How SmartContract interacts with app(front-end) & Backend(Blockchain).

In this article I am planning to talk about the interaction between SC, APP and BC.

As you might know SmartContract is self-executing code when specific conditions are met & that will always run the way it is programmed. Smart Contract, blockchains provide developers with a way to decentralize where the code runs. In this way, code can truly become a public resource. This means code can run without any direct ownership, making it censorship resistant and transparently verifiable. When you take smart contract code, compile it and deploy it to a decentralized blockchain, the code becomes publicly available on the blockchain and the nodes in the network will enforce the logic of the code through the financial incentives of the blockchain protocol.

When you write a smart contract using Solidity, you need to compile it in order to convert it into bytecode that can be executed on the blockchain. The Solidity compiler is used to compile the smart contract code into bytecode that can be executed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Please note that Solidity is a programming language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is not a multi-threaded programming language, and therefore it does not have synchronization resources such as mutexes, semaphores, or threads.

Solidity is designed to be a single-threaded programming language, which means that all code executed by a smart contract is executed on a single thread of execution. This is because smart contracts are intended to be deterministic, and multi-threading can introduce non-deterministic behavior that could lead to inconsistent results.

Please note that smart contracts can be created using other languages also, one of the famous was is to create using the Ink language which is based on populer Rust lang and can be deployed in any blockchain which are built using the substrate framework.

I can see Smart Contracts are similar to Class in objects-oriented programming languages like C++ or Java. Please see below analysis.

Smart contracts written in Rust using the Ink language have some similarities to classes in C++, but there are also significant differences. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Object-Oriented Programming: Both smart contracts in Ink and classes in C++ are based on object-oriented programming principles. They provide a way to encapsulate data and behavior into reusable units.
  2. State and Storage: In smart contracts, the state is stored on the blockchain, and data structures like storage maps are used to manage and persist the state. In C++, the state is typically managed within the memory of the running program. So, smart contracts need to handle persistent storage on the blockchain, which requires a different approach compared to C++.
  3. Execution Environment: Smart contracts in Ink are executed on a blockchain, providing decentralized and distributed execution. In contrast, C++ programs are typically executed on a centralized server or local machine. The execution environment of smart contracts is distributed among multiple nodes, which affects factors like consensus, transaction validation, and security.
  4. Immutable and Trustless Nature: Smart contracts aim to provide immutability and trustlessness. Once deployed on the blockchain, the code and data of a smart contract cannot be changed arbitrarily. They rely on blockchain consensus mechanisms to ensure the integrity and security of the contract. C++ classes, on the other hand, can be modified and adapted more freely.
  5. Built-in Blockchain Integration: Smart contracts in Ink are designed specifically for blockchain integration. They provide features like events, built-in transaction handling, and access to blockchain-specific functionalities. These features enable smart contracts to interact with the blockchain's decentralized infrastructure and participate in the consensus process. In C++, additional libraries or frameworks are typically needed to achieve similar functionality.

Let me list some of the frequently used or very important terms used in block chain especially in Etherium.

Interaction between different players :

                                             User Interfac
                                          Web3 Provider (e.g. MetaMask)
                                        |                             |
                               Blockchain Network                 Sidechains
                                  (e.g. Ethereum)                   (e.g. Polygon)
                                        |                             |
                      +-----------------+----------------+    +-----+-----+
                      |                 |                |    |           |
                 Smart Contracts    Consensus       Oracles    |           |
                                     Mechanism                 |           |
                                                                |           |
                                                   Interoperability Protocols
                                                           (e.g. Polkadot)
                                                  |                          |
                                         Data Provider               Storage System
                                         (e.g. Infura)               (e.g. IPFS, Swarm)
                                                  |                          |
                                    Identity and Access Management Systems
                                              (e.g. Litentry)


