IllicoDB3 and AI
I have mentioned in the past that IllicoDB3 allows the use of artificial intelligence to generate code related to database usage, including generating tables, indexes, or even an entire database if necessary, as well as code for utilizing the database, etc. Using IllicoDB3 to generate IllicoDB3 or to create tools for using IllicoDB3 is what it’s all about.
However, I admit that I have not fully explored this feature in my articles. But today, I will gradually guide you in utilizing this functionality because I have added the foundational elements I needed (I will elaborate on this topic extensively later) before generalizing its use.
In fact, IllicoDB3 uses Sermo, our gateway to OpenAI - ChatGPT, for which I have written a few articles here on LinkedIn. Consequently, all documented features of Sermo are accessible to IllicoDB3, and there are quite a few: image generation, text-to-speech generation, speech-to-text, image analysis, translations, summaries, sentiment analysis, moderation, etc. Everything available in Sermo becomes accessible in IllicoDB3! This is becoming quite overwhelming and will be even more so when Sermo provides additional gateways to other AI engines, such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet, which I am currently working on diligently.
As an example, I will show you how I generated the code for saveStructure(), a method of the IllicoDB3 class that performs the opposite of readStructure(): it allows saving the entire structure of a database or table into an XML file. Here's the prompt I used:
Generate the code for saveStructure($tableName), the inverse function of readStructure(): it should save the structure of the table $tableName as it is known in the database in the $tables field, an array of IllicoDB3Table objects.
Here's the code of IllicoDB3 that will generate a future code of ... IllicoDB3:
use \trql\db\IllicoDB3\IllicoDB3Sermo as Sermo;
$sermo = new Sermo();
$response = $sermo->query( 'general',null,$material,1000 );
if ( preg_match( '/```php(?P<code>.*)```/si',$response,$matches ) )
echo "<p>",htmlentities( $matches['code'] ),"</p>\n";
Here's the response of IllicDB3:
public function saveStructure( string $tableName )
$tables= $this->tables[$tableName];
$xml = new \DOMDocument( '1.0','UTF-8' );
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$database = $xml->createElement('database');
$database->setAttribute('name', $this->name);
$tables = $xml->createElement('tables');
$tableNode = $xml->createElement('table');
$tableNode->setAttribute('name', $table->name);
if ( $table->description )
$description = $xml->createElement('description', $table->description);
foreach ( $table->fields as $fieldName => $field )
$fieldNode = $xml->createElement('field');
$fieldNode->setAttribute('name', $field->name);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('length', $field->length);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('type', $field->type);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('label', $field->label);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('comment', $field->comment);
if ( $field->type === 'enum' && !empty($field->values ) )
$values = $xml->createElement('values', implode(',', $field->values));
$xmlFile = v::FIL_AddBS( $this->homeOfData ) . $this->name . $tableName . ILLICODB3_EXTENSION;
if (!file_put_contents($xmlFile, $xml->saveXML())) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to save XML file: $xmlFile");
return true;
} /* End of IllicoDB3.saveStructure() */
... which I quickly turned to :
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public function saveStructure( string $tableName = null )
$tables = [];
if ( ! empty( $tableName ) )
$tables[] = $this->tables[$tableName];
$tables[] = $this->tables;
$xml = new \DOMDocument( '1.0','UTF-8' );
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$database = $xml->createElement('database');
$database->setAttribute('name', $this->name);
$tables = $xml->createElement('tables');
foreach( $tables as $table )
$tableNode = $xml->createElement('table');
$tableNode->setAttribute('name', $table->name);
if ( $table->description )
$description = $xml->createElement('description', $table->description);
foreach ( $table->fields as $fieldName => $field )
//$this->here( $field->name );
$fieldNode = $xml->createElement('field');
$fieldNode->setAttribute('name', $field->name);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('length', $field->length);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('type', $field->type);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('label', $field->label);
$fieldNode->setAttribute('comment', $field->comment);
if ( $field->type === 'enum' && !empty($field->values ) )
$values = $xml->createElement('values', implode(',', $field->values));
} /* foreach( $tables as $table ) */
$xmlFile = v::FIL_AddBS( $this->homeOfData ) . $this->name . '111-' . $tableName . ILLICODB3_EXTENSION;
if (!file_put_contents($xmlFile, $xml->saveXML())) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to save XML file: $xmlFile");
return true;
} /* End of IllicoDB3.saveStructure() */
I have tested the code generated by IllicoDB3 and it did the job!
On a roll and since I had not yet programmed these functionalities, I wanted to generate the methods addTable() to add a table to my database and addField() to add a field to a table. Here are the two prompts along with the responses returned by Sermo.
use \trql\db\IllicoDB3\IllicoDB3Sermo as Sermo;
$sermo = new Sermo();
$prompt = <<< MATERIAL
Génère-moi le code PHP d\'une méthode addTable( string $name,IllicoDB3Table
$table ) pour la classe IllicoDB3.
$response = $sermo->query( 'table',null,$prompt,1000 );
if ( preg_match( '/```php(?P<code>.*)```/si',$response,$matches ) )
echo "<p>",htmlentities( $matches['code'] ),"</p>\n";
$prompt = <<< MATERIAL
Génère-moi le code PHP d\'une méthode addField( IllicoDB3Field $field ) pour
la classe IllicoDB3Table
$response = $sermo->query( 'table',null,$prompt,1000 );
if ( preg_match( '/```php(?P<code>.*)```/si',$response,$matches ) )
echo "<p>",htmlentities( $matches['code'] ),"</p>\n";
And here are the methods that got produced:
public function addTable( string $tableName,IllicoDB3Table $table ) : self
if ( $this->isOpen )
$this->tables[$tableName] = clone $table;
throw new \RuntimeException( "Database is not open." );
return ( $this );
} /* End of IllicoDB3.addTable() */
public function addField( IllicoDB3Field $field )
if ( ! isset( $this->fields[$field->name] ) )
$this->fields[$field->name] = clone $field;
return true;
return false;
} /* End of IllicoDB3Table.__construct() */
You know what ? It's perfect!
In less than a minute—mostly spent integrating the code into trql.IllicoDB3.class.php—I had my two methods and test code! Just one more minute and I had documentation for my three methods in the documentation conventions that suit me. Do I need to say more?
IllicoDB3 now has its own AI engine to enhance its capabilities. In future articles, we will continue to advance with more AI and increasingly astonishing features. In the next article, I will share the code for this crucial step in the development of IllicoDB3, and you will understand how to use it for your digital transformation.