Let me start by repeating that your brain is responsible for almost everything physical that you think and do. Your same brain is the main link with the spiritual. Your brain does a lot of thinking on full automatic and without your conscious awareness of it and without your knowledge of how exactly it does it. But also whatever I say about your brain, good or bad, remember that it is the same with my own brain and any other people's brains regardless of their position or standing in society and life. All human brains share a lot of things in how they operate even though each brain has its own uniqueness also.
- Your brain thinks everything that you think
- Your brain makes all the decisions that you make
- Your brain commands all the mental and physical activities that you make everyday
- Your brain is the main cause of most of the major problems that you do, or can, create in your life.
- Your brain directs your energy and focus
- Your brain (remember I am also talking about my brain and everyone else's brain) is responsible for all the relationships we create or break.
- Your brain is responsible for what you say, when you say it and how you say it. The mouth is just the spokesman of the brain. The brain authors the message.
- Your brain is responsible for the performance and results that you get in your career.
- Whether you make progress or not in your career or profession or business depends to a very large extent on your brain and what it thinking and how it thinks about your career, profession and progress.
- Your brain processes all information that you get through your senses; it can even decide which information to take and what information to ignore because it rarely is able to process all the information it receives.
- Your brain generates and controls all your emotions, processes them and uses them-sometimes in "very interesting" ways that we often later regret.
- The brain is responsible for your learning; it can even learn things unconsciously including things that you do not want to learn.
- Your brain is responsible for your inner mental states including how well, how happy and how sad you feel. When we don't manage our brains; you managing your brain and me managing my brain, we do not get the best life experiences.
As I said your brain operates automatically beyond your conscious awareness most of the time. This is very good for survival and for energy efficiency. Yes the brain needs and uses energy and it tries hard to be energy efficient. But this automatic operation is not always good because in so doing the brain can use the wrong things to make decisions. The brain can, and does, misread a lot of situations because it is too biased toward survival, leading to it generating many false alarms that cause us to make the wrong decisions and miss many opportunities. In its automatic thinking mode, the brain makes many short-cuts and generations that lead to thinking errors and flawed and wrong decisions.
- Managing your brain helps to deal with these weaknesses and to improve your decisions and also how your brain will make decisions in similar situations in the future.
- Managing your brain improves its performance and makes you produce better mental and physical performance is general and in specific areas of life including academic, professional, and career.
- Managing your brain improves your thinking in many different ways including creativity, imagination and problem-solving.
- Managing your brain improves your general health and wellbeing and also the health of the brain itself.
- Managing your brain reduces stress and boosts your mood. Did you know that even slight changes in your emotional state has a serious impact on your decision-making? When leaders start panicking, they make the situation they want to solve worse. They lose strategic control of the problem or situation.
There is nothing that is more beneficial and that has a great impact on your performance and well-being as a leader, manager, chief executive officer, board member, board chairperson or top official than managing your brain.
- Is your brain working properly all the time?
- Is your brain working properly most of the time?
- Is your brain always giving you only what you want and never what you don't want?
- How well are you managing your brain?
- How are you managing your brain right know?
- Do you know your brain well enough to help it operate in a better way?
- Are you getting the best possible that you can from your brain?
Ask the same questions for your leaders, bosses and subordinates. Being led by people who are not managing their brains well is not a good thing.
Leading people who are not managing their brains well is not good either. It makes you very busy.
When every improves how one manages one's own brain, the results for everyone is beautiful and incredible in terms of success, happiness, achievement, wellbeing, performance and results.
Feedback simonsbere@gmail.com
Director - Academic Programmes
1yI guess we cant do much without managing our brains but as an engineer we also say that "we can not control what we can not measure" ....isn't it Engineer?
SAP Business One Techno-functional consultant| SAP Business one Solutions Architect & Business Analyst | SAP HCM certified | Architecting Business Success through Strategic Solutions
1yI agree with
SAP Business One Techno-functional consultant| SAP Business one Solutions Architect & Business Analyst | SAP HCM certified | Architecting Business Success through Strategic Solutions
1yWhat does it take for someone to choose on how to train their brains , is it something we acquire knowingly or its beyond our awareness,
SAP Business One Techno-functional consultant| SAP Business one Solutions Architect & Business Analyst | SAP HCM certified | Architecting Business Success through Strategic Solutions
1yIf the brain now can connect with the spiritual, how then can someone continue training his or her brains when they are now connected to the spiritual?