No one may ever know; The hurt one feels within their soul; Judge not for it is not your place; Remember God has also shown you grace...True faith reveals itself when you show other people the same love and mercy that God has shown you. Salvation has absolutely nothing to do with human merit and absolutely everything to do with divine mercy. When life gets you down and you can't think of anything to do, just close your eyes and say "Lord Have Mercy", and God will guide you through. Always keep your head up, cause if it's down you won't be able to see the blessings that have been placed in your life...You are your own rainbow...and you...only you...can choose the colors that bring true peace and happiness to your life...You and you alone have the power to create your own happiness...If you don't like something about your life...Have faith in yourself to change it...Never settle for less than all you dream of...If you're ever in doubt about life and feel that you need to see a miracle, take a moment and just look at a leaf blowing in the wind, look at all the children, look at the stars in the sky..and just breathe in the essence of life...I truly believe that there are three very simple steps to true happiness...The first step to happiness is deciding what you want, the second step is doing whatever it takes as long as you don't hurt anyone to get it, and the last step is enjoying every minute of it...Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect...It simply means that you have decided to be Happy...Acceptance is the heart's best defense, loves the greatest asset, and the joy of Life...Always remember to be mindful of those who are negative...they are the ones who need help in recognizing the beauty in life...Confidence is admitting who you are, what you've done, and loving yourself for whom you've become, no matter what others think of you...Be thankful for the journeys with the biggest mistakes in life. . . they lead to the greatest blessings...RevDaniel T Bramlett...
Owner B's Handyman Service, LLC
3yGreat piece! I love the words!