Human nature is the need to be heard and listened to. Can technology really feed this human instinct?
I have just read an article which is stating that recruitment will become obsolete by 2017-2018.
I wanted to write this post to see what my connections; recruiters, candidates and hiring managers thought about this topic. Yes technology is developing at an astonishing rate! Yes technology will soon be able to do many of the jobs humans do. However the thought of taking away personal touches and human compassion is a thought that does not bare well with me.
let us bring this back to recruitment, I cannot see that a computer or an algorithmic software solution for recruitment would be able to advise a hiring manager on a potential candidates personality or culture fit. To be able to understand soft skills and to appreciate a hiring managers feedback on why the candidate was "just not the right fit". Flip this to a candidates perspective, how will a computer or bit of software understand preferences on travel, time keeping, family issues, industry preferences and aid the candidate in their quest for a new position.
Also a job of a recruiter is to question these preferences and even perhaps offer something outside of these which the hiring manager or candidate would not have necessarily looked at. After all it is the recruiters knowledge of the market, past experiences and values which makes them an asset when looking for a new position or employee.
I am not an avid publisher on LinkedIn but felt the need to express my opinion and welcome those of others on this subject matter.
Founder & CEO, Deep Learning Partnership. Maxed out on Connect. Please Follow.
8yArtificial neural networks are only as good as the data input and their algorthms. Just like biological ones :).
Data Science Leader
8yBen Taylor @ HireVue is making waves in this area. I can see using it as a tool to sift through a large set of candidates, but you may miss some outliers. Ben's deep learning probably would have cast me aside when I made the daunting goal of getting out of the hospitality industry and into working with data.