I'm OK Now - Thriving with Depression
Everything is Perfect, Why am I not Happy?
The sun is shining, my daughter is screaming with glee as she plays around with her mother and me. Everything is picture-perfect, and I have nothing to complain about at all.
So why do I feel that I need to force on my smile?
Isn't this what life is supposed to be about? Am I incapable of enjoying the meaningful moments that life has to offer?
A lot of questions, and - at the time - no answers. All that clearly popped up was that I was not supposed to feel this way. I was supposed to be happy. And that feeling of 'how things should be' added to the pressure that fueled my depression.
It was in this extreme contrast that I had my lowest point when I had existential doubts. For if you can't find peace and enjoyment in the familiar perfection then do you deserve it or anything else? What is the point?
I felt broken.
The Fault is Easiest Found Outside of Yourself - Early Signs
I was a happy ignorant little kid, as a kid should be, well up into my childhood. Then, I was hit with unfortunate social dynamics that excluded me from my normal group of friends. Something that in one way or another continued itself throughout my life.
I the time I had no understanding of why I was left out, though I now realize that mostly it was me that developed in another direction.
I needed a guide to help me understand this, but I didn't have it at the time. As such the feeling of being disconnected compounded over time, to the point where I refrained from making a connection on other than a superficial level.
This left me without a channel for my inner self, and at the worst of times I approached a nihilistic sentiment where it was the entire world that was in disarray and superficial (certainly not me, I was deep as the Grand Canyon).
If you feel a sense of 'me against the world' and dread towards the nature (or even existence) of mankind and its social dynamics then it is time to re-evaluate.
“The most important question a person can ask is, "Is the Universe a friendly place?” - A. Einstein
If you are in doubt. Ask yourself the above question. If you find that you perceive the universe to be unfriendly then your perception will form your reality and the other way around. And, if you are willing to do a serious and guided introspective you might find that the universe and your place in it are merely misunderstood - by you.
Chameleon - I Fit in Everywhere, Though You Can't See Me
A strategy I employed, unbeknownst to myself, was camouflaging. Since I never connected other than superficially I didn't bring out my inner self, and as such, I was 'free' to be whatever self fit into a given situation.
I prided myself in being able to befriend any type of group or person. What I didn't realize was that by being able to be anyone at any moment I was unable to be myself at any time.
Mentally Flooring the Gas Pedal
Because I was unable to be myself at any time, I was unable to get to know my own values. We all have them, and we need them to uphold integrity toward our inner selves, and neglecting them through charades will exhaust you. It did for me.
Being social was hard work. Really hard at times. Forced smiles and joviality, always ready to be in the center to ensure that I was positively exposed. That I was seen as a character of significance as if the only way for me to achieve any such thing was through the perception of others.
Each moment outside was live or die for my ego(s) that comprised my entire (known) identity.
If you ever feel like you need to perform in a certain manner to be enough or adequate in a social context - friends, family, partner - then you need to revisit yourself. Why are you not enough in yourself?
You might find that you will have a hard time knowing this answer, as you do not know who you are and as such can't deem your worthiness. But let me tell you, you are worth it. We all are.
Pacing Expectations
Without knowledge of myself, and my inner values, and due to my existence being pinned to the perception of others, I tried my hardest to live by the popular metrics.
What are popular metrics? It is whatever you think might put you in a favorable social position.
I needed to be the best in school. Strong. Intelligent. Attractive. Sociable. Top performing achiever. Because, when I undoubtedly excelled at something, to the point where the contrast to others was obvious, then surely I had value. Even better if I got attention as being special.
But (attempting) to be the best at everything is hard work. Especially if you are not doing it for yourself. Even more, if you are doing it to find merit for your value in external places, such as the perception of others.
You are enough. You do not need to prove anything to anyone or anything other than yourself. If you need a comparison then compare yourself to how you were yesterday. Be sure that you have healthy metrics. You know that your metrics are healthy when they have an intrinsic value to yourself, and unhealthy when the values are derived extrinsically from others.
The "Functional" Depression: Front Stage in Order Backstage in Disarray
Another sign that you are struggling with your identity is: what happens when you close the door and you are alone. What happens when you sit in silence and close your eyes? Tight throat and neck? How are your thoughts judging you?
When I got home and closed my door, alone, I was utterly deflated.
