How To Be The Worst Boss In The Entire Fucking World
1. Brag to everyone you know about how many hours you work each week. Make it a contest to see who is "busier." Worship the hustle.
2. Forget your employees' names on a regular basis. Also, forget holidays. Lose all sense of time and space. Blame Covid. Download a new app that promises it will help you with your memory.
3. Focus primarily on the negative things that are happening. Speak loudly about those things at all times regardless of how long ago they happened.
4. Pretend that the digital revolution hasn't changed the office forever. Beg employees to move back into the office permanently. When they suggest a hybrid model of any kind, tell them you need their butts in seats.
5. Judge your employees exclusively by their actions and disregard the need for empathy. Busy yourself with your to-do lists and ignore the work you need to do to become more self-aware and vulnerable.
6. Refuse to compromise. If you need the artwork to have more "pop" and the copy to be more "edgy," push these demands at all costs. Being right is always more important than doing the right thing. Right?
∇ Better Boss Builder ∇ Tech & Servant Leadership • Author • Consultant • Professional Speaker • DEIA & LGBTQ Ally
2ySadly, very true and all-too-common.