How your brand can create UGC Gen Z will actually watch
UGC 🤝 Virality
Surprise, surprise—the influencer generation is highly influenced. For Gen Z, a steady stream of UGC content often sets off a social domino effect: as more people buy and review products, these products suddenly find themselves at the center of a trend. This kind of virality occurs as products are passed around the internet for consumers to discuss and dissect. Brands that join the conversation can transform this virality into a loyal fanbase, where users regularly create content around the daily usage of the product.
How Brands Can Elevate Their UGC
When it comes to product marketing, Gen Z has some serious trust issues; they’ve officially gone no-contact with traditional ads. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be reached. In an increasingly social media-driven culture, UGC represents a crucial shift in how brands connect with their audience. For Gen Z, UGC is going to be the primary way in—authenticity, trust, and community take precedence over polish.