Hump Day Hype - Take Action
“You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward”
― Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
I am reading this book right now and it really is excellent. It is a short read, recommended by many successful people and world leaders and it offers some great context on a way of being. I highly recommend it!
We all have ideas of how we want to be and how we want to be perceived, but it is only thru action and doing that you can make it happen. As a business owner, I am constantly assessing my team via observation, one on one meetings, reviews and just day to day interactions. Most don't back up their aspirations with their actions and that limits their upside with my company, but more importantly with their own personal growth.
I run a meritocracy so that my team is not rewarded by what they say, but by what they do. Sometimes the action in and of itself is enough to show me what an employee is made of, but that is usually only the beginning. Just like with my kids I encourage 2 types of mentality and action:
1- First you must try because if you don't at least try you will never know if you like it or you can be good at it. This goes for food, experiences, homework and just life in general.
2- Then you must continue to practice and DO if you want to be great at whatever it is. Getting into the race is half the battle and then putting in the work to excel and be strong at it, is the latter half.
You cant have the 2nd without the first obviously and the first isn't enough to really get the most out of it. The combo is what sets you apart and brings you to the higher plateau.
So, on this hump day, I encourage you to not only try something different and new but to stay the course and continue to iterate and experiment til it becomes a part of you. Do it and we all benefit. Do it not and you stay where you are...
Let's make progress as a team AND as individuals today!