  1. Bytecode: Bytecode is a low-level machine-readable code that represents the compiled form of a smart contract written in a high-level programming language such as Solidity. The bytecode is executed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to execute the smart contract.
  2. ABI: The Application Binary Interface (ABI) is an interface that defines how smart contracts communicate with each other and with external entities such as web applications. It describes the functions and data structures of a smart contract in a standardized format that can be understood by other software components.
  3. EVM: The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a runtime environment that executes smart contracts in a decentralized manner. It is a virtual machine that runs on the nodes of the Ethereum network and is responsible for executing bytecode and enforcing the rules of the Ethereum network.
  4. Web app: A web application is a software application that runs on a web browser. In the context of smart contracts, web applications can interact with smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain using the ABI.Examples : Uniswap, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, decentralized prediction markets, and decentralized social networks.
  5. Blockchain: A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions and smart contract executions in a secure and transparent manner. Smart contracts are deployed on the blockchain and can be executed by the EVM. The blockchain provides the infrastructure for the execution of smart contracts and the storage of their state.
  6. Wallets: Wallets are software applications that allow users to store, manage, and transfer cryptocurrencies such as Ether. They can also be used to interact with smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. Example Metamask and MyEtherWallet are an example of a popular Ethereum wallet. MyEtherWallet allows users to store, manage, and transfer Ether and other ERC-20 tokens. MyEtherWallet also provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
  7. Nodes: Nodes are the individual computers that make up the Ethereum network. They store a copy of the blockchain and can execute smart contracts using the EVM. Geth is an example of a node client for the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to run a full node on their local computer, which means they can store a copy of the entire Ethereum blockchain and execute smart contracts using the EVM. Geth also provides a command-line interface for interacting with the Ethereum network.
  8. Gas: Gas is a unit of measurement that represents the computational resources required to execute a smart contract on the Ethereum network. Transactions and smart contract executions on the Ethereum network require gas, which must be paid for in Ether.
  9. Consensus algorithms: Consensus algorithms are the mechanisms that allow the nodes on the Ethereum network to reach agreement on the state of the blockchain. Ethereum currently uses a consensus algorithm called Proof of Stake (PoS).
  10. Oracles: Oracles are third-party services that provide off-chain data to smart contracts. They allow smart contracts to interact with data sources outside of the blockchain, such as real-world events or data feeds. One example of an oracle is Chainlink, which provides a decentralized network of oracles that can be used to securely connect smart contracts to off-chain data sources. For example, a smart contract that pays out insurance claims based on weather data could use Chainlink to securely access weather data from a third-party provider.
  11. Interoperability protocols: Interoperability protocols are protocols that enable different blockchains to communicate with each other. They allow for the transfer of assets and data between different blockchains, and enable developers to build decentralized applications that span multiple blockchains. One example of an interoperability protocol is Polkadot, which is a blockchain platform that allows for the interoperability of different blockchains. Polkadot enables the transfer of assets and data between different blockchains, and allows developers to build decentralized applications that span multiple blockchains.
  12. Decentralized storage: Decentralized storage systems allow for the secure and decentralized storage of data on the blockchain. They can be used to store the state of smart contracts, as well as other data such as user profiles and application data.One example of a decentralized storage system is IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), which is a distributed file system that allows for the secure and decentralized storage of files on the blockchain. IPFS can be used to store the state of smart contracts, as well as other data such as user profiles and application data.
  13. Identity and access management systems: Identity and access management systems enable users to securely manage their identities and access to applications and services on the blockchain. They can be used to control access to smart contracts and other blockchain-based resources. One example of an identity and access management system is uPort, which is a decentralized identity management system built on the Ethereum blockchain. uPort allows users to securely manage their identities and access to applications and services on the blockchain. Litentry is another example of an identity and access management system. It is a decentralized identity aggregator that allows users to manage their identities across different blockchains and applications. Litentry uses a reputation-based system to establish trust between users and applications, and allows users to control their data and privacy on the blockchain.
  14. Governance mechanisms: Governance mechanisms are systems that allow for the decentralized management and decision-making of blockchain-based applications and services. They can be used to manage the upgrade and evolution of smart contracts, as well as to resolve disputes and conflicts on the blockchain. One example of a governance mechanism is Aragon, which is a platform for decentralized governance and management of organizations. Aragon enables the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that can be used to manage the upgrade and evolution of smart contracts, as well as to resolve disputes and conflicts on the blockchain.
  15. APIs: APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are interfaces that allow software applications to communicate with each other. APIs can be used to interact with smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, and to build decentralized applications (dApps) that interact with the Ethereum network.

Coming back to smart contract on Ethereum, When you compile a smart contract, the Solidity compiler generates a number of output artifacts. These artifacts include:

Simplified representation of the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem and the specific components and their interactions may vary depending on the specific use case and implementation.

