Here’s how you can get your website to help you in your marketing success:
- Do not cold-sell: Before plunging into your website redesign process, consider this mindset – You’ve to make your audience aware of their problems, and the solution options available in the market that they can choose from. Only inform, and shut up!
- Content that speaks to the audience: Your target audience might be in different buying stages right now. Respect that, and plan the different kinds of content they would need when in a certain stage. Personalization technology can be of great help here.
- Category-specific landing pages: Consider building your landing pages industry-wise, regional, persona-wise, product-wise, etc, whatever suits your business needs. This will give you an opportunity to make every campaign hyper-target your audience subsets.
- Navigation that guides: Structure your navigation such that it handholds your visitor to the right spot. Depending upon the size of your website, the navigation could be a simple menu, a mega menu, or even an additional secondary menu.
- No overwhelming information: As established above, your visitors will be in different buying stages. So pouring them with all the great knowledge you have will not help them. Your aim is to just keep them intrigued about the wonders they could do in the future, and make them think about taking the next logical step.
- Clutter-free, minimal, yet lively presentation: Too many design elements, pushed together website sections, pushy ads as much as possible, and low breathing space is the best recipe for a confused website visitor. You know what to do now – Go Opposite!
- Brand consistency: Visual consistency must consider colors, typography, imagery. Other important areas are the consistency of messages, calls-to-action, target audience addressed, etc. Now, this is not only across the website pages, it is also for across various channels.
This is an extract from one of my articles. Read the full post here.
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