How Women Can Use Expression Skills to Dominate & Monetize Social Media

How Women Can Use Expression Skills to Dominate & Monetize Social Media

This article is useful for everyone who wants to use social media to get more business, to build a powerful personal brand, and even for non-working users who want to make the most sensible use of social media to improve their day-to-day life. The focus is on female users.

Women express better and clearer yet with feelings and emotions. And that's one superpower every woman can use on social media to convey anything - from their life experiences, professional expertise to a simple opinion.

This may instantly leave a question about men and their expression. Before I begin with how women can use social media in a more profound way, let's see how men express themselves.

Men express with more logic, practicality, and facts. This can be debatable but men and women express differently with their own individual communication superpowers.

Here is how women leaders and female social media users can make their online presence and time more rewarding. This applies to ALL and ANY social network.

Step 1 - Identify what you want to be known for.

What subject/area do you want to dominate. What is that thing you want people to just think of your name?

It can be one of your specific skills, can be your unique writing style, can be your bold attitude, can be your classic fashion statements, can be your selfless helping attitude. Can be your unusual simplicity.

Figure out. Take your good time to decide this one until you're sure.

Step 2 - Create a Power Profile

Now create or update your social media profile based upon your chosen identity point and personal branding power in step 1. From your photo to cover picture to bio, align everything to create a powerful impression and expression. Read this post to create such a power profile.

How to create a powerful profile that converts into prospects & opportunities

Step 3 - Start with giving. Avoid broadcasting

Begin with participating in the conversations, on the posts by your friends and network, in the groups for what you have decided in the first step.

AVOID posting and broadcasting on your feed. Observe people's responses to your expressions.

Once you notice traction to your engagement and participation, you will start to see people wanting to connect to you, new friends requests, connections on Linkedin, and some private conversation, even some opportunities. That's proof you're going right.

Step 4 - Find Your Unique Style. And Hone it

The only reason every woman stands out in a crowd is the style of her expression. Simplicity is the key to winning social media.

Observe your style, how you write, how you speak, is it clear and simple? And above all, is it YOU?

It's great to feel inspired and follow people who write and speak well. However, it's your unique style that can make you stand out. Figure out your own style and polish that.

This is what I suggest to hone and polish your unique style.

  1. Read anything for a minimum 10 minute every day. Prefer a physical paper book or reading material over reading online for these 10 minutes.
  2. Fix a time to write for 10 minutes. Write anything. Anything that comes to your mind, about day, life, work, thoughts, just anything. Creating one Google doc is a great idea to see how you're doing it.
  3. Read your previous day write-up and see how you feel. This feeling is nearly the same as how any reader online will feel after reading you. Make your own notes and observations on what you can do better.
  4. Record videos. Watch yourself and see where you can improve. Start with recording 1-minute videos every day. You don't have to post them anywhere on social media. Do them for your practice.
  5. Find a mentor or a guide you trust. Write something longer, record a longer video and request feedback from your guide once or twice in a month.
  6. When you feel ready to post and broadcast your own posts, start with posting on your feed once a week and decide your frequency. Posting once a week is okay, twice a week is okay, the alternate day is okay and every day is okay too. Everything is okay as long as you can manage it, show up on a regular basis, and keep the quality high over frequency.

Step 6 - Keep Showing Up. & Watch Your Time

Lastly, keep showing up. Stay consistent. Nobody expects you to be online and available the whole day. Even if you do, people don't know and they don't care. Fix your social media time every day and be present. I suggest being on social media for no more than 30 minutes a day.

See this post as a prompt, as a teaser, as a push you may need. Social media and the Internet are available to everyone. How one uses it is what makes all the difference.

Questions in mind? Ask them in the comments, don't think twice.

Sunita Biddu

Social Media & Business Blogging Coach

Amita Bhuwania

Director at Deepam Mktg. Ent. Pvt. Ltd., Medical Tourism Consultant, Holistic Health Coach , Passionate Gardener


This is a powerful and extremely relevant post. Has made me think and go over it again and again. Will try and implement these in my routine and life. Thanks !!


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