How to rejuvenate your brain

3 Nobel-Prize-Winning Breakthroughs That Work Together to Make MemoryProblems a Thing of the PastIf you suffer from memory problems, then this may be the most excitingnews you read this yearNot long ago, Rita Levi-Montalcini celebrated her 103rd birthday.During the festivities, she made a speech. And in that speech, shesaid: “my mental capacity is greater today than when I was 20.”Normally when I read a story like this, I smile and then I turn thepage. But in this case, I took Rita’s comments very seriously. And sodid the rest of the medical world.You see, Rita was no ordinary senior citizen. She was a famous doctorwho devoted her life to studying the human brain. In fact, her braindiscoveries were so important that they earned her the Nobel Prize inmedicine!Dr. Levi-Montalcini won the Nobel Prize for discovering a proteincalled nerve growth factor (NGF). Since her discovery, hundreds ofstudies have been done on NGF. These studies show that NGF has a wholehost of benefits: It reverses age-related memory loss and cognitivedecline. It helps with the survival and maintenance of brain cells. Itprotects and repairs damaged brain cells. And it prevents your brainfrom shrinking as you get older.A Simple Way to Boost NGFObviously, you wouldn’t want to constantly go to the hospital to havea capsule implanted in you. That’s why scientists were hoping to findan easier way to boost NGF levels. So they pored over the medicalliterature, and examined hundreds of nutrients shown to support brainhealth. After carefully analyzing all the nutrients, they shortlisted33 that looked most promising. They then tested these nutrientsagainst each other. And they found one nutrient that stood head andshoulders above the others at raising NGF levels.What is this nutrient? It’s an antioxidant called luteolin. Luteolinhas been shown to not only boost NGF, but also improve memory andlearning ability.In one study, a group of mice was fed either a luteolin-rich diet or acontrol diet. After 4 weeks, the mice were put in a water maze. Theyhad to swim through the maze, and find a hidden exit to get out of themaze. Result? The mice fed luteolin were able to exit the maze muchfaster than the control group. But what’s really surprising was, theolder mice on the luteolin diet did even better than the younger mice!And that’s not all luteolin does.  We should take in consideration thestudies from my correspondent Dr. Frank ShallenbergerDr. Frank Shallenberger is the Editor-in-Chief of Second OpinionNewsletter and Second Opinion Health Alert. Dr. Shallenberger earnedhis medical degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicineand received his postgraduate training at Mt. Zion Hospital in SanFrancisco. Dr. Shallenberger is board certified by the American Boardof Anti-Aging Medicine and has been practicing medicine for over 44years.Dr. Shallenberger also uses his knowledge and experience in themedical field to research and provide specialized formulations forAdvanced Bionutritionals® Nutritional Supplements and Nutraceuticals.Advanced Bionutritionals is a cutting edge line of vitamins andnutraceuticals. These high quality supplements are made to assurepurity and potency.Blocks Inflammation and Stops Brain Aging in Its TracksIf you have memory problems, it could be due to inflammation.Inflammation can give you brain fog and cloudy thinking. It candisrupt your attention and make it harder for you to focus on a task.And it can cause you to suddenly forget names or words you know well.The good news is, studies show luteolin can block inflammation andstop brain aging in its tracks. Have a look at these studies…Memory lab ratIn one study, scientists had a group of mice drink water thatcontained luteolin. They had another group of mice as a control. After3 weeks, they injected the mice in both groups with a toxin, whichtriggered inflammation in their brains.Result:The mice fed luteolin had much less inflammation in their hippocampus,the brain region where memories are formed and stored! This isastounding, because very few nutrients are able to reach this part ofthe brain. And luteolin is one of them.Nobel-Prize-Winning Breakthrough #2The Protein That Destroys Memory and Brain FunctionYou already know that inflammation, free radicals, and stress arecommon causes of memory problems. But there’s another common causethat few people know about. It’s a little-known protein called tau.Tau is found inside your brain cells. It blocks oxygen and vitalnutrients from getting into your brain cells. By doing so, it causesyour brain cells to die off. Over time, it can rob you of your memory,thinking, speech, and other mental abilities.Fortunately, there’s a simple solution. A new study shows that you canprotect against tau tangles, and reverse mental decline, by taking acombination of 4 simple nutrients.What are these 4 nutrients? They are ginkgo … vinpocetine …acetyl-L-carnitine ... and PS (phosphatidylserine).You may have heard about these nutrients. Each of them has been shownto boost memory and brain health. But when taken together, they areeven more powerful. They