How Tracking Your Leads Saves You Time AND Makes You Money!
How good are you at tracking all the leads you generate in your business? Do you have a system to monitor them or do you just tend to trust your gut?
Would it surprise you to know that most people are winging it? Which means that you’re making marketing decisions based on assumption instead of accurate information. And that’s a great way to lead yourself off down the garden path!
For example … you may well believe that one marketing route is delivering MUCH better results than it really is; or you might be under the impression that your conversion rate is waaay higher than it actually is! Doh!
And that's skimming straight past the fact that if you're not tracking your leads you'll almost certainly be forgetting to follow up with them properly so you'll be letting business slip through your fingers.
If you’re making marketing decisions based on your gut though, you aren’t making good marketing decisions at all.
What you need instead is a really simple 3-step process that looks like this:
1. Keep track of where all your enquiries come from and which of your marketing strategies is generating those leads
2. Understand how many of the leads that come through each marketing strategy actually become a client
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3. Analyse how much money each of those clients bring in, so ultimately which of your marketing routes is the most profitable
Now THAT is the juicy data that will help you make amaaaazing marketing decisions that will actually grow your business in the best possible way.
And don't be afraid to cull the cr*p either. Why waste time on what isn't working!
This business tips video talks about all of this in much more detail so please take 5 minutes to watch and let me know what you think.
Do you have a system to track your leads and measure your marketing right now?
Or have you done it in the past but fallen out of the habit?
Helping ambitious entrepreneurs & full time business coaches escape the trap of growing their business whilst sacrificing time & life. Working on the elements of delivery, sales & high quality daily lead flows.
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