How to Stop Bothering about what Others Think of You to Live Life King-Size
In this article you will learn - the following
- 30 pointers why bothering about what others think of you is a total-waste, highly-stressful and very-negatively-productive
- 10 things that you need to accept -while you work on discovering, accepting, liking and connecting with your real-self
- 70+ ways on show to stop worrying about others and focus on yourself
- 7 Signs that you worry too much about what others think
30 pointers why bothering about what others think of you is a total-waste, highly-stressful and very-negatively-productive or counter-productive
1. You cannot make your choices and decisions - based on other’s opinions - because what’s right for someone else may be completely disastrous for you- unless you are stuck and need their help-cooperation and support
2. In many cases what is best for others - can be the worst thing for you
3. The more you bother about what others think - the farther you would move-away from your dreams - because you have to do things as per what is best for them as per their standards
4. When you worry about what they think of you - you will have to compromise on your self-pride
5. People who constantly worry about what others are thinking - can’t take the right actions which will make them move forwards towards your passionate big-picture
6. Some of the regrets in your life - are those when you wanted to do something which was opposite to your inner callings - and you did them when being forced by others directly or because of your fear of what others think about you
7. When people give you their suggestions or even order you to do something - there is no risk for them- none of them gave to live with the outcomes only you have to.
8. Whatever actions you take - whether based on other’s opinions or your own - you will have to live-with the consequences of your decisions and actions
79 ways on show to stop worrying about others and focus on yourself
1. Identify the following
I. Your passions
II. Your dreams
III. The pain-areas and frustrations and irritants in your life - you need to get rid of or manage better
IV. The specifics about how you want to live your life
V. Identify - what you are currently missing in your life
VI. Identify what are your most important priorities
VII. Choose the most important for you - in your today’s situation
2. Focus on what matters to you most - as this is the single most method to stop paying attention on what other people are thinking of you.
3. Understand that most people don’t actually pay much attention on what you do - as long as it does not impact them - because of their own thoughts and insecurities and spend more time thinking about themselves than thinking of others
4. Understand that most of the things that you worry and stress over on day to day basis are not even being noticed by other people
5. When you don’t feel great about yourself - it can easily get you into stress-full and make you focus on what other people think of you
6. Create a robust and dynamic process, method and ritual about -increasing your self-pride, self-respect and self-dignity and positive outlook
7. Understand that other people’s opinions of you really does not matter and is totally irrelevant - because it may be their projection of their own insecurities - which is the problem and not you
8. When you seek others suggestions and help - please realize that criticism and suggestions comes with the package
9. When you seek feedback of others - ensure that these people are generally happy, successful and satisfied in their life - as unhappy and dissatisfied people will have sharply tunes critiquing mechanism
10. Learn the ways to stop overthinking
11. Seek constructive feedback - from the people who have done what you are planning to do and who are very honest, objective and will give you impartial and constructive feedback
12. Stop trying to please and satisfying everyone - it is a losing war strategy for all the time
13. You might have done the greatest things in the world - and still you will find many who will disagree and try and bring you down with their own negativity - So stop wasting your energies trying to please others by doing your own thing and if people dislike you because of it then let it be
14. Accept that other people have different opinions, views and perspectives - and they have a right to think the way they do - just like you do
15. Focus on the present moment - taking actions which will move on the path towards your big-picture
16. Exercise, meditate, breath, eat-healthy, sleep-well and time to time take break
17. Ask yourself these questions - what should I be doing - what do I want out of life - what do I stand for and what are my core-values - what will give me fulfillment and bliss
18. Accept and never-forget that other people have their own set of different values and their own agendas - they don’t know your dreams - they might not always know what is best for themselves as well as you and they definitely don’t have identical priorities
19. Think about how much and for how long your happiness lasts - when you get few likes on your Facebook page, your Instagram - ask yourself further - what actual value did you get from this stuff - I can bet not even for few hours at the most
20. Fulfillment happens when you are chasing your own dreams through living and following your values
21. You are the only one living your life and your opinion is the only one you need to be concerned with
22. Create and repeat few affirmations and mantras - which may make you feel resourceful and positive [If it works for you]
23. Understand, identify and start working on reversing the biggest harmful mental-habit of worrying about others too-much AND not worrying enough about yourself and what matters to you
24. Remember that most people are too busy and are too immersed in their own lives to think about you all the time - like you too are busy in your life
25. Most people won’t even notice you.
26. Feedback and other’s perspectives are certainly important - especially because our own perceptions of reality are incredibly limited - therefore we need to seek these and seek only from the people that matter to you for feedback - avoid those who put you down
27. Immerse yourself in the present moment - taking actions - this makes you positively-oriented and you won’t have any mental capacity left for worrying over what others think of you -
28. Focus on living your life to the fullest right now - instead of worrying about what has happened in the past or what might happen in the future.
29. Express yourself and share your dreams and constantly work towards becoming who you want to be
30. Learn to let go of your worries about what other people might think of you is a skill like any other - it needs practice, patience and dedicated efforts consistently
For full article - please read my blog "How to stop worrying about others and focus on yourself" in Success Unlimited Mantra's blog section - link in the first comment
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