are able to block tau tangles … and give yourbrain more protection than the sum of the individual nutrients.How to Build a Younger Brain as You AgeFor decades, scientists believed it was impossible to build a youngerbrain. But that all changed when a neuroscientist named Dr. EricKandel proved that you can grow new brain cells and rebuild yourbrain—no matter what your age!Ginko BilobaDr. Kandel won the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research. Sincethen, scientists have shifted their focus from “is it possible?” to“how to grow new brain cells.” This led them to another breakthroughdiscovery. The discovery of an essential compound the brain needs togrow new cells.What is this compound? It’s called BDNF (brain-derived neurotropicfactor). BDNF is a protein produced by the brain. It plays a vitalrole in growing new brain cells.Here’s a study that shows how stunning BDNF is at promoting brain cell growth:In the study, scientists injected BDNF into some brain cells in apetri dish. They couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw whathappened next. They saw that the brain cells miraculously began tosprout branches! These are the very branches the brain cells need totransmit signals and communicate with other cells.Could this laboratory result apply in the real world to actual humanbeings? Well, scientists decided to find out.Makes You Sharper and SmarterIn one study, scientists first gave a blood test to a group ofvolunteers to measure their BDNF levels. They then had the volunteerswatch a rapidfire lineup of photos that showed the faces and names ofpeople they didn’t know. After a break, they asked the volunteers torecall the names they had just seen.After the test was completed, the scientists examined the results,along with the data from the blood test. What they found wasastonishing. They found that people who did the best, by far, on thememory test were those with the highest levels of BDNF!In another study, scientists found that people with high levels ofBDNF learn vocabulary words 20% faster.How to Boost Your BDNF by a Whopping 143%!We know that coffee can boost mental performance. And we know thatcoffee is made from coffee beans, which are the seeds of coffeefruits.But a group of scientists wondered, could coffee fruits benefit ourbrain? To find the answer, they decided to conduct a double-blind,placebo-controlled study.First, they had a group of people take a blood test. Then, they gavethem either a concentrate made from coffee, fruit, or a placebo. Afterthat, they had them re-take the blood test every half hour.Result? They found that those who took the coffee fruit concentratesaw their BDNF levels skyrocket by 143% — within an hour! Thescientists were blown away by the dramatic effect of the coffee fruitconcentrate. They were so excited, they decided to patent thisconcentrate.It’s called NeuroFactor™. It is made from the whole fruit of thecoffee plant Coffea Arabica. It’s tasteless, odorless, and colorless.And it contains no caffeine.Nobel-Prize-Winning Breakthrough #3How a Night Dream Led to a Stunning Discovery That Supercharges Your MemoryIt was the night before Easter Saturday in 1921. A German scientistnamed Otto Loewi came up with an idea in his dream. When he got up thenext morning, he was very excited about his idea. But, to his horror,he couldn’t remember what it was. He thought he had lost the idea forgood. But that night, he had the same dream again. It was about a newexperiment for his research This time, Otto got up immediately, wentto his lab, and conducted the experiment like he did in his dream.This led to a discovery that completely changed the scientists thoughtabout the workings of the brain. It was so profound, Otto won theNobel Prize in Medicine in 1936. Today, we know all about thisdiscovery. It’s called acetylcholine.As you may know, acetylcholine is the messenger that helps your braincells communicate with each other. It helps you store memories andretrieve them quickly when you need them. It allows you to rememberwhat you walked into a room to get … recall names with ease … rememberwhat you need to buy at the grocery store. But the problem is, as youget older, your brain makes less acetylcholine. In fact, if you noticethat you get “senior moments” more often than before, it’s a tell-talesign of low acetylcholine.How to Boost Acetylcholine and Speed up Your Brain FunctionOne way to boost acetylcholine levels is to take a choline supplement.Choline is the building block your brain needs to make acetylcholine.The bad news is, choline is not easily absorbed and used by the body.Plus, it often has a fishy smell or taste to it.But here’s the good news. Scientists recently found a special form ofcholine that your body can easily absorb and use. What’s more, unlikeother forms of choline, it can cross the blood-brain barrier. So itgets into your brain, and works where it counts the most. Plus, itdoesn’t have the fishy smell or taste.What is this special form of choline? It’s calledalpha-glycero-phosphocholine, or alpha-GPC for short. When you takealpha-GPC, your brain starts making more