How to write content to rank your website on the first page of Google?

How to write content to rank your website on the first page of Google?

We all know that the only way to get traffic on a website is to write content. But if your blogs are not ranking well on Google you are not going to get a good amount of traffic on your website. 

For that, you need to optimize your website for SEO which is very important to increase traffic on your website.

There are some proven tactics to boost your ranking on Google. Let’s dive into this guide to make your content stand out & rank it on the first page of Google.

#1 Optimize your content for keywords

The first strategy is to optimize your content for the right keywords. Also, the selection of the right keywords is one of the key factors to get relevant traffic on your website.

To do it right check which keywords are best for your blog articles. 

Like if your article is about - How to optimize your website for SEO?

You can use keywords like “how to start SEO”, “how to optimize a website for Google search”, “how to start SEO” etc. These keywords are relevant to your topic & help you to get relevant traffic on your website.

Always keep track of the keywords that you want to rank for to make sure you are improving in the right areas.

Add a keyword in your title

Include the keyword in your title, always try to use your keyword at the beginning of the title. It is the first important thing to rank for your keyword.

Like I searched for “SEO tools” & these results include SEO tools in their title & the top-performing pages include the title in the beginning.

This is how including keywords in the title will help you to improve your website’s ranking.

Add keywords to your content

Adding keywords to your content will help Google bots to find out what your content is about, it also helps users to get engaged with your content. 

Don’t do keyword stuffing as it is a black hat SEO technique & may penalize your website. Keep keyword density 3-4% to make your content natural to read & include your keyword at least once at the beginning of your content.

Like in this article by search metrics they use “Onpage optimization” several times which is looking natural & helps it to rank on the top position for this keyword.

Include Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI) Keywords

It is the advanced technique that will help you to rank for your keyword. These are the conceptually related terms that Google uses to deeply understand your content. Like if someone is searching for a keyword “Apple” might be searching for “Apple fruit” or “Apple Company”. So to provide the best result to the user Google bots use LSI keywords. 

Including them in your content will help you to provide relevant content to the user & hence improve your ranking.

Source - Google

Example - User searched for “SEO audit” so these bold words are LSI keywords which if included in the content of the article helps to improve your website’s ranking on Google for relevant search queries.

You can use LSIGraph and LSIKeywords tools to find LSI keywords for your t


Just enter your keyword in the LSIKeywords tool & click on “Generate LSI Keyword


It will generate LSI keywords that you can use in your content to provide relevant content to the users.

You can also take ideas of LSI keywords from google S


Like in this example, if a user searches for “SEO tools”, the words that I highlighted here are LSI keywords that if used in the content will help crawlers & users to get relevant results & hence your ranking will be improved.

Use Keyword in H2 & H3 headings

Including keywords in H2 & H3 heading(H1 is reserved for the title) helps your website to rank for your main keyword. 

It helps Google bots to analyze what your page is about & help your website to rank for that keyword.

Like in this example of the search scientist website they use the “Google Trusted Stores” keyword in H1 & H2. Likewise, include your keyword in the H3 h

ading as well.

Source - Google

#2 Now Optimize your Content

As Google keeps changing its ranking algorithms. So you need to optimize your content, to rank it well. One tip is to write in-depth content, quality-content over poor content.

Source - Google

The more length of your content, the higher your ranking on Google.

Always write in-depth content to improve your rankings by giving explanations about all the terms that you are using in your article.

Write quality content

Quality content will help you to rank better on Google as the more quality & relevant content of your article is, the more visitors & traffic your website will get which indicates that your website has better content than other websites which is one of the good ranking factors.

Quality content will help you to rank easily on Google & hence increase traffic and conversion rates on your website.

Source - Google

Also, Google uses the Panda algorithm to determine the quality of your content. So if the content of your website is poor or thin, your website may be penalized by Google which will drop its ranking.

Update your content frequently

As we know the world is constantly changing so always optimizing your content will help you to rank better. 

Google’s only goal is to provide the best & updated content to its users, so updating it frequently will help you to rank on the top of the first page of Google.

Source - Google

This is how updating your content frequently will help you to increase your page views & hence better rank on the search engine.

Improve the readability of content

Making your content readable will help you to get more visitors, as everyone cannot be able to read & understand complex content. 

So to improve your rank on Google make your content easy to understand & readable, it will help you to increase your traffic as well & hence more conversion rate.