              Smart Contract Developer
                 Solidity Programming
             |                             |
     Smart Contract Code                ABI (Application Binary Interface)
             |                             |
   +----------------+                 +-------------+
   |                |                 |             |
Bytecode      Deployed Smart       Contract Interface
             Contract Instance            |
             |                             |
  +------------------+                  |
  |   Ethereum Virtual |                  |
  |      Machine      |                  |
  |                   |                  |
  | Execution of      |                  |
  |  Smart Contract   |                  |
  |                   |                  |
  +------------------+                  |
             |                          |
        Blockchain                    Mempool
             |                          |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
  |   Block Producer  |       |       Transaction     |
  |  (e.g. Miner)     |       |       Pool (Pending)   |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
             |                             |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
  |      Block       |       |    Transaction Pool   |
  |                  |       |    (Mempool Snapshot)  |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
             |                             |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
  |      Block       |       |      Transaction     |
  |      Content     |       |      Processing      |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
             |                             |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
  |     Block Data    |       |   Transaction Receipt |
  |     Validation   |       |         Storage       |
  +------------------+       +---------------------+
             |                             |
       Finalized Block                Transaction Finality
             |                             |
       Block Chain Head                   |
             |                             |
      Block Chain History                 |
                                    External Integration
                                    DApps, Wallets, etc.        

Below are details of some important components :

  1. Application Binary Interface (ABI): ABI stands for Application Binary Interface. It is a standardized interface for interacting with smart contracts on a blockchain network. ABI defines the methods that are available to be called on the contract, including their arguments and return types. It acts as a contract between the contract and its users, allowing users to communicate with the contract by calling its methods using the ABI. The ABI is typically generated by the Solidity compiler when the contract is compiled. It is represented as a JSON file, and contains the contract's interface definition, including its methods, their arguments and return types, as well as other information needed to interact with the contract, such as the contract's address on the blockchain network. Developers and users can use the ABI to interact with the smart contract from different platforms, such as a web application or a mobile application, using a library such as Web3.js. The ABI serves as the bridge between the contract and the application, allowing developers to build applications that interact with the blockchain network.
  2. Bytecode: The bytecode is the compiled code that can be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The bytecode is represented as a hex string. The bytecode generated from compiling a Solidity smart contract is a low-level code that is executed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The EVM is a sandboxed environment that executes smart contracts in a deterministic and secure manner. When a smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum network, the EVM creates a new instance of the contract and assigns it a unique address on the blockchain. The contract's bytecode is stored on the blockchain along with its address. When a user wants to interact with the contract, they create a transaction that contains the function call and the necessary input parameters. The transaction is broadcasted to the network and validated by the miners. Once the transaction is validated, the EVM executes the contract's bytecode to perform the desired function and update the state of the contract. The execution of the contract is done in a gas-limited environment, which means that each computational step in the contract requires a certain amount of gas to be executed. If the function being called by the user changes the state of the contract (i.e., writes data to the blockchain), the EVM creates a new transaction to store the updated state on the blockchain. This transaction also includes a fee (in ether) for the miner who validates the transaction and includes it in the blockchain. This fee is calculated based on the amount of gas used during the execution of the contract. In summary, the bytecode is the machine-readable code that the EVM executes to execute a smart contract, while the ABI is the human-readable interface that defines the contract's functions and their input/output parameters.
  3. Gas Estimation: Gas estimation is the process of predicting the amount of gas that a transaction or contract execution will consume in the Ethereum network. In Ethereum, gas is a unit of measure for computational work that needs to be performed to execute a transaction or contract on the network. The amount of gas required for a transaction depends on the complexity of the smart contract code being executed, the type of operation being performed, and the current state of the Ethereum network. Gas estimation is important because it allows users to estimate the cost of executing a transaction or contract before they actually send it to the network. This helps them avoid running out of gas in the middle of a transaction or paying too much for gas. Gas estimation can be done using tools such as the Remix IDE, which provides an estimate of the gas cost of a transaction or contract execution based on the code and input data. The web3.eth.estimateGas() method in the web3.js library can also be used to estimate gas costs programmatically. However, please note that gas estimation is not always 100% accurate, as the gas required for a transaction can vary depending on the state of the network at the time of execution. It is therefore advisable to add a buffer to gas estimates to ensure that the transaction or contract execution does not fail due to lack of gas.
  4. Gas Price: It is the amount sender wants to pay per unit of gas to get the transaction mined. I.e gasPrice is set by the miner which is denoted in Wei or gwei. Note : Higher the gasPrice the faster the transaction is mined.
  5. Gas costs : Please refer to below:

6. Gas Limit: It is Maximum gas that the transaction can consume and gas limit is set by the sender.

  • Transaction fees = Gas units(Limit) * (Base Fees + Tip)
  • Ethereum gas limit can prevent from running the infinite loop in the block chain.

