, Auditors of the company in preparation of Inputs for Actuarial Valuation in compliance of AS 15 (Revised 2005) & IndAS 19.

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