acetylcholine — almostinstantly! This was shown in a placebo-controlled study. In the study,scientists gave a group of volunteers a motion sickness drug calledscopolamine. Why did they do that? It’s because scopolamine is knownto deplete the body’s acetylcholine levels, and cause a conditioncalled “scopolamine amnesia.”Now here’s where it gets interesting. The scientists gave half ofthese volunteers alpha-GPC and half of them a placebo. Then, they hadthem perform a series of memory and attention tests. What happened?The volunteers taking alpha-GPC didn’t show any sign of memory loss orattention deficits! In fact, they performed even better than beforethey took scopolamine! That means, alpha-GPC replenished theiracetylcholine quickly, and completely blocked the negative effects ofscopolamine.Proven to Work Even on Patientswith Severe Mental DeclineOver 20 clinical studies prove that alpha-GPC works. It’s so powerful,it works even on patients with severe mental decline. Here’s proof…Ina large study involving 176 hospitals, 2,044 patients who had severemental decline after a stroke were given alpha-GPC. 3 Within 28 days,these patients saw a huge improvement in their verbal fluency,awareness, and orientation. Even more stunning, 71% of them showed nocognitive decline or forgetfulness—after 6 months!Brain-Boosting Superstar #4Brain Fuel That Supercharges Your Mental Performance by 44%Imagine you were given a memory test of 100 questions. You got only 56right. But then you took a “smart pill,” and took the test again. Yourscore? A perfect 100!Sounds unbelievable, I know. But believe it or not, that’s whathappened in an Italian study. In the study, 170 patients aged 55 to 80were given a pill to take daily. After 3 months, they saw their memoryand learning ability improve by a whopping 44%! What’s more, they alsoimproved their speech and word association skills.What is this pill? It’s called PS (phosphatidylserine). PS is abuilding block of cell membranes. It maintains healthy cell membranes,so your brain cells can communicate efficiently. It speeds up yourbrain, so you feel sharper, focus better, and think quicker. Even morestunning…Stanford Scientists Prove It Can Cut 12 Years Off Your Brain Age!In a study performed jointly at Stanford and Vanderbilt Universities,scientists tested PS on 149 patients with memory loss. First, they hadthe patients perform various memory tests. Then, they gave half thepatients PS and half a dummy pill. After 12 weeks, they had thepatients do the tests again.Result: Those who took PS saw a huge improvement in their memory,learning, and cognition. They could remember the names and faces ofpeople they never met … find misplaced objects quickly … and recalltelephone numbers easily. They could even recall entire paragraphsfrom memory!But here’s something even more surprising. While the average age ofthe patients was 64, the results showed that they had a mentalcapacity of age 52. That means, their brains were 12 years youngerthan their actual age! But the benefits of PS don’t end there…It Can Stop Stress-Related Memory ProblemsWhen you’re stressed, you become more forgetful. For instance, whenyou’re running late for an appointment, you’re more likely to forgetto bring your wallet or cellphone with you. You may even be moreaccident-prone. The good news is, you can relieve your stress and liftyour mood simply by taking PS. In one study, participants reportedsignificant stress relief—after taking PS.In another study of 425 elderly patients, those who took PS not onlyhad a better memory and learning ability. But they also felt happierand had more interest in their surroundings. What’s more, they alsoshowed improved social and communication skills. That’s amazing!In all, over 63 clinical studies and 2,800 research papers show PS canrestore memory loss, lift mood, and boost mental performance.Brain-Boosting Superstar #5The Brain Energizer That Works Even for 100-Year-OldsYou may have heard of L-carnitine. It’s an amino acid that helps yourbody produce more energy. It energizes your heart, your lungs, yourliver, and everywhere in your body.But the problem is, L-carnitine can’t cross the blood-brain barrier.So to boost energy in your brain, you need another form ofL-carnitine. It’s called acetyl-L-carnitine, or ALC for short.ALC is able to get inside your brain, and give your brain aninvigorating energy boost.The efficacy of ALC has been proven in over 21 double-blind studies.In a Stanford study, patients with serious mental decline became lessforgetful—after taking ALC. In another study, patients who took ALCperformed 2.8 times better on mental tests than those taking aplacebo!In yet another study, patients over 100 years old were given ALCdaily. All of these patients had memory problems. Plus, they alsosuffered from fatigue and muscle weakness. But after taking ALC for 6months, they not only improved their mental functions. But also, theyhad more energy, stronger muscles, and less body fat. That’sincredible for these 100-year-olds! If ALC worked so well for these100-year-olds with severe mental decline … imagine what it can do foryou! And