Depression is the body saying fuck you I don't want to be this character anymore. I don't want to hold up this avatar you created and the world is too much for me. [...] you should think of the word depressed as 'deep rest'. [...] Your body needs deep rest from the character that you've been trying to play - J. Carrey
And it got even worse as I got what I thought I wanted. Because, I had a picturesque social status, physique, and job - from my own perception. But I had contrived these external things through merits that were not intrinsically bounded to my inner self. The merit was a product of excruciatingly hard work, and as such the continuation of my ego(s) implied the continued effort of maintaining the things that I had attained.
My body was definitely telling me to go fuck myself. And my inner self was suffocated in my attempts to be what I wasn't. I was in need of deep rest, and my natural defense provided me with depression.
Only, I decided to stay ignorant and blind to it, and power through, as I still didn't have a concept of my inner self.
Going Blind
An example of me being blind to my inner self and my body's needs is my first assignment at a large global enterprise, where I assisted a senior consultant. I was sitting in a workshop with (what I perceived) as really important people. People I needed to perform for, as I might be exposed otherwise. I mean who was I kidding, I came straight from university, what right did I have being there? Or so I thought.
Sitting in that workshop, I felt as though my life was on the line, and all I was doing was... taking notes. But inside, I tried to absorb everything, I tried to see things that the others couldn't, I tried to be more than I was, and more than they were. I needed to find the golden answer that would solve everything - that would ensure that the contrast between me and the rest was so obvious that my social status would be solidified.
So, in this existential battle, my body decided that it was time to go blind. Literally. I was sitting when I started to see an aurora (a precursing symptom of a Migraine). I couldn't see the screen or my keyboard.
So what did I do? Disregarding rationality and what a sane person would probably have done I powered through. No way I could fail on my first time in the field. In danish touch typing is called 'blind writing'. Quite fitting.
Breaking Point: Wife and Kids
People generally have a hard time taking their own medicine, though they are much more prone to administering it to their loved ones.
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Well, with the birth of my daughter I became the caretaker of one that I was in love with. One whose happiness and growth depended on my ability to provide warmth and stimulation.
Problem was, that I was having so much difficulty just existing as myself that I found it extremely taxing to provide for another human being in such a fundamental sense. I started to collapse into myself, as I was battling on all fronts, and through some of the low points, I would be constantly tired and devoid of anything sembling a positive emotion. I could take naps for three hours a day (probably more if I had the opportunity) and had no issues sleeping through the night.
This is approximately where the article started, and this is when I realized that I was in trouble that needed fixing.
Removing the Blinds: Strength in the Acceptance of Weakness
"I think I am depressed,"
In a drunken stage, I told a friend this all the way back in high school, but I promptly put it in the back of my mind again. Now, my life circumstances forced it into the open. I had no escape, no doors to shut, nowhere I could collapse and rest until the next battle.
"I think I am depressed."
I talked with my wife, to the full extent about what I had been battling with inside. She of course knew I had battles, and what I had dubbed 'dark holes' I fell into, though not the extent of it.
Taking Responsibility
I consulted psychologists.
I took three different psychologists to find one that resonated with me. I needed to be challenged. I didn't want to be cuddled. I wanted progress - now.
Before I found my match, I was getting to feel the nihilism approach again. "Nothing works for me", "I could do better than this". All wrong, luckily.
I found Asmund from Reach Online Psychology. If you need help, I can highly recommend him. What an intellectual expert in psychology who will absolutely meet you where you are while pushing appropriately.
I started meditation, self-help books, scheduled walks, and breathwork (highly recommended) and it got better. But I didn't really progress that much.
I went to the doctor. I crossed out some tests. I was diagnosed with severe depression.
I had neglected my inner self and body for so long that I needed help on all fronts to carry me out of it. The combination of professional help and medicine was my ticket to betterment.
If you feel like you might need help, but you are afraid of accepting it due to your perception of it being a sign of weakness or unacceptable for a performer/member of society such as you. Then stop. There is nothing wrong with getting help. If your arm was broken, you would probably go and get it fixed, as you are not able to function properly without it. Removing your blinds and looking for help is a sign of strength. You need to be at peace with yourself - life is too short to live at the mercy of others.
Identifying the Circles
The acting out of different personas or egos was one root cause of my depression.
