How Third-party Maintenance Can Make Your Business More Sustainable

How Third-party Maintenance Can Make Your Business More Sustainable

The maintenance of data center hardware has traditionally been, a company buys and installs equipment, it gets up and running, it functions successfully for several years and then the OEM gives an end date for their support on the systems. Eventually, they introduce a newer and more high-tech version. At this point, the company purchases the newer system, withdraws, and disposes of the old one, and the cycle continues.

Yet when an OEM withdraws their ability to support IT hardware, it is often somewhat premature – certainly for those businesses with perfectly functioning storage, server, and network equipment. With any data center hardware, no matter its age, there is always a risk of malfunction or error, but this isn’t guaranteed to happen upon a certain date plucked out of the air by an OEM who is looking to upsell.

TPM (Third Party Maintenance) is the offering of comprehensive maintenance services by a specialist firm who is not the OEM. Sumillion, for example, offer TPM services to a wide range of data center equipment spanning all the world’s top brand names – but these maintenance services carry on far past the designated ‘end of life’ date (which is, indeed, often a very misleading term unless the assets do cease function entirely at this point). The practice of continuing to use IT assets past the ‘end-of-life’ date is known as ‘sweating’ them; and it’s a fantastic way to increase a business’ sustainability.

Disposing of IT equipment can be hugely impactful on the environment – but so too can the installation of new hardware. Delaying the point of disposal and new installation helps ensure this occasion happens less, having a positive effect on sustainability. With so many IT assets continuing to work just fine for many months, if not years, after their end-of-life point, it makes sense to persist with their usage further and not simply opt for the highly disruptive activity of ending function just to reinstall something new.

It’s not just increased ‘green’ focus that TPM brings, either. Extending the usage of IT is cost-effective, allowing you more time to accumulate relevant budgets and make appropriate decisions for the future direction of your IT hardware. The value of the assets is maximised, so it’s good traditional business sense, too.

Sumillion’s TPM services are accessible 24/7/365 and draw upon experts in the field with specialisms spanning even the most legacy and rare of IT hardware. Wherever you are, whenever your issue happens and however unusual your request, the Sumillion team can resolve it – and help prolong the replacement of heavy, not-entirely-eco-friendly equipment until the point at which it is truly inevitable. And then? We’ll help you deal with that in the most environmentally responsible way possible, too!

Sumillion Limited

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Anna Fitchett Services BDE 0333 0111 897

John Rose

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