How We Increased Our Client’s ROI by 200% with One Simple Trick
If you’re looking for a way to boost your business’s profits with just one easy change, we’ve got a great story to share. Recently, we helped a client increase their ROI (Return on Investment) by a whopping 200%, and the trick we used was surprisingly simple. Here’s exactly how we did it.
The Problem: Lots of Visitors, Not Enough Sales
Our client was doing a good job getting people to visit their website through ads. But there was a big problem—lots of people were clicking on the ads, but not many were buying anything. This meant that even though they were spending money on ads, they weren’t seeing enough sales in return.
They tried making their ads and website better, but it wasn’t helping enough. That’s when we stepped in with a new idea.
The Simple Trick: Retargeting Ads
The one trick that made all the difference? Retargeting ads.
What are retargeting ads? These are ads that show up to people who have already visited your website but didn’t buy anything. Imagine if someone visits your online store, looks at a few products, and then leaves. Retargeting ads help you remind that person about the products they were interested in by showing them ads on other websites and social media platforms.
The Strategy: Bringing Visitors Back to Buy
Here’s how we used retargeting ads to boost our client’s sales:
Tracking Website Visitors: We added a small piece of code to the website that let us keep track of people who visited. This allowed us to create a list of people who had been on the site but didn’t buy anything.
Showing Targeted Ads: Instead of showing the same ad to everyone, we showed specific ads to different types of visitors. For example, people who had added something to their shopping cart but didn’t complete the purchase saw an ad with a special discount. People who just browsed were shown ads with the products they had looked at.
Offering Discounts to Close the Deal: We included limited-time discounts in the ads to encourage people to act fast. For example, we used messages like, “Get 10% off if you buy in the next 24 hours.” This helped create urgency and pushed people to make a decision.
Not Overloading People with Ads: We made sure people didn’t see the same ad too many times. If someone sees the same ad over and over again, they might get annoyed and ignore it. We found a balance where people were reminded of the products without feeling overwhelmed.
Testing Different Ads: We tried out different versions of the ads to see what worked best. We switched up the images, text, and buttons to find out which ads made the most people come back and buy something.
The Result: A 200% Increase in ROI
By using this simple retargeting strategy, our client saw a huge increase in sales, leading to a 200% boost in their ROI. The retargeting ads helped us bring back visitors who were already interested, turning them into paying customers.
The trick that helped us increase our client’s profits by 200% was simple: we started showing retargeting ads to people who visited the site but didn’t make a purchase. By reminding them of what they were interested in and offering special deals, we were able to bring them back to buy. If your business has a lot of visitors but not enough sales, this strategy could work for you too!
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Social Media Executive at NextBigBox | Digital Marketing