Source - Google

Use the Hemingway App to check your content readability. Try to keep a 6th-grade reading-level mark.

#3 Include these Technical Ranking Factors

There are some technical factors that will help you to improve your website’s ranking. These factors come in technical SEO & are very important to implement to improve your website ranking.

Create keyword-rich & readable URL

Make your URL readable instead of complex. It will help your article to get more clicks as users will be more likely to click it if it matches their query.

Many people create complex URLs like “blog-id-759369794.php” but it is not a user-friendly URL, so it may drop down the number of clicks on your bl


Like in the search for “SEO friendly content” this URL is simple & keyword rich. So this type of URL will help you to improve your article’s ranking & increase traffic on your website.

Write compelling meta description

Creating keyword-rich & compelling URL will help your website to stand out. If you don’t create any meta description for your article, Google will create a random description for it. But maybe that automated description is not a kind of message that you want to deliver to potential readers.

So you should create a custom description that will improve your click-through rate & the more the number of clicks on your website, the improved ranking of your website on Google.

Like I searched for “how to increase traffic on your website”, the highlighted text is the meta description. So writing compelling meta descriptions will help you to get more clicks than your


So always write appealing & clear meta descriptions to get the attention of users.

Optimize Images

Image optimization is also a top-ranking factor. Even if you have used only 2-3 images in your article, optimizing your images will boost your ranking. 

Save the image using a relevant name which is clearly describing the image & then upload it, It will help Google bots to know what the image is about & is it relevant or not.

Also, write alt text for your image, write clear & brief alt text to describe what is the relation of image to your content.

#4 Create links

Linking is also a great ranking factor & it comes under off-page SEO. There are different ways to create links for your webpage, let’s dive into them.

Promote your article through backlinks

You can include other websites link in your article, doing this will help you to get favor from them. 

This will increase your article’s credibility & your website traffic will be increased & your ranking will boost up.

Internal linking

Internal linking is the easiest way to improve your website’s ranking. It may be difficult to get links from other websites but it is easy to create internal links on your website using your keywords as anchor text. It will tell Google what your webpages are about & help it to rank it for relevant search queries.

A great example of internal linking is Wikipedia. Let’s take an example of the Sachin Tendulkar Wikipedia page, I highlighted some of the in

ernal links.

This helps Google to easily crawl your website & find out the best content you are offering. Try to do as much as internal linking to rank your website.

Find & fix dead links

Links can improve the ranking of your website but dead links can do the opposite. If there is any link that no longer exists, it is very important to fix them.

You can use Dead Link Checker to find broken links on your websi


This is how you can use it. After entering the URL, it will ask whether you want to check the whole website or single webpage. Select one option & it will check all the links which

re broken.

This tool will check 2,000 links of your website for free, which is enough for small to medium sites.

Fixing all the broken links will improve the ranking of your website & help you to enhance your business online.

Use relevant anchor text

There are so many people who use their website name or irrelevant anchor texts. Use relevant keyword-rich anchor text to improve your ranking. 

Like instead of using “click here” as an anchor text you can use ways to improve traffic on your website. 

Use visiospark tool to check what are the anchor texts you are using on your website & where you can improve them to provide your

users with a great experience.

It will show you all the anchor texts that you are

already using.

Then fix all the anchor texts which are vague or not keyword-rich in your article.

Conclusion - 

  1. Optimizing your content will give users a great experience & will help Google bots to know what your article is about which will improve your website ranking.
  2. Adding keywords in your title & content will help you to rank for your keyword & it is one of the top factors to rank on Google.
  3. Including LSI keywords will help Google bots to know what your content is about & help you to get relevant traffic on your website which again will help you to improve your ranking.
  4. Including your keyword in heading tags will improve the ranking of your website.
  5. Writing quality content & updating it frequently will help your website to stand out and thus will improve its ranking.
  6. Make your content easy to read & understand to get more visitors on your website again it will improve the ranking of your website.
  7. Create quality backlinks to get link juice from a high authority website, it will improve the credibility of your website & hence its ranking will improve.

By using these strategies you can improve the ranking of your website. It will take time to rank your website because SEO is a slow process but continuously using these tactics & strategies will surely improve the rank of your


Source - Google

Good ranking means more traffic on your website hence the conversion rate of your website will boost up.

It will directly result in more traffic, more sales & more revenue.

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