Humans Don't Hyperscale. Sorry, Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley investors have enjoyed unbridled moneymaking and merrymaking for the last two decades, thanks to one giant misunderstanding, or should I say "myth?" This is the myth of "hyperscaling" where hockey-stick growth is the goal, at ALL costs. In the digital world, which is free from the constraints of the physical world, it is entirely possible and in fact easy to do. Millions, now billions, of fake accounts, fake users, fake traffic, fake ad impressions, etc. can be manufactured out of thin air to create the appearance of hyper growth. This is necessary to justify the sky-high, irrational valuations of private and public companies, for the benefit of the pocketbooks of investors.
Humans, Devices, Usage, and Time Spent Have all Plateaued
But, humans don't hyper scale. First of all, there are only a finite number of humans on earth - approximately 7.7 billion, last time anyone checked. And the total number of humans, overall, doesn't grow more than fractions of a percent year-over-year. Further, the usage patterns of computing devices and online services have all plateaued in recent years because practically everyone that can access and afford computers, laptops, mobile devices, etc and online services already have access and use these regularly.
In the following chart, data from Pew Internet over the last 18 years shows that "usage" (of the internet and social media) and "hardware" (like desktop computers, cell phones, tablets, and smart phones) have all plateaued in at least the last 5 years. The growth rate has slowed because practically everyone already has the device and already uses the internet and social media.
Could it be, then, that they drastically increased the time they spent with every device and all forms of media? Nope. ComScore data on slide 3 also shows that "time spent" with digital media has also plateaued for at least the last 5 years. So, how is it possible that display ad impressions "hockey-sticked" in that same timeframe? How were so many impressions created and traded when the number of humans didn't change much, the rate of using devices and online services had already plateaued, and the time spent with digital media was also relatively flat?
Lack of Physical Constraints in the Digital World Facilitates Unlimited Fake Things
Right. It's all manufactured.
Unlike in the physical world, where only so many billboards can be physically placed next to roads, in digital there are no such physical constraints. So virtually limitless accounts, traffic, users, and ad impressions can be created, literally out of thin air.
It's all software, after all. Bots are software programs that can be programmed in large numbers to do the same thing repeatedly, like load webpages. Most people know about DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks that can overwhelm even the largest sites with so much traffic that they fail to load. Imagine how lucrative it is to point this volume of traffic to websites that carry ad tech to make money from digital advertising. After all, money is made when webpages load and ads load with them. And it is well known over the years that over 3/4ths of the traffic on the Internet is not from humans -- but from bots doing both good (search crawlers) and bad (ad fraud) things.
And don't forget mobile apps, the millions of them that make money via ads. There are millions of apps that no one has ever heard of, but yet generate billions of ad impressions to sell in ad exchanges. How is that possible? Have a look at the number of "truck driving simulator" apps in Google Play Store. Do a whole ton of humans use a whole ton of these apps a whole ton of the time? Well, no.
But they sure are useful in generating ad impressions - note the (blurred) apps in yellow highlight that are generating nearly a billion ad impressions PER DAY each, to sell in ad exchanges. Hyper-scaled (fraud) indeed.
Cracks in the Dam - Fraud Exposed
When we consider digital advertising - where ads are supposed to load when a human visits a webpage or uses an app - we can see how the concept of hyperscaling has enabled a generation of fraudsters to make enormous profits. And it's not just some teenage hacker in pajamas, the volume of fake accounts, fake users, fake apps, fake websites, fake traffic, fake ad impressions, etc. have enabled a generation of Silicon Valley investors to enjoy a reliable way of creating hockey-stick growth and line their own pockets.
But real humans don't hyperscale. We've already documented truly massive, scaled fraud which leveraged malware, adware, fake apps, and fake mobile devices in combination to generate enormous quantities of ad impressions to sell.
April 2019 -
March 2019 -
November 2018 -
October 2018 -
We have also seen companies purge billions of fake accounts -- from the Lotame example, where they purged 400 million fake profiles because they were created by bots, to Facebook purging 1.3 billion fake accounts -- how is that possible when there are only 7.7 billion humans on earth? Hmm... well, HUMANS didn't create those accounts, someone else did.
More cracks in the myth are showing up now when Silicon Valley tries to cross over into the physical world. Of course you can make the numbers look great on paper - for example, hockey stick growth in bike sharing services. But there are only so many humans in the world and only so many who would need to use a bike share (i.e. they may already have their own bikes). The following image beautifully illustrates this "mountainous" problem. Not only do humans NOT hyperscale, the rest of the physical world does NOT hyperscale either.
When will we wake up to the fact that hyperscaling is a euphemism and a cover for outright fraud. I've been studying the ad fraud space for years; but now there are more and more cases seen in the physical world that further prove that the hyperscaling that drives valuations on paper are not supported by reality.
"There has always been fraud. There will always be fraud. Because humans."
About the Author: “I advise advertisers and publishers on the technical aspects of fighting digital ad fraud and improving the effectiveness and transparency of digital advertising. I help audit their campaigns and show them detailed data so they can verify for themselves what is fraud and what is not fraud.”
Follow me here on LinkedIn (click) and on Twitter @acfou (click)
Further reading:
Remember, a step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.
2yInteresting insights into reality!
Very important article, a topic barely even looked at by most marketers ever increasing their digital budgets
High Tech Technical Trainer bij Toyota-Lexus Belux
Author, Consultant, and Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Board at Paradigm Concept Solutions
5yExcellent article - thanks. Marketers pitch a bloody fit when physical publications' circulations or TV stations' ratings are a tenth of a point lower than promised...but they're happy to throw millions of client dollars into a digital incinerator.