Human Development as one of the five Pillars of the Vision 2050 on Universal access to high quality education
Universal access to high quality education
A reformed education sector will lay the foundation for Rwanda to join the most #advanced #economies in #2050 with a market-driven education system. This entails increasing investments that yield high returns and form a basis for long-term economic growth – namely, enhanced attention and strengthened curricula for high quality early childhood and basic education (including basic skills for the 4th industrial revolution) – as well as those that yield moderate returns but produce job candidates in a shorter timespan – skills training and other investments in youth and adults.
Access to #quality #education in the initial years of life will be ensured through increased investments in early childhood development to achieve universal preprimary enrolment rates by 2050 from 17.5% (2016). Access to quality basic education will be ensured. All classes will reach middle-income standards for pupil-classroom and pupil-teacher ratios by 2035. Teachers will be empowered and equipped to deliver an education that provides all Rwandans with the capabilities to continually improve their skills and productivity.
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#Science, #Technology, #Engineering and #Mathematics (STEM) courses will be ensured and strengthened for boys and girls across all levels of education. to position Rwanda among the leading African countries in #technology and #innovation by #2035. The continued development of a market-driven technical and vocational education and training (#TVET) system will be crucial to train and upskill workers to meet the needs of the changing labor force demand while prioritizing study based competitive areas for all Rwandans with special focus on ensuring equal access for women and girls. Accordingly, the curriculum for different levels of education will ensure adaptability to present and future new types of skills needs.
Rwanda will ensure digital literacy for all by 2035 and sustain it going forward to ensure inclusive participation in a knowledge society and attain new levels of productivity for the labor force. Tertiary education will be core to building a stronger and competent Rwandan society. More efforts will be ensured to maintain a high enrolment rate for both boys and girls up to tertiary education. Investments in Higher Learning Education will be increased to build capacity in Research and development and increase attainment levels. A concerted effort will be undertaken to strengthen linkages between the academia and industry. Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and Development as percentage of GDP will increase from 0.4% in 2016 to 1.2% by 2035 and 2% by 2050, respectively.