I'm not into Politics but...........
I have friends of both sides of the political aisles so usually tread pretty carefully around what I say publicly, buttttttttttt from the data I've seen and the various conversations I've had - MY CURRENT POSITION on NZ vs Covid is......
- Balancing Health and Wealth
I understand it's gnarly as shit for business right now and the recovery is gonna be a gong show, but for me personally - I'd rather support 100,000 kiwis on the benefit than bury 100,000 innocent fathers, mothers, sons and daughters in bodybags. Full Stop.
- Tourism Tourism Tourism
This was a heavy doc I read. I understand this is a purely localised perspective, but if it’s true that old mate hasn't actually rung the Queenstown Mayor this seems pretty messed up. Happy to be proven otherwise.
- Is their a true voice and champion for SME's in government?
More and more small businesses are starting to think about throwing in the towel as they are seeing nothing but an incredible uphill battle on the horizon and don't see the support they would need to really get through. No one is expecting handouts, but the idea of these owners taking on big bank loans with Personal Guarantees to go further into long term debt just to survive isn't sounding that promising. NZ losing a BUNCHHHHHH more SME’s may cause more harm than good, including damaging the physche of our nation. How could / should this get addressed better?
- Second Wave Naivety
Stopping a whole nation’s economy for 2 months and expecting life to roll back to how it was instantly after we get into Level 1 is true muppet thinking. If a business has had near to $0 in the door for 10 weeks, and after reopening it’s doors, the reality is with every dollar now being watched in a ‘fear based economy’, the feet through the door and revenue for many may only be 30-50%. And with those numbers looming the reality is a second wave of business shutdowns, company redundancies and more those types of businesses is on it’s way. So don’t drink the cool aid yet NZ thinking this shits gonna blow over - We’ll probably gonna have more company closures in the next 3-6 months so just be mindful to what space your in, and where the momentum of the masses (and money) is going after the government wage subsidies finish up. I’m not an economist (actually failed maths at school) but that’s my take.
- STAR WARS should be made in New Zealand
It seriously should - Ok cool. Good chat!
- Co-Opetition
How many 'competitors' will actually play nice with each other now just to try survive. This is a game of non emotive survival - not emotional stubbornness built up over local legacy. And how will commerce commission address upcoming mergers and acquisitions?
- Global Offense
The opportunities for Aotearoa as a safe haven could open up incredible global business and jobs if we go on offense RIGHT now. What's the ninja move the government could do the second we go to Level 1 to help a bunch of global business to setup shop locally? How can we try attract more international dollars and business to come boogie in the Pacific and employ more kiwis? And with Microsoft’s new datacenter coming online to keep our data locally (and eliminating the Aussie Backdoor loophole), how could the MS gang change the Kiwi Cloud game for big business, corp, gov and enterprise? Mmmmmm.
- Kiwi Redeployment
What’s the HR play here to identify, create databases of kiwis with these skills and open up to other industries and verticals? How can we redeploy a variety of our kiwi skillsets to those sectors that need it? NOW?
- Global Sports in NZ
With every sports league in the world at a stand still and many countries still on lock down, what is the ninja move for NZ to home, house and help global sport get back on the field? We have the stadiums, training facilities, media production and currently empty hotels to execute - why not pull the trigger and offer all these sports a relatively riskfree option to finish seasons, knock out the TV rights and keep all the ballers ballinnnnn?
- Wellness Budget
The Wellness budget probably needs to be quadrupled in the new few years for the long tail issues that many in the nation will be going the through. Medical is one wave in 2020, the economy will easily be a few years from 2021-25, but the long tail of the mental and emotional damage could last a lifetime for many. How are we truly tracking and supporting those that will need this support?
How can we leverage the global positive halo effect of 'Brand Jacinda' to act as a magnet of future escapism to make the globe want a lil piece of what we have? The bro Geoff Ross wrote this banger to help ‘Bring NZ to You’. Such a G!
- What will a 'NEW' NZ look like?
Shot to my man Roger D for launching this : https://www.anew.nz/
So anyways, obviously there is much more info out there and I have missed a bunch of context but with what I currently know - THAT is my current view. I would love to hear any more data, insights or non emotive facts to any of these points. Just reply back to this if you wish.
Regardless where we get to as a nation in the next few years, I can promise you this - It’s gonna be a journey.
Stay safeeeee!!!
- Robett
Check out www.BrightFire.co.nz. A small growing community of education, events and inspiration for kiwis in business that’s still in BETA.
You can read my full article here :
Robot Geek at Robomate | You can buy time!
4yRiveting! Our deflated GDP nightmare could be reinflated with a few smart, gutsy people calling the shots. Awesome post. Keep SME alive during the planning and it's all possible. Back to the pandemic 2nd wave - the opportunity for NZ could become even greater with all of the frustration and anger in the world. Covid-19 is likely to be a malignant menace is so many countries for sometime yet. I spent 2 hours talking to a Bostonian this morning and the tension of lockdown is ever increasing. We can do this.
Founder & Senior Consultant at Mars Realty Group
4yKiwi business scales has not much differ stopping 2 or 6 months , as 2 months full stopped has almost brought in “ full stop “! It helps all to relax, recover , review the path we came from .... vital and with massive openminded on line “ brainstorm “ , we have grown and lifted up our visions in business . Globalisation tide is challenging & just out of NZ boarders .with bags of “ gold “ to move in . Some countries like yesteryear’s kiwi so eager to “ welcome for $” are busy taking the pain of “ removal”! Why rush? People today all got the weapon of IT and spare brain to have healthy kiwis’ opinions exchanged. No rush. Before cloud is out and clear, After your coffee , Lie down , Get ready to count ....the stars ! ..... God gifted to NZ !! The one runs hard may not be the one arrives fast .
Thanks for the post Robett, always a good read. There is a lot of smart committed people in NZ who see many opportunities from this crisis and the current (globally unique) state we find ourselves in. From tourism and technology to science and primary industries, it does seem we have an opportunity to jump the chasm on wealth and wellbeing. What do you think is needed to enable this? What’s missing from the current setup in NZ that prevents us?
Manager People & Culture
4yThanks Robert - it was a collection of good reads and please tell me the Beehive has seen and read https://www.anew.nz/ - and it is used as a reference point.
Chief Operating Officer @ Aioi Nissay Dowa NZ
4yShot bro. Especially the thoughts on second wave naivety. This ain’t over......