Seeing the World Through New Eyes
Are you tired of being angry? Well, anger certainly steals away vast amounts of our energy so it will surely make you feel tired. But anger is nothing more than a habit, a way we learned to react to the world around us when we were very young. It's a habit. Nothing more. Anger is a learned behaviour. So, if we want to, we can learn to behave differently. We can learn to catch ourselves getting angry and recognise the symptoms, the change in our posture, the shift in the rhythm of our breathing, the change in the flow of our thoughts and feelings. That's when we can make small, subtle changes to our posture and turn off our anger before it takes control of us.
Breathing more slowly, relaxing our shoulders, holding our breath for a second or two - and suddenly, the conditioned reflexes are turned off. Anger only exists because we fuel it with our emotional energy. Cut off the fuel and the anger ceases to exist. Instantly. Let's begin today by letting go of your anger and using your emotional energy to feel wonderful. Your body will thank you in so many ways. And the world around you will suddenly appear to be a much happier, positive and empowering place to live.