For me, stress was a major factor in fueling my depression. Same with nihilism; if I experienced that I was unable to move out of an unwanted situation repetitively I would become depressed.
Therefore, I started identifying my circles in collaboration with my psychologist. Those at home, those with friends, those with my family, and those at work. Any that there might be. Why do these issues persist? Spoiler alert: it is because of yourself. As much of a victim you might feel in the circles you are the one that enables them. In one way or another.
Understanding this helped me break them.
Hello Jakob, Meet Jakob
A major part of my repeating negative processes was that I had yet to find my inner self. My Psychologist gave me a metaphor of a blind chicken. I needed to try different things; new and normal. I needed to sense how everything made me feel. I needed to really pin down, what I liked and disliked.
Getting into a rhythm of this, you are starting a conversation with your inner self. Then, slowly you begin to realize what resonates and resonates with who you really are.
I am still getting to know myself, though I have a much deeper understanding of what my core principles are.
This knowledge allows for more peace, as you are able to navigate the world through your own inner compass. It allowed me to understand my boundaries
Border Patrol
You can only stand up for yourself if you know yourself. A social chameleon has no borders and no way of standing up for himself. But suddenly I had a sense of me. For the first time, I was able to be steadfast and let people know exactly when they were trespassing. I stood up for myself, and it moved me - just like it had previously from social circles - but intentionally this time. I let my surroundings know what I expected, what I was willing to do and endure, and what I wasn't willing to do or be a part of.
Breaking Free-ish
With my borders in place and me patrolling them, I was able to connect with people. I stopped being anything I was not (at least as far as I am aware). I stopped acting, and I could mentally remove my foot from the performance-gas pedal. I do not need to fit in. I can find relations I fit into.
I am not my ego(s); I am different from the ever-increasing demand for perfection, driven by myself and my surroundings.
I am not my feelings or thoughts. I am not my job or my social status. All these things are external to me. I am the observer of these and can use them as guidance without them letting me steer me.
If you are letting external factors such as the abovementioned steer your life then you are probably in need of introspection.
Great, what now?
I have a meaningful life and am more at peace, where I know myself and my own purpose and values. I can stand up for myself. But, learning and development are eternal, and I am a far cry from a master of anything.
Depression is not something that is easily shaken off. I continue to have periods where I feel more down, though I am doing many initiatives to stay on top of my mental health.
For me, the key is to know that it is temporary. That I am not my emotions. That I am not my depression. I am the observer of them. They too will pass in time, and they need room to be felt and expressed for them to move on.
A supportive network is important.
You can never have support without recognition of your mental state.
You can never gain support if you are not open about your mental state.
Sometimes, you need to do what seems to do the most difficult. You need to stand up for yourself, and be true to yourself. Towards yourself, and towards others. So, in turn, you can get to know yourself and your borders, and in turn, your surroundings can understand them as well and support you in your journey.
You are only ever as alone as you decide to be. It starts with yourself. There is a way forward, even when it seems the bleakest. Do not carry burdens that do not need carrying. Shed light on them and see that they are all weight- and meaningless.
Thank you for sharing, Jakob! Very happy to hear that you are “ok now” and have found surplus and peace in a way that allows you exactly to share! 👍 Know that you are not alone!! Take good care of yourself! 🙏
Employee Wellbeing | Breathwork Facilitator | Scientific Research | Elevating mental & physical health
2yTak for at dele modigt, åbent og sårbart ud fra dit indre. Wow. Dine oplevelser vækker stor genklang i mig og helt sikkert mange andre. Glæde kommer ikke udefra. Det er ikke noget der bliver puttet ind i os. Men nogle gange har vi brug for hjælp til at finde den indeni os selv ❤️
ServiceNow Developer at Vestas
2yTak Jakob. Det glæder mig at du har fundet din vej og nu er i stand til at tilbyde din hjælp til verden ❤️
Curious mind. Passionate about identifying business needs, leading teams, developing sustainable solutions and building the best digital experience | Product Owner | OKRs | Agile | Save the Reef
Biz Ops Leader | Smartsheet Overachiever | EOS Driver
2yWonderful for you to share your journey Jakob as well as your mindfulness about it. Tusind tak! Your last two sentences are what we all need to hear and think of every day!