The IDEAS approach to effective practice in youth justice
In our May 2023 Academic Insights paper, Heidi Dix and Jen Meade outline the IDEAS approach to effective practice in youth justice which comprises the five interlinked elements of influence, delivery, expertise, alliance, and support. The first four elements focus upon the knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the individual practitioner, while the fifth element covers the all-important organisational support. As set out, all five components are seen as necessary for effective evidence-informed, relationship-based practice. Crucially, the framework recognises the importance of drawing upon and merging the latest research findings, professional knowledge and practice wisdom, and the lived experiences of children and their families. Bringing all this evidence together in an accessible and comprehensive way is beneficial in building and embedding a continuous learning environment and culture, and ultimately in delivering positive outcomes for children and their families.
"Managers and senior leaders have a responsibility to promote a culture of learning that is based on mutual trust and openness where staff members are encouraged and are allocated time and space to become reflective practitioners. Having a shared understanding of ‘what good looks like’ and sharing a common language helps to build a culture of high expectations within the organisation".
The paper can be accessed via the link below.