7. MetaMask : MetaMask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store, manage and interact with their cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a browser extension wallet that integrates with popular web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, and Brave, making it easy to use and accessible to a wide range of users.

With MetaMask, users can securely store their private keys, send and receive Ether and ERC-20 tokens, interact with decentralized applications, and sign and verify digital signatures. MetaMask also provides a user-friendly interface for managing Ethereum accounts, tracking transaction history, and monitoring cryptocurrency prices.

In addition to being a wallet, MetaMask also serves as a gateway to the decentralized web, allowing users to seamlessly interact with DApps built on the Ethereum blockchain. With MetaMask, users can connect to DApps with just a few clicks, without the need to manually enter their private keys or seed phrases. This makes it easy for anyone to participate in the decentralized economy and take advantage of the benefits offered by blockchain technology.

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) :

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a key component of the Ethereum blockchain. It is a virtual machine that executes smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Here is an example of how the EVM executes a simple smart contract that stores and retrieves a string:

  1. First, the bytecode for the smart contract is loaded into the EVM.
  2. The EVM reads the bytecode and identifies the entry point for the smart contract, which is the constructor function.
  3. The EVM creates a new instance of the smart contract and initializes its state by calling the constructor function.
  4. The EVM waits for a transaction to be sent to the smart contract.
  5. When a transaction is received, the EVM verifies that the transaction is valid and that the sender has enough Ether to pay for the gas cost of executing the transaction.
  6. The EVM executes the function specified in the transaction by calling the appropriate function in the smart contract's bytecode.
  7. The function executes on the EVM, modifying the state of the smart contract and/or transferring Ether between accounts.
  8. When the function has completed execution, the EVM updates the state of the smart contract and generates a new block on the blockchain to record the transaction.
  9. The EVM then waits for the next transaction to be received and repeats the process.

This is a simplified example, but it gives you an idea of how the EVM works. The EVM is a complex system that is designed to be secure and deterministic, which means that every node on the Ethereum network will execute smart contracts in exactly the same way.

Here is an example of how to compile a Solidity smart contract using the solc command-line compiler:

solc --abi --bin -o build/contracts/ MyContract.sol        

This command will compile the MyContract.sol file and output the ABI and bytecode artifacts to the build/contracts/ directory.

Once you have compiled your smart contract, you can use the ABI and bytecode artifacts to deploy and interact with the smart contract on the blockchain.

  "contractName": "MyContract", {
  "abi": [
      "constant": false,
      "inputs": [
          "name": "param1",
          "type": "uint256"
      "name": "myFunction",
      "outputs": [],
      "payable": false,
      "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
      "type": "function"
  "bytecode": "0x608060405234801561001057600080fd5b506101a98061001f6000396000f3fe608060405260043610610045576000357c01... ",
  "deployedBytecode": "0x608060405260043610610045576000357c01...",
  "networks": {
    "1": {
      "events": {},
      "links": {},
      "address": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
      "transactionHash": "0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
      "updatedAt": "2022-02-12T11:01:45.001Z"
  "sourceMap": "46:54:0:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;",
  "deployedSourceMap": "46:54:0:-;;;;;;"

This example JSON artifact contains the contract name ("MyContract"), the ABI (which describes the functions and variables of the smart contract), the bytecode of the smart contract (which can be deployed to the blockchain), and the deployed bytecode (which is the actual bytecode that was deployed to the network).

It also contains a "networks" object, which maps network IDs to deployment data, such as the contract address and transaction hash. Finally, it contains source maps that map the compiled bytecode back to the original source code for debugging purposes.