you get a generous 250 mg of ALC in every dose of AdvancedMemory Formula . Advanced Memory Formula also contains…Brain-Boosting Superstar #6The Berry That Protects Your Brain from Free Radical DamageYou know that berries are good for you. They are rich in antioxidants.But one berry is stronger than all the rest. In fact, USDA scientistsfound that it has the highest levels of free radical fighters,compared to over 40 fruits and vegetables. Plus, it has 20 times moreantioxidant power than tomatoes … and 10 times more thanbeta-carotene.Which berry am I talking about? I’m talking about blueberry. Not onlydo blueberries have more antioxidant power than other berries. Butmore importantly, they are packed with anthocyanins.Anthocyanins are one of the few classes of antioxidants that can crossthe blood-brain barrier. That means, they can get inside your brain …and scrub away any brain rust that may be eating away your memory now.In addition to anthocyanins, blueberries are also rich in a compoundcalled pterostilbene (pronounced “ter-oh-still-bean”). Research showspterostilbene is more powerful than resveratrol, because it’s 4 timesbetter absorbed. Plus, it stays in your body up to 7 times longer.Even more amazing, pterostilbene has the ability to “switch on” thegenes that promote a sharper memory. And the ability to switch OFF thegenes that speed up brain aging and mental decline.So far, I’ve told you about 6 clinically proven brain nutrients. IfAdvanced Memory Formula had only these nutrients, it would be one ofthe best supplements around. But to make Advanced Memory Formula THEbest supplement in the category, and to make sure it covers all thebases, we also added…6 More Brain-Boosting Superstars to Help You Build a Steel-Trap MemoryLuteolin and Lecithin:Lecithin breaks down fatty deposits and prevents fat build-ups in yourbrain. By doing so, it helps your brain work better and faster, so youhave less memory lapses. In fact, one study found that elderly peoplewho took lecithin cut their “senior moments” in HALF! That’s right,they had half as many senior moments as before.Bacopa monnieri:This herb has been used by the Indians to boost memory for over 6,000years. Today, over 14 studies confirm that bacopa really works. Onestudy found that bacopa improved memory and recall ability in peopleover age 55. Another study found that bacopa helped people grasp newinformation quicker, and recall it accurately a few days later. Andyet another study found that bacopa helped people learn a new skill40% faster!Bacopa Monnieri and Vinpocetine:Vinpocetine is an extract from the periwinkle plant. It boosts bloodflow to your brain and improves your circulation. It opens up the tinycapillaries in your brain, so your brain gets more oxygen and vitalnutrients it needs to perform optimally. Over 100 studies on 20,000people prove that vinpocetine improves memory and brain function. Infact, one study found that vinpocetine improved memory in all of thepatients with severe mental decline. That’s a 100% success rate!Advanced Memory Formula gives you 10 mg of vinpocetine, an amountshown to work in studies. But because healthy circulation is socrucial for your brain health, we also added…Ginkgo biloba:Like vinpocetine, ginkgo also boosts blood flow to your brain. It isone of the world’s most popular remedies for memory problems. And itcertainly lives up to its reputation. Over 1,000 studies show itimproves memory, thinking, and alertness. One study found you may evensee improvements in just one week!Ginko Biloba +CalciumYou probably know that calcium is a “bone mineral.” But did you knowthat it’s also a “brain mineral”? It’s true! That’s because your brainneeds calcium to form memories. Indeed, a study of 6,000 olderpatients found that having low calcium levels can lead to memory lossand confusion.Phosphorus:This often-overlooked mineral supports your brain health 3 ways.First, it helps repair cell membranes, which protect and keep yourbrain cells healthy. Second, it helps maintain healthy brain wiring,so your brain cells can transmit signals better and faster. And third,it helps your brain produce more energy, giving you more mental power.Altogether, you get 12 brain nutrients in Advanced Memory Formula.Each of them has been clinically proven to boost your memory and brainhealth.PhosphorusYou can stop brain aging in its tracks by blocking inflammation. Youcan prevent your brain from shrinking by growing new brain cells. Youcan even undo the damage done by tau tangles and free radicals.Imagine how great it will feel to have a healthy memory and mind forlife. Imagine how great it will feel to enjoy life without the fear,frustration, and embarrassment of memory lapses. That’s right, no moreforgetting what you walked into a room for … what you’re going to sayin midsentence … where you parked your car … or where you put yourkeys, eyeglasses, or cellphone.Prof. Guy Van Elsacker Dr.Sc - Biomed ExpertResearch EPIGENETICS & NUTRACEUTICALSINFORMATION Channels - LINKEDIN - FACEBOOK (GENUTRA)Educational Boards : PINTEREST - Dr. Health (

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