Human Centred 2.0
What an incredible time to be alive. What an amazing opportunity we have to engage in the greatest transition of work, business and life.
We believe the transition presents trillions in commercial opportunities and we are looking forward to helping unlock that wealth for generations to come.
The challenge however is not only to thrive, but make a real difference and produce real impact. For who are we as a species, if we do not?
For the purpose of clarifying further, I will note here that real impact is evidenced in the form of increasing justice, equity, fairness and a people first considerate culture; and for that we must consider the following;
There has never been a time where we can create generational impact the way any-one or any-group is able to at this time.
This highly accessible power is mainly brought on by the unraveling capacity of technology. This enables lightning speed virality and social consciousness impact such as the world couldn't even conceive one generation ago.
"But with great power comes great responsibility".—Spiderman
Kony 2012
Who can forget Kony 2012?
The project came to prominence in the form of a short documentary produced by Invisible Children, Inc. The film's purpose was to make Ugandan cult leader, war criminal, and ICC fugitive Joseph Kony globally “known” in order to have him arrested by the end of 2012. It sounded like a great initiative and I took to my social media like a true social media warrior - liked and shared.
The project achieved:
Importantly the project brought to light, a social issue that most didn’t realise impacted so many lives.
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The campaign resulted in a resolution by the United States Senate, and contributed to the decision to send troops by the African Union. Kony was never captured but 100 children were saved from his war camps.
Personally however, I was a little disappointed in the results. Beyond becoming aware, I wanted something I could really sink my teeth into. I wanted to help create a real impact on the lives of the children that were adversely impacted by war and sexual abuse (especially beyond a single tyrant). For example, what happened to the 100 children and where are they now?
For where there is one tyrant there may be a thousand tyrants looking to take their place. The children however are innocent and they must be protected, under many tyrants that span the whole world, including our own backyard. Thankfully we are now seeing a rise in the amount of people and organisations passionately serving in this area.
ESG (environmental, social, governance)
Likewise and in line with the ESG space. For those who don't know, ESG is an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals that go beyond the role of a corporation to maximize profits. The most prominent global movement toward this is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) issued by United Nations 2015.
When we treat big ESG issues without a specific agenda and not in dialogue with the people that it most impacts, we will always see superficial results, with low accountability and measurability; back to business as usual, greenwashing and box ticking.
The complexities around this issue is further inflamed by recent and prolific local and global events such as;
As a business organisation serving the business community, we see present and emerging opportunities and pressures, and we desire to help.
The best place to start is by finding common ground for us to engage in a robust conversations and discourse. Listen to leaders and champions of change and look to catalyse success in spite of challenges and in some cases, because of it. As long as your singular goal is not cash - you will enjoy this process.
Organisations will succeed to the measure in which they flank themselves with the bespoke tools and resources that curate and document impact. Resources that not only address the social and environmental issues, but to do it in a way that engages the whole organisation and ultimately the whole community. Organisations that don't are now ripe for disruption.
For a time such as this, we designed Human Centred 2.0 - to help business contend with and catalyse growth in spite of and because of ESG reform.
If you resonate with this message we invite you to register your interest for Human Centred 2.0.
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2yChristine Mudavanhu Brett Cowan Paul Hodgson ACEcD Simon Kaplan Christina Dean Jean-Francois (JF) Tixeront Petra Zink Stephen Beirne Paul Garcia Asanka Warusevitane Dinesh Palipana OAM David N. Wedzerai Garwe, Financial Planner - Mortgage Broker Des Moyo, CA MBA
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