  1. contractName: The name of the Solidity contract that was compiled.
  2. abi: The Application Binary Interface (ABI) of the contract. The ABI is a standardized way to interact with the contract, and it defines the methods and parameters that can be called.
  3. bytecode: The compiled bytecode of the contract, which can be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
  4. sourceMap: A string that maps the compiled bytecode to the source code. It is used to debug the contract and map errors in the bytecode to the corresponding lines of source code.
  5. deployedSourceMap: A string that maps the deployed bytecode to the source code.
  6. source: The source code of the Solidity contract.
  7. sourcePath: The file path of the source code.
  8. ast: The abstract syntax tree (AST) of the source code. The AST is a tree representation of the source code that is used to analyze and manipulate it.
  9. compiler: The version of the Solidity compiler that was used to compile the contract.
  10. networks: A mapping of network IDs to deployment addresses and transaction hashes for the contract on each network. This is useful for deploying and interacting with the contract on multiple networks.
  11. schemaVersion: The version of the JSON output format.

How to dApps can interact with smartContract or how is the connection between the front-end and backend of the application with a local or remote Solidity using HTTP to WebSocket. :

Front-end and backend are the two main components of any application, and web 3.0 app is not an exception.

  • Front-end: Usually developed in in JavaScript and Front-end Framework calls to the Backend.
  • Backend: Provides the service or info to Front-end with what they are looking for. The backend of the web 3.0 application uses blockchain technology to ensure the security of decentralized data storage.
  • Web3.js is a collection of libraries that allows your front-end to connect with local or remote Ethereum nodes, using an HTTP or IPC connection via JSON-RPC API . It provides an abstraction layer to interact with smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum network, which includes the ability to create transactions to invoke smart contract functions and to retrieve the current state of a smart contract. It allows developers to write JavaScript code to query and manipulate the Ethereum blockchain, such as getting account balances, sending transactions, and interacting with smart contracts. The web 3.0 blockchain application library interacts with the Ethereum blockchain and shares other communication protocols directly from the JavaScript-based front-end.

To interact with the ABI of a smart contract using Web3.js, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Instantiate a Web3 object using a provider that can communicate with the Ethereum network, such as the Ethereum browser extension MetaMask or a local node like Ganache.
  2. Create a new instance of a contract object, passing the contract's ABI and address as parameters.
  3. Call the methods on the contract object to interact with the smart contract. The methods will have the same names as the functions defined in the contract's ABI. When calling a method that requires parameters, pass the parameters as an array in the order they appear in the function definition.
  4. To retrieve information about the state of the contract, use the contract's getter methods, which will return the current value of the corresponding state variable.

import Web3 from 'web3';
import configuration from '../build/contracts/smartContract**.json';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';

// Import the web3 library
const Web3 = require('web3');

// Set up the web3 provider (in this case, we're using a local Ganache instance)
const web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545');

// Define the contract ABI (Application Binary Interface)
const abi = [
    "constant": false,
    "inputs": [
        "name": "_greeting",
        "type": "string"
    "name": "setGreeting",
    "outputs": [],
    "payable": false,
    "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
    "type": "function"
    "constant": true,
    "inputs": [],
    "name": "getGreeting",
    "outputs": [
        "name": "",
        "type": "string"
    "payable": false,
    "stateMutability": "view",
    "type": "function"
// Define the contract address (in this case, we'll deploy a new instance of the contract later)
let contractAddress;

// Define the contract instance
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress);

// Define the default account to use for transactions
web3.eth.defaultAccount = '0x...'; // replace with an actual Ethereum account address

// Deploy a new instance of the contract , 
below deplyoment is not required in most of the cases 
deployment of the smart contract should be done before running 
the JavaScript code using the contract. Typically, 
the deployment is done using the Truffle framework, 
which will generate an artifact with the contract's ABI 
and bytecode. This artifact can be imported into the JavaScript 
code and used to interact with the contract. so commentin below deloyment code*/

const deployment = contract.deploy({
  data: '0x...',
  arguments: ['Hello Smart contract world !']

  from: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
  gas: 1500000,
  gasPrice: '30000000000000'
}).then((newContractInstance) => {
  console.log(`Contract deployed at address ${newContractInstance.options.address}`);
  contractAddress = newContractInstance.options.address;
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error(`Error deploying contract: ${error}`);

// Call a contract function
contract.methods.getGreeting().call().then((result) => {
  console.log(`Current greeting: ${result}`);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error(`Error calling contract function: ${error}`);

// Send a transaction to a contract function
contract.methods.setGreeting('Jai, Shree Ram!').send({
  from: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
  gas: 1500000,
  gasPrice: '30000000000000'
}).then((receipt) => {
  console.log(`Transaction sent: ${receipt.transactionHash}`);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error(`Error sending transaction: ${error}`);

In the above example, we instantiate a new Web3 object using the provider from MetaMask, and define the ABI and address of a simple smart contract. We create a new instance of the contract object, and use its methods to interact with the contract.

