I Must Really Believe This Is A Worthy Cause For Me To Ask You For One Dollar
I must really believe this is a worthy cause for me to ask you for one dollar. Let me put this in context for you in terms of my asking you for $1.00 to help me sponsor a Children's Defense Fund Freedom School. When my children were small, I hated the time of year when they would bring home their candy sale fliers because I literally hated taking the candy brochures to work and asking my colleagues to buy candy from me even though it was for my own kids and for a good cause. One of the reasons I never went into sales is because I hate asking people to buy something or do something for me. Now mind you, when anyone would ask me to buy their kid's candy or Girl Scout cookies, I always said yes and was one of the first to pull out my check book. While I hated to ask, I didn't mind being asked. I'm sharing all of that to say that for me to ask you for even one dollar must mean that I believe the St. Luke CDC Freedom School is a worthy endeavor. I am looking to raise $5,000 to help offset the costs of the school. I am seeking to do this by asking a minimum of 5,000 of my Connections to donate one dollar. On the LinkedIn network alone, I have 10,351 Connections with nearly another 15,000 or so from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest combined.
As an educator and a parent, I know the value of our students not losing instructional time during the summer months away from their respective schools. Many students leave school in May or June and do not participate in anything academic until school starts again in August or September. This is not the case for students who are fortunate enough to attend a Children's Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom School that may be offered in their area.
I can personally attest to the benefits of Freedom School because my children attended the first one sponsored by the St. Luke Community Development Corporation (CDC) some years ago. It is this same CDC who I am a part of who is raising funds to sponsor another Freedom School for the Summer of 2017.
The trickiest part in my mind (and it really is not that tricky) is downloading the Givelify app on your mobile device (see video below). It will take a couple of minutes for you to set up the app in order for the dollar to be withdrawn from your account. It will actually probably take you a couple of more minutes to set it up than to actually donate the dollar, but it is for an extremely good cause.
Once you've downloaded the app and created your profile, select "Charities" from the bottom (it looks like a ribbon) and then input into the search box Saint Luke CDC. Tap the "Donate" button at the bottom and determine your donation amount. I am only asking you for one dollar, (of course you can donate more if you'd like) so you would tap "other" input $1.00 and tap "Done." Once you have done this you will see a choice of where your donation can go. Select "Freedom School." That's it and you will have helped a child have a summer academic experience of a lifetime. The CDF Freedom Schools program is outlined below and briefly in the video above. I thank you in advance for helping me to raise funds such a worthy cause.
The CDF Freedom Schools® program seeks to build strong, literate, and empowered children prepared to make a difference in themselves, their families, communities, nation and world today. By providing summer and after-school reading enrichment for children who might otherwise not have access to books, the CDF Freedom Schools program plays a much needed role in helping to curb summer learning loss and close achievement gaps — and is a key part of CDF’s work to ensure a level playing field for all children. In partnership with local congregations, schools, colleges and universities, community organizations, and secure juvenile justice facilities the CDF Freedom Schools program boosts student motivation to read, generates more positive attitudes toward learning, increases self-esteem and connects the needs of children and families to the resources of their communities. Since 1995, more than 137,000 preK-12 children have had a CDF Freedom Schools experience and more than 16,000 college students and young adult staff have been trained by CDF to deliver this empowering model.
The CDF Freedom Schools model incorporates the totality of the Children's Defense Fund's mission by fostering environments that support children and young adults to excel and believe in their ability to make a difference Site coordinators and project directors are also trained by CDF to provide supervision and administrative oversight.
The program provides an exciting Integrated Reading Curriculum (IRC) including carefully chosen developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant books. The model curriculum supports children and families around five essential components.
Thank you in advance for your support.