Humble and hungry to learn?
Last week, I flew to Boracay to attend a 4-day business/personal development conference as a participant. The learning from speakers was immense, but I was equally inspired by my fellow attendees:
I was blown away by their humility and hunger to learn -- setting aside four days to immerse themselves in learning and fellowship.
One more thing... Ever heard of the brand Mila's Lechon? I met Mila of Mila's Lechon at the conference. She was a participant. Amazing!
I'd like to share briefly what I learned from one of the speakers.
The speakers are very, very successful entrepreneurs with happy marriages and children who grew up to be responsible and successful adults.
The question was,
"How can you create hunger (versus a sense of entitlement) in your children and at the same time, not deprive them of material comfort?"
I love what one of the speakers said. He didn't give 'baon' or allowance to his daughter.
At a young age, as early as Grade 1, he taught his daughter to earn her own money. He did this by asking his daughter to read a book for at least 30 minutes a day and she'll make 50 pesos (1 USD) per day. Whether the daughter reads for 30 minutes or 2 hours, she gets 50 pesos per day.
If the daughter needed more money for her art materials or she wants to buy other things, one way she can make more money is by writing a book report from the book she read. Then his Dad would pay her the cost of the book.
It's also very important to note what the speaker said,
"I didn't pay her to do house chores. You don't pay your family members to be part of a family. They are already part of the family. Doing house chores is what you do as part of the family."
His daughter grew up to be a very intelligent, grounded, well-accomplished young woman who is making waves in Europe.
Stay humble and hungry to learn.
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Call to ACTION
When I speak with corporate leaders, business leaders, and HR professionals, one of the problems they deal with is the high attrition rate.
When I asked them what they think contributes to the high attrition rate, two of the top reasons they cited were:
If you are an employee and you feel demotivated to work and you're thinking of quitting, could it be because you also feel you're not growing personally and professionally at work? Or could it be because you can't see how your purpose aligns with your work?
If you're an HR professional or a corporate/business leader and you feel frustrated by the lack of engagement and enthusiasm you see among your employees and teams, investing in your team's growth through training and workshops would do wonders.
I feel sad when I see employees just clocking in and out -- staying in jobs they're not passionate about and producing mediocre results. When employees do this, they are doing themselves a disservice. Why live a mediocre life when you can live a fulfilled life? They are also doing their company, their clients, and society a disservice.
What's the solution? What if we ignite the fire inside you, uncover your purpose, and see how it aligns with your profession?
To help ignite possibilities and enthusiasm in individuals and teams, I’m hosting two online training/workshops in February 2024! This will be LIVE, online via Zoom.
Feb 21, 2024 (Wed) at 7PM - 8:30PM via Zoom
Speak Up with Confidence: Elevating Your Voice in the Workplace
Feb 28, 2024 (Wed) at 7PM - 8:30PM via Zoom
If you want to learn more about it, simply go to
Editor at Alina Ranee
1yI like that part about how not to let children have a sense of entitlement just because their parents are successful and rich. Making them "earn" their allowance when young will develop their financial responsibility.