  • First, we import the Web3 library and create a new instance of it that's connected to a local Ganache instance.
  • Next, we define the ABI for the contract we want to interact with. The ABI is a list of function signatures and other metadata that describe how to interact with the contract's functions.
  • By importing the ABI from the JSON file, we don't need to manually define the ABI in our code, which can be error-prone and time-consuming. Instead, we can rely on the JSON file generated by Truffle to have the correct ABI for our contract. This makes the process of interacting with the contract much simpler and less error-prone.
  • We define a default account to use for transactions.

// Deploy a new instance of the contract ,
below deplyoment is not required in most of the cases 
deployment of the smart contract should be done before running 
the JavaScript code using the contract. Typically, 
the deployment is done using the Truffle framework, 
which will generate an artifact with the contract's ABI 
and bytecode. This artifact can be imported into the JavaScript 
code and used to interact with the contract. so commentin below deloyment code*/

const deployment = contract.deploy({
  data: '0x...',
  arguments: ['Hello Smart contract world !']

  from: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
  gas: 1500000,
  gasPrice: '30000000000000'
}).then((newContractInstance) => {
  console.log(`Contract deployed at address ${newContractInstance.options.address}`);
  contractAddress = newContractInstance.options.address;
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error(`Error deploying contract: ${error}`);


  • We deploy a new instance of the contract by calling contract.deploy(), passing in the contract bytecode and constructor arguments as necessary. We then send a deployment transaction to the network with deployment.send(), passing in the necessary options.
  • We can call a contract function by calling contract.methods.<functionName>().call(). This will return the function's return value.
  • We can send a transaction to a contract function by calling contract.methods.<functionName>().send(). This will send a transaction to the network to execute the function, and return a transaction receipt.
  • Both functions use the call() method to read data from the contract or the send() method to send a transaction to the contract.
  • Callback functions are provided as the second argument to call() and send() to handle the results or errors of the operations.

Note : Deployment of the smart contract should be done before running the JavaScript code using the contract. Typically, the deployment is done using the Truffle framework, which will generate an artifact with the contract's ABI and bytecode. This artifact can be imported into the JavaScript code and used to interact with the contract.

In the above code, the contract object represents an instance of the contract that has already been deployed. However, if the code attempts to deploy a new instance of the contract using the deploy method of the contract object. This is unnecessary and will result in an error if the contract has already been deployed to the network.

However, there may be scenarios where you want to deploy a smart contract directly from your JavaScript code. In such cases, you can use a library like Web3 to interact with the blockchain and deploy the contract. The deployment code in JavaScript would typically involve creating a new instance of the contract using the deploy() method, specifying the necessary deployment parameters, and then sending the deployment transaction to the blockchain network using the send() method.

So, when you write a smart contract, you can compile it using a tool like Truffle or Remix. The compiled code will generate a binary version of the contract that can be deployed to the blockchain. Once you have the compiled code. Then deployment code is necessary in JavaScript if you want to deploy a new instance of a smart contract from your JavaScript application.

Practical example of webapp interacting with smart contract:

One example of a web application that interacts with a smart contract on the blockchain is Uniswap, a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. Uniswap allows users to swap ERC-20 tokens directly from their Ethereum wallets, without the need for a centralized exchange.

When a user wants to make a trade on Uniswap, they connect their Ethereum wallet to the Uniswap interface through a web app. The web app then communicates with the smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain that powers the Uniswap exchange. The smart contract executes the trade by swapping the user's tokens with tokens from the Uniswap liquidity pool, which is a collection of tokens provided by liquidity providers.

Once the trade is executed on the blockchain, the web app updates the user's wallet balance and displays the transaction details. This seamless integration of the web app with the smart contract on the blockchain allows users to interact with the Uniswap exchange in a user-friendly way, without having to manually interact with the smart contract themselves.

Other examples of web applications that interact with smart contracts on the blockchain include decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, decentralized prediction markets, and decentralized social networks.

Thanks for reading